This is Awkward

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"Huh? What? Where am I?" Kate began to began to panic as she quickly sat up, looking down at the paper gown she was wearing. Her body began to shake as her eyes teared up, she quickly looked around to see Anthony, Chad, Flea, Candy, and John staring at her as she sat in the hospital bed. She wanted to disappear. This happened because you don't know how to drive, she thought to herself as more negative thoughts pounded throughout her head.

"Hey! Hey! Your alright. Everything's alright. Your in the hospital. You hit your head pretty hard on the dashboard of your card. You suffered a little bleeding, but not internally thank goodness." Anthony hushed while rushing to her side and sitting down on the space next to her.

"You remember it, right? Hitting your head on the dashboard?" Candy asked while leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.

"Yeah...I remember it. Sorry I just got a little scared for a second." Kate sighed while making eye contact with John before quickly diverting her eyes. He had changed so much. He was so much skinnier. He finally looked like he had matured and was no longer a teen. His face was scruffy with a little stubble, but his hair was the thing that had changed the most. It was so long. The silence was interrupted by a nurse coming into the room and asking, "Candy Rogers? Would you be able to come out and sign a couple papers so we can let Ms.Viverette leave, now that she's awake? You all can come out and wait in the waiting room to let her have some space to herself for a moment." They all nodded and mumbled an ok before making there way out of the hospital room one by one. On specific person stayed back, standing in the position he had kept the whole time.

John stood their with his hands in his pockets while staring at her. Once the door closed he spoke, "I wanted to apologize-"

"Your apology has been forgiven." Kate interrupted while looking down at her hands. He sounded different. More mature. Every time he spoke when they were together there was a sense of fun, or excitement. Now it was just monotone. His face was monotone. Everything about him was monotone. It was awkward as the silence grew thicker. To him she probably looked different. She wasn't wearing her glasses because they were now broken from the impact but her hair was curlier, and longer. They both had matured. They were no longer two little kids playing couple.

"Uh-You look good. How old are you now?" He asked while fumbling his hands in his pockets trying to make the situation less awkward.

"Twenty. You?"

"Twenty-one. Almost twenty-two."

"Have you been here this whole time?"

"No. I don't wanna talk about it."

"Ok. What do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know."

"Then why did you stay back."

"I don't know, I guess I just wanted to see if you were alright."

"I'm fine. You were staying in Flea's guest bedroom the entire time, weren't you? There was no remodeling going on, right?"


"Your terrible at hiding something. I heard you playing guitar the minute I walked into the apartment a couple of days ago."

"I know."

"How come you were being hid from me, and everyone else?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"You don't want to talk about anything."

"I know." He sighed in frustration while thinking, why can't you just talk to me. I just want you to talk to me like nothing happened. We promised we would talk like nothing happened between us. Staring down at her hands it pained him to notice she wasn't wearing the ring he had given her. But looking down at his hands he wasn't wearing his either. She must've noticed him staring at her hands because she quickly moved them out of his view before snapping, "Was there anything else you wanted to ask me?"

"I...No." He snapped back while placing his hands behind his back. Just before he went to say something the door opened. Dave walked in with his hands in his pockets, surprised to see John. Fuck this guy, John thought while noticing how he was staring at Kate.

"Sorry. Am I in the middle of something?" Dave asked before retreating to the door when John interrupted while giving a bittersweet smile "No, we weren't. I should've known, Kate. It was nice talking to you. I'll see you around sometime?"

"Yeah. I guess I will be seeing you around more often." She sharply replied back while watching him leave the room. Why did I act like a bitch? Why were we so nasty to each other? What just happened. Now I feel bad, she thought to herself while slightly jumping at the slam of the door. Dave smiled while walking towards her bed and sitting next to her on the bed. Slowly entwining his hand with hers he mumbled, "Hey. How are you doing?"

"Fine." She mumbled. Great now I'm pissed at everyone, she thought while mentally rolling her eyes.

"Fine? You don't look fine...Your almost ready to be shipped out of here. I can take you home if you want. I can make you dinner and we can watch a movie if you want?"

"I'll drive myself home. I just want to be left alone."

"Are you sure? I make a pretty good pizza? If you don't want to eat we can just sit in your bed and watch tv?" He softly mumbled while rubbing his thumb over her hand. Dave was trying to make the situation better, but Kate was just not interested. Ugh. Fuck this lovey-dovey shit, she thought to herself. She finally came back into reality after zoning out, only to feel Dave's lips place a soft kiss against her temple. Quickly getting up she walked towards the door and slammed it open getting confused stares from the others.

"Kate?" Dave asked while following her out of the room, only to get even more confused stares. Everyone was pissing her off. What pissed her off even more was how John was smirking at her. Like she needed him, not Dave. That damn smirk, she thought to herself while frowning and grabbing her car keys from Candy before making her way towards the nearest exit.

"Woah! Your not driving!" Anthony exclaimed while walking up to her, trying to grab the keys from her hands but it was no use. "Anthony get the hell away from me! Everyone get the hell away from me! I just want to be left alone!" She snapped while shoving Anthony away from her. Johns smirk immediately disappeared from his face as he quickly got up and grabbed her hand before mumbling, "Hey. Knock it off. You don't mean it, your just tired and in pain-"

"Really, John?! Do you want to diagnose me and try to tell me how I'm feeling? Do you think that since you finally decided to come back you could come into my life like nothing ever happened? You don't know me anymore! Just...Just leave me alone!" She raised her voice while staring up at him. She wanted to scream. There was no reaction, no anger in his eyes.
"Then go. If you want to be left alone, then go." John spoke monotoned, looking down at her with no sympathy whatsoever. She stared at him for a long time before quickly turning on her heel and making her way outside to her car. Tears pricked at her eyes as she shook her head and continued to walk faster, hoping to get home as quick as possible.

Every Breath You Take (Rhcp Fanfic) PART TWO OF TAKE MY BREATH AWAYWhere stories live. Discover now