Chp.10 - Sunday Barbecue (part II)

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"Bring it on." I challenge Cora.

Her very competitive self emerges in full force and I would have fallen at the first push if it wasn't for Aeson holding me. He thighs his hold on my leg and goes forward. This time I am the one who attacks and get Cora easily out of balance and into the water.

"Good job, Em. That was too easy." He congratulates me. I can't help but feel a traitorous joy from his compliment.

"Too easy." Cora mimics him mockingly when she emerges. "Come on, babe, let's show them!"

"Whatever you say, babe." Dylan turns to us to make a gesture of 'she is crazy', earning a slap on the arm. "I'm sorry." He mumbles.

"Such a puppie." Aeson whispers so only I can hear him. It puts a small smile on my lips.

Why am I so mad at him again? Oh yeah, I freaked out because I agreed to make out with him and he didn't want to "discuss" the unexisting relationship between us afterwards. When I put it that way seems like a little unnecessary fight.

It's always easy to put the blame on someone else, right? I ignore my much more reasonable self.

When Cora gets ready she immediately goes for me but Aeson doesn't let me fall. I start laughing of her angry face (maybe because she forgot to put waterproof mascara on and is looking like a panda), which makes her angrier, which makes me laugh even harder. Aeson starts laughing himself, and we both get distracted. It took only a small push from Cora to get me out of his shoulders.

I emerge from the water smiling. I was actually having fun. Put me in a childish game and I'll be happy. That s until Aeson turns to me, getting his beautiful hair out of his face with a shake of his head. The water makes his eyelashes stand out more. Why did he have to be so good looking?

"Are you okay?" He asks me with a smile, my own disappearing.

I know that I am kind of loosing the reasons to be mad at him, but he already ruined my Saturday, and I wasn't going to let he do it with my Sunday. So I just put a smile back on my face and nod.

"Yes. Come on, we are now even. Whoever wins this match wins the game."

"What's the prize?" Dylan inquires.

"The sweet feeling of victory?" I suggest.

Dylan doesn't seem motivated, but his girlfriend's eyes sparkle. So competitive, I know her well. She doesn't care what the prize is, she just wants to win.

"Let's do this then. The loser team," "You."Cora shouts, "has to drink a cup of an alcoholic mix made by Leo, each." He proposes.

"Making this a drinking game." He nods missing the reproaching point of my remark. "I don't drink." I feel the need to remind them again.

I put my hands on Aeson shoulders indicating for him to get down so I can climb on them again. He complies.

"Don't lose and you won't have to." Cora states.

I get on Aeson shoulders and he stands up.

"It's kind of unfair with her." He defends.

And all I can think about is: I don't need your protection!

Geez! Why everything that gets out of his mouth makes me either angry or all mushy? Sometimes both...

"Are you afraid of losing, Meyer?" Dylan challenges, which makes Aeson clench his jaw.

"Let's quit stalling and end this already." I try to end the discussion before Aeson could make any more stupidly nice comments.

"Em, has spoken. Let's go!" Cora shouts pointing forward dramatically.

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