Telling the Truth

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Time felt still as Kate lay in her bed, sound asleep. It was currently two o'clock in the afternoon. John had left her place a few hours before, he felt his good deeds had been completed. The sun began to peek through the curtains, shining upon her face. She frowned and began to stir underneath her sheets. Slowly rolling onto her side, her eyes opened into a slit to see the digital clock that read, two-thirty. An exhausted sigh slipped from her lips as she reached for the phone. Leaning back against the pillows, the confused girl stared up at the ceiling.

"Hey, doll! What's up?" Candy's loud voice rang through the phone, making Kate wince.


"Kate? You there?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. What's up?"

"I messed up, Candy. G-Gosh, I really messed up." Kate began to cry into the phone.

"Why? What happened? Do you want me to come over?"

"I had sex with John. He came over late last night, and we both got into a heated argument. He kissed me, things escalated quickly."

"Oh no. Didn't you have work today?"

"Oh my god, Candy. I did have work. I didn't call. I didn't show up, I just woke up. I totally forgot. F-fuck." She began to cry harder into the phone.

"I'm coming over right now. Don't panic. It's fine, everything will be fine. Don't move. Just wait for me before you do anything, understood?"

"Y-yeah." Kate mumbled before hanging up and curling underneath her bedsheets. How could I be so stupid? I shouldn't of relied on John. He just left me here like the piece of shit I am. More memories from last night began flooding her thoughts. She let her anxiety get the best of her. She felt like she had acted like a fool in front of John. She was so deep in her thoughts she hadn't even heard Candy enter the house.

"Kate..."Candy sighed while crawling into the bed next to her. Kate sighed in relief to see her best friend before cuddling up next to her. The two spooned in silence for about fifteen minutes before Candy asked, "How was the sex? Was it decent?"

"Surprisingly yes. I was shocked. But yet again, I haven't really been in the game either. The last person I had hooked up with before John was Dave."

"Interesting. Why did he show up to your house?"

"I don't really know. He was yelling at me to be honest. He told me that he loved me."


"I know. I think we both just got fed up in the moment, and had sex to take it out on each other. I feel like a fool because he saw me so vulnerable after. I felt so lost, and upset. I had no idea what had come over me."

"Hey, our emotions get to the best of us. It happens to me all the time. I get so embarrassed to cry in front of Anthony. And we've been together for so long."

"But the problem is I don't think I want to be with John. Not now at least. I don't think I'm ready. And now I feel like I led him on. It's frustrating."

"Honey, you really dug yourself a hole this time. Not to stress you out but I'm pretty sure our Johnny was most definitely led on."

"I don't want to hurt his feelings."

"Call him. Tell him how you feel."


"Yes, now!"

"Are you crazy? He's going to hate me even more!"

"You're better off doing it now, rather then continuing to lead him on. It will break his heart even more if you do it later."

"I don't know if I can."

"I will."

"What?! No! I'm not a coward. Hand me the phone."

Candy pressed the phone against Kate's ear as she began to dial Flea's number. Kate swallowed hard, her heart was beating loudly within her chest. This was going to hurt. Bad. Was this a good idea? Probably not.

"Hello?" Flea's voice questioned.

"H-Hey, Flea! It's Kate."

"Katie-pie! What's up?"

"Nothing much, I was calling to see if John was there?"

"I'm sorry, you just missed him! He went out to get himself groceries."

"Oh, ok. That's fine. Do you know when he'll be back?"

"I'm not really sure to be exact. Do you want me to leave a message for him?"

"Um, no. Just tell him to call me back whenever he comes home."

"Ok. No problem. Alright, I'll see you later Kate."

"Ok, alright. Bye Flea."

"Is everything ok?"

"Um. Yeah. Everything's fine. Bye Flea." She sighed before hanging up. That was a relief, Kate thought to herself while wiping the sweat forming upon her forehead. The two girls sat in silence before Candy sighed, "You're going to have to tell him eventually. You can't runaway from it forever."

"I know."

"Hey, a question just slipped my mind."


"Don't get offended."


"So you and John had sex."


"Did you use protection?"


"You're joking."



"Why are you yelling at me! I'm scared now! We didn't, ok? At least I'm pretty sure." The brunette quickly scurried to the bathroom before tearing through her garbage bin. Nothing. No condom. Just tissues.


"No. Fuck, Candy. I'm screwed. I gotta go get tested or something."

"I thought you took the pill?"

"I did, that was when Dave was here. Then he left. And I stopped because I didn't think I would need them."

"For fucks sake, Kate."

"I know."

"Jesus Christ, sorry. It's fine. I'll go get you the pill. And if you want to go get tested after that I'll take you. But I'd have to take you at the end of the week because my car is getting inspected tomorrow. If you want to go earlier, Anthony can drive you."

"Ok. Thank you. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to John when he calls you back." Candy joked before grabbing her purse. The ringing of the doorbell silenced both of the girls. Scrambling to their feet, the two raced to the door. Smushing their faces together, they both looked through the peep hole to see John standing their with a grocery bag.

"Oh." Candy sighed for Kate to finish with, "Shit."

Every Breath You Take (Rhcp Fanfic) PART TWO OF TAKE MY BREATH AWAYWhere stories live. Discover now