Talks and More Tears

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"So..." Flea smirked as he pulled out of Anthony's apartment complex, "You seem happy."

"No. I'm fine." John mumbled while fumbling with his seatbelt.

"How was Kate? Is she doing well? Did you guys talk or fight again?"

"She's fine. It was a little awkward at first but I just wanted to relieve the tension between us. It was hard to talk to her at first. I wanted to put everything behind us. She told me about her job, she sounds like she's doing well."

"Good. Did she say anything to you? Or ask you any questions?"

"Not really. We just refreshed each other on our lives. It felt nice to vent to someone. Someone who is open-minded."

"I'm proud of you, John. I'm glad you two sorted everything out. It should be smooth sailing from here. We'll record an album, and go on tour! Sound good?!"

"Yeah. I just have to brush up on my guitar skills." John chuckled while leaning back into the leather seat before continuing, "It's been so long. I do a little strums here and there, but playing for minutes is going to be a struggle."

"I know someone who can help you with your guitar. They've gotten pretty good over the years. I'll have them come over tomorrow."

"Cool." He mumbled before leaning back into the seat with his eyes closed.

"Her?!" John snapped, while looking at Kate standing in the doorway of Fleas apartment with the black guitar he had bought her in her dainty hands.

"What do you mean?! I'm pretty good! I taught myself!" Kate snapped back while slightly pouting.

"No. I taught you. I taught you when we were dating." John rolled his eyes while leaning back into the couch.

"Barely. You only taught me the keys!"

"I'm sorry my tutoring wasn't up to your liking, princess. Flea? Are you serious?"

"Yes! I'm serious, John! She's gotten pretty good. Let her teach you. I'm going out to pick Clara up from daycare. When I come back I expect John to be back to his normal guitar ways. Understood, Kate?" Flea asked while grabbing his car keys off of the counter before making his way out of the apartment. She nodded her head while stepping inside to let Flea leave. The loud slam of the door shutting startled them both before she awkwardly replied, " Where should we begin? You know the keys. What's the problem?"

"I'm not letting you help me. Sorry, Kate. I have nothing against you. Just...Just let me be. Please."

"Oh. I see. Are you sure-"

"Yes." John snapped quickly while turning his head away.  He knew she couldn't leave. She knew she couldn't leave. If Flea found out she were to leave he would be angry at both of them.

"John, I'm tired so I'm gonna go take a nap in the guest bedroom. If you need me I'll be in there."

"That's my room. Remember?"

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry-"

"It's fine. You can sleep in there."

"Thanks." She mumbled before making her way inside the small guest bedroom. To her surprise the room was neat. Slowly falling back into the bed, Kate let out a yawn before rolling onto her side. Sitting deep in thought she heard John strum a few notes on the guitar while cursing underneath his breath.
I refuse to help him. He snapped at me. He doesn't need my help. If he really needed my help then he can come in here and ask me. She thought to herself while frowning. Deep inside her stubborn heart Kate really liked John. But there were times where John acted like a brat. This situation for example. For John it was hard for him to admit the fact he was never there to teach Kate how to play the guitar. Of course he taught her a couple tricks while they were dating, but after their second breakup he went off the grid. Now he felt like an asshole. He couldn't imagine the feelings she must have felt when he wasn't there. She had no one to hold her. No one to tell her everything was going to be ok. He groaned before slamming the guitar against the table. He didn't want to admit his feelings to her. She had Dave when you weren't here. She was fine, he thought to himself before scoffing underneath his breath. The soft sound of a guitar playing interrupted his tantrum. The tune sounded familiar to him. A soft humming was followed from the beautiful sound.

"Hold me closer tiny dancer. Count the headlights on the highway. Lay me down in sheets of linen. You had a busy day today." Kate softly mumbled while strumming along to the guitar in the small bed. Johns eyes widened as he slowly lifted his head down, bringing it into his hands. She sounds beautiful. When she plays the guitar she sounds beautiful. Why was I never there? Why did I leave? I missed out on so many memories. He thought to himself, before wiping the tear that was forcing itself out of his glossy eyes. Quickly standing up, John paced back and forth for a while before making his way down the hallway. The sound of the bedroom door slamming open startled Kate, causing her to lightly toss the guitar in front of her.

"What do you want? Can't you see I'm trying to play?" She snapped while looking up, before noticing the tears in his eyes.

" Kate- I." John stuttered trying not to cry. Her face quickly softened as she mumbled, "John. Are you alright? Come take a seat. Tell me what's wrong." He slowly walked over to the edge of the bed before sitting down. He avoided eye contact with her while managing to choke out, "I never should have left. Where did it all go wrong?"

"I-I don't know. I feel like we were already in the wrong." Kate's voice cracked while looking up at him. Tears began to fall from her eyes before he mumbled, "No we weren't." Quickly grabbing her face, John forcefully pulled her towards him as he leaned in and gave her a long passionate kiss on the lips.

Every Breath You Take (Rhcp Fanfic) PART TWO OF TAKE MY BREATH AWAYWhere stories live. Discover now