The Things We Do For Love

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There Kate lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling. Next to her lay her currently naked ex, John, who was sound asleep. A series of emotions ran throughout Kate's thoughts as she listened to the soft tapping of rain drops falling against her bedroom window. It was four o'clock in the morning and she should be sleeping. But she never ended up falling asleep after having sex with John. She still couldn't process what had just happened. She didn't expect there argument to get heated in a physical way. Why didn't I stop. This is bad. This is really bad, Kate thought to herself while quickly sitting up and bawling her hands into fists. Tears formed in her eyes as she began to shake. Look at you. Your disgusting, she thought while staring into her reflection in the mirror that was sitting against the wall across from her bed. She was so focused in her reflection, she didn't hear John stir. He slowly opened his eyes and frowned to see her hunched over in deep thought.

"Hey...Are you alright, love?" John groggily mumbled while sitting up before rubbing his hand slowly up and down her bare back. "Your freezing. Probably because you have no clothes on. Here." He reached down onto the floor next to him, grabbing his long sleeve tee. He quickly slid his boxers on before crawling to her. Helping her place the shirt over her head, John frowned to notice the tears that were being held in her eyes. He cupped her face within his hands and mumbled, "Why are you crying? Have you slept at all?"

"Don't worry about me. I'm fine." She shook him away while sliding her underwear on. He grabbed her hand and she violently pulled away before snapping, "John. Don't touch me. Leave me alone. Please."

"Hey. I'm worried about you. Talk to me. Don't push me away, Kate. I'm here." He snapped back as she turned her back to him. The tears softly rolled down her face as she sniffled and mumbled, "I'm sorry for sleeping with you. It was a mistake. I shouldn't have slept with you. I'm not ready for this John. Your not ready for me."

"What do you mean, I'm not ready for you? Kate I came here for a reason. I need you. I need you in my life. What don't you understand about that?"

"I can be in your life. But not like this. We need to move on. This was a mistake, nothing more. We'll go on and pretend nothing happened. It's fine. Everything's fine."

"What are you talking about? You sound crazy with this nonsense. I thought you wanted me back. What we just had made me think you wanted me back."

"I feel like I just used you to get laid. That's exactly what I did, John. I'm so stupid. Now I hurt your feelings. I'm so sorry." She began to sob, making John even more confused. He slowly moved closer towards her and hugged her from behind while wiping her tears.

"I'm sorry I'm not what I used to be. I look different. I act different. I'm not tough. I'm so weak. I'm so run down. All I do is work like a dog all day. I never can catch a break. I can't even look at myself in the mirror anymore without getting second thoughts." She softly cried while staring at the wall. It pained John to see her like this. Everything made sense now. It was as if all of her anxieties had picked on her this whole time, building up to this moment. John being one of them. He held her for what seemed like forever. He kept watching her eyes dart from the floor to the mirror. He quickly rolled out of the bed and grabbed the nearest blanket, draping it over the mirror.

"Pay no attention to it. The mirror is not there. Mirrors don't exist. Ok? Look at me." John mumbled while placing his forehead against hers, "You are strong. Your the bravest, most beautiful person I have ever met. Ok? Don't ever think otherwise. Ok?" Kate nodded her head before he sighed and placed a soft kiss to her temple, "Now get some rest. I don't know how you sat there the whole time awake and didn't even think of waking me."

"I didn't want to be a burden." She mumbled before curling up against his side.  He pulled the blankets up to her waist before sighing,
"Your not a burden. You'll never be a burden to me."

"Can you wake me up in three hours? I have to be at work for seven thirty."

"Yeah. C'mon, less talk. More sleeping."

"Ok. Goodnight, John."

"Well it's more like good morning, but yeah, goodnight Kate." John yawned back. They sat there for what seemed like forever. As soon as John had noticed Kate was asleep he quickly and quietly rolled out of the bed. He tip toed around her room until he came across her desk. He fumbled through the stacked papers, quickly skimming his eyes along magazines, newspapers, ads. He sighed in relief when he came across a bulky notebook. He made his way to the living room with the beat up notebook before sitting down. He opened it to see a table of contents that read, one
Phone fifteen

Damn Kate your very organized, John thought to himself before flipping to page fifteen. His finger trailed down the piece of paper before he frowned and turned the page to see another long list of names with phone numbers written next to them. Damn. How many people do you know? Why do you need so many phone numbers? He flipped through the notebook for a reasonably long time before finally coming across what he was looking for in the first place. Quickly reaching for the phone John dialed the desired number and patiently waited before being greeted by a high pitched female voice.

"Hello! I'm calling in to confirm that Kate Viverette will not be attending work today." He explained while making sure he had dialed the right number.

"Awe! That's such a shame! I'll be missing my assistant manager today! I hope she's ok...Who is this if I may ask?" Kate's boss asked politely.

"This is her friend, John Frusciante. She's ok. I think she's come across a common cold. She had a high fever. I figured it was best that she shouldn't come into work today. We wouldn't want her getting anyone sick."

"I agree. Thank you for calling in, Mr.Frusciante. Tell Kate I hope she feels better! If you feel the need she needs an antibiotic, call me."

"Alright. Thank you. Bye."

John sighed while placing the phone down and looking up at the clock that read six thirty in the morning. There's no way in hell I was going to let you go to work on three hours of sleep. You deserve a day off. You need it, he thought to himself before calmly making his way back into the bedroom to see Kate sound asleep.

Every Breath You Take (Rhcp Fanfic) PART TWO OF TAKE MY BREATH AWAYWhere stories live. Discover now