Fresh Start

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"Uh..Sure. Yeah we can talk." Kate nodded as she continued to wash the dishes. John frowned to himself while noticing she still had her back turned to him. "Y-You can start talking. I'm just gonna finish washing these dishes." She stuttered only to be interrupted by John turning the sink off, handing her a towel to wash her hands. Rolling her eyes she scoffed underneath her breath before walking to the kitchen table, sitting across from him. Staring at her knuckles John began the conversation by saying,
"I want to start over. A fresh slate. The way we met yesterday just started off ugly."

"Agreed." Kate replied while looking up at him before continuing, "What were you doing outside so late at night? You know, before I hit you with my car."

"It was half power walk, half smoke break. I usually go for a night walk. What about you? Why did you run a red light. You only sat there for a minute as I began to cross the street."

"Was it really only a minute? It felt like I was sitting there forever. My anxiety and stress got to me. What if there was a murderer outside? They could've just came up to the window and kidnapped me. Or worse."

"Your being dramatic. Why are you all jumpy all of a sudden? You were never like that before. Now your scared of everything."

"Shut up. I'm not being dramatic, and I'm not scared. I'm just more paranoid. I've been by myself for about two years. Being a young girl can be dangerous. Men want to stalk you. Or do even worse things to you. I don't know, maybe it's just me."

"Did someone do something to you? Is that why your paranoid?"

"No. I just get scared at night. I'm working at a pharmacy. Sometimes I work the night shift and where the pharmacy is located it's in a sketchy part of town. I have to lock up the store by myself and there's always weird people roaming outside. I just get scared."

"Get out of town! Really? I thought you told me you hated that. I remember you telling me you couldn't stand pouring medicine into bottles for the rest of your life." 

"Yeah. But when it pays the bills, it will do just fine for now. It actually pays a little more. I'm assistant manager."

"Congrats. You sound like your doing well." John smirked while looking up at her as she shrugged before rolling her eyes and continuing, "Not exactly. Thank you, though. So what have you been up to? Besides hiding in Flea's house."

"Nothing much. I babysit Clara for some money. I need a job. I've been looking. It sucks when you don't have a college degree. I'm now in the band so that will increase my pay."

"Congrats! Look at us. Working stable jobs. We're perfect."

"Not me. Your perfect. With your job as assistant manger, you have your own apartment. You have everything I want. I wish I was like you."

"No you don't. You don't want to be like me. I'm not as perfect as I may look."


"Shut up. You may look different physically, but you still have the same sarcastic personality." Kate chuckled before standing up and making her way to her tray of brownies. Cutting herself a piece she turned to John to ask if he wanted one, but instead he cut her off by saying, "No thank you." Sitting back down she began to pick at the brownie, mentally face palming herself. Ew. Why are these so dry, and bland? She thought to herself while slowly picking another piece off of the disheveled brownie and placing it into her mouth with disgust.

"You know if you don't like it you don't have to eat it, right? Did you make them?"

"Sadly yes. This is pathetic. I can't even make brownies."

"Let me try-" He sighed while reaching across the table to grab a brownie.

"What? No-" Kate snapped back before getting up, giggling. He laughed while following her around the kitchen, trying to grab the brownie off her plate. Quickly grabbing her waist he pulled her towards his chest, and took the opportunity to take a bite of the brownie. She shoved him back, collapsing to the floor in a laughing fit. He laughed while wiping his mouth before sighing, "Kate. These taste terrible."

"I know." She smiled before standing up and raising a brow, "Like you can do better."

"I can. Come here, there's gotta be like a pan somewhere." John mumbled before opening the cabinet while trying to find something to cook his food. He failed as five other metal pans and pots fell to the ground, resulting in a loud crash. Kate held her mouth while trying not to laugh at the scene he had made. His face blushed as he quickly tried to pick the mess up, which only resulted in more noise. A laugh escaped her lips as she fell onto the floor in another fit of laughter. The kitchen door slowly opened as Anthony's head peaked in while chuckling, "Is everything alright?"

"Mhm, yep! Johns just trying to prove he has better cooking skills than me." Kate laughed out loud as John defended himself, "Anthony. They taste terrible. Her brownies taste terrible."

"Don't bully Kate, John! Speaking of Kate...It's getting a little late. Chad left. Flea is waiting for you, John. I don't want to rush you guys but I'm pretty tired. And I'm sure Kate has work tomorrow morning?" Anthony yawned while leaning against the doorway, wiggling his eyebrows at Kate. She nodded before mumbling, "Yeah, your right. I have work tomorrow morning so I probably should start heading home." Anthony left the room to let Kate get her belongings. John leaned against the counter while watching her fumble with her purse. Looking up at John she proceeded to nod her head as she began to walk past him, when he startled her by grabbing her hand.

"What, John?" She softly mumbled while looking down at the ground.

"I....I uh. I'm glad I got to talk to you. I hope we can talk to each other again?"

"Yeah, I'd like that. I'm sure this won't be the last time you'll be seeing me. Goodnight, John." Slowly releasing his hand she made her way out of the apartment, only to leave John breathless before he mumbled, "Yeah."

Every Breath You Take (Rhcp Fanfic) PART TWO OF TAKE MY BREATH AWAYWhere stories live. Discover now