Chp.1 - Carnival (Part I)

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Cora mentioned there was no need for dressing up, but for someone who likes to make a whole production even to go to classes... I'm not really sure what she means. I think my black romper with white sneakers (because I am hoping there is a lot of dancing tonight) are appropriate for the occasion.

She had texted me before about a party tonight. I would have appreciated an earlier notice so I could plan the washing hair thing, but two hours was all I got. So I had only time to dry and drench it with cream so it would look more behaved. I tied it in a high ponytail just to be sure and put on dangling earrings. I have never been good at makeup so I didn't bother with that.

A knock on my door startles me as Cora doesn't bother to wait for me to open it.

"I hope you are dressed, because I'm coming in." My crazy pink-haired friend storms in and I raise my eyebrows at her. "What? I knocked, Good-morning Girl."

I haven't known her for long, only two weeks, but we have connected in a crazy way. Actually how we became friends is an amusing story. I was trying to be the most social on my dorm floor, and that pathetically only entailed on saying good morning to everyone (that's where the cute, mocking nickname came from) and me and Cora happened to have the same major (undeclared engineering), shower schedule, and taste in music. She likes Disney classics as much as me and guilty pleasures like young JB. Boom. Swipe right, it was a match.

"I could have been naked." I reproach.

"But you weren't." She closes the door. "I love your outfit by the way."

"Oh my God! You cut your hair!" Her hair was literally on her butt just yesterday and now it reached just above her shoulders. A bold change, didn't expect less from her.

"Yes! Do you like it?" She spins around.

"Love it."

"Thanks. I got bored." She shrugs.

I chuckle thinking how boring a long pink hair could be. She comes to stand up beside me to look herself on the mirror attached to my wardrobe door.

"We look hot!" She says.

She more than me, for sure. She called much more attention with the dyed hair, burgundy top with a big cleavage, and flawless makeup. How people do that? I can't even put lipstick on right.

"Are you ready?" She asks passing her fingers through her hair.

"Yeah. No, wait." I run to my table and open the bottom drawer to get a bottle of perfume out. I spray it on me before finally turning to her again. "Now I am."

"Good. My boyfriend is already here to pick us up." She opens the door.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend." I pick up my shoulder bag from my bed and get out of the room behind her.

"Yeah, I'm excited you guys are going to meet. Dylan is a cutie."

I lock my door while three girls get out of another room closer to the elevators, all of them looking ready for a party. I don't bother sending my roommate, Clara, a text as she is never around and will not notice nor care that I'm gone.

We have to run to get to the elevator before the doors close. Cora studies the girls on our way down, I am not sure if she knows it, but she is an open book and her dislike for the girls is written all over her face.

"Good evening." I greet.

Only one returns the politeness, the tall blonde, I think I have a class with her but I'm not sure. The brunette tries to answer it with a polite smile. I say try because I like to think about the best in human beings, however, if I am being honest, it looked more like a grimace than anything else. The third girl was too distracted taking a selfie to bother with greetings. Cora looks at me with raised eyebrows and I have to reprimand an eye roll.

I keep looking at everybody's feet because looking at their face or anywhere else would be more awkward. The strange girls were all wearing high heels, even the tall blonde, making her stand out even more.

The elevator stops on the first floor and the girls get out in front of us.

"Good luck with those heels tonight." Cora whispers to me with a wicked smile.

"They must know what they are doing." I shrug following her through the corridor leading to the exit.

"Trust me, they don't."

I chuckle at her certainty. "What do you mean?"

"It is carnival themed, that said, I'm not picturing a smooth surface appropriate for heels. Trust me, or I would be six inches taller by now."

I frown. "Carnival themed? You said it was a frat party."

"Okay, correction: it's a carnival organized by frats which equals..." She waits for me to finish the sentence, when I don't she resumes, "A frat party! I heard there was going to be a Ferris wheel and a palm reader or something." I gag but Cora doesn't see it as she pushes the front door to reveal a black car waiting for us. "That's him."

Cora opens the passenger door and I can hear someone complain from inside. "Took you long enough."

I shyly open the back seat door only to find three people already seated there: a guy that strongly resembles Cora, a girl with Asian features and closer to me a curly haired, handsome guy. He greeted me with a smile.

"Hey there." His green eyes go from my head to toe and back again. It wasn't smooth, but I don't think he was trying to be.

"Hm, hi." I answer unsure.

"Oh, Em! I'm so sorry for that." Cora turns to me from the front seat. "I thought Leo was going with Meyer."

"You can just sit on my lap, I don't mind." The guy closer shrugs and I hope my face is not blushing.

I open my mouth to reply but nothing comes out.

"Stop being such a womanizer, Leo!" Cora reproaches.

"If I were you I would sit with Ian." The driver, Cora's boyfriend by the way she kissed him when she got in, advises me pointing to the boy on the other side of the car.

Cora had talked about him before. He is her brother and they surprisingly hang out with the same people, not that I would know how siblings interact but most of the cases I have come across couldn't stand each other.

Ian has a masculine version of Cora's face, if he put a wig on and a lot of makeup I would say they were twin girls. Which is kind of messed up if you think about how Cora's boyfriend, Dylan, has been best friends with Ian years before he involved himself romantically with her.  Nevertheless, Ian has a more friendly face and I could take Dylan's advice but the girl next to him gave me such a cold stare that could have sent me running back to my dorm. Off I go, driving to my first "frat party" seated on the lap of a stranger handsome guy, said to be a womanizer.

I really have a soft spot for Leo, that's his picture on the top btw.
Handsome, huh?

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