Chp.1 - Carnival (Part III)

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"I like you." Aeson confesses.

I smile embarrassed, luckily Cora comes to my rescue.

"Oh no. Now he's going to be a pain in your ass."

"I love you too." Aeson blows her a kiss that she ignores.

"What's that necklace?" She points to the green stone.

"A trap." Aeson quickly replies making me smile.

"Rosinda gave it to me." Cora looks at me with a confused expression, and I quickly explain. "The palm reader."

"She gives necklaces?!" She is suddenly interested in going back to the mysterious looking tent.

"Just for those who are destined for great things." She frowns at me and I chuckle. "I'm kidding, she gave this whole show of being possessed or something and she gave me a charmed necklace to 'help me' with my love life."

"Then I don't need one." Cora puts her arms around Dylan's neck and they soundly kiss.

I look away feeling like an intruder.

"Ugh. Where's Ian to make them stop?" Aeson asks me loud enough so the couple can hear.

Cora gives him the middle finger without getting out of Dylan's embrace.

"He disappeared with his girlfriend."

"Camilla is not his girlfriend." Dylan laughs.

"Really? My bad then." I say remembering the cold glance she gave me when I was considering sitting on Ian's lap (such an awkward sentence).

"It can get confusing." He nods.

"Okay, let's go on the Ferris wheel, cuz I really want to take a picture on the top." Cora takes Dylan's hand and wraps the little finger from her other hand around mine to drag us both to the small line in front of the attraction. Aeson drags his feet to follow us.

It doesn't take long for me to find myself mad at Cora for leaving me alone again. The passenger cars only had room for two, so yes, I was stuck with Aeson in a very tight space in a very awkward silence.

"Anyway... Brazil huh?"

"Yep." I pop the "p" for emphasis, I don't even care if it sounds stupid.

We faced the porta potties ahead, their location hadn't be thought through by the frat guys as the great view from the Ferris wheel was a bunch of people lining up to pee, smoke, and God knows what else.

"Both parents, so I'm guessing that you speak Portuguese?"

"Guessed right." I appreciate his willingness to start conversation and hate my incapacity to continue it.

"You know, I had a friend whose dad was Angolan, so he spoke portuguese like you."

"Really?" I internally cringe at the stupid question. Luckily he doesn't appear to mind.

"Yeah. He taught me some bad words," He smiles, "Which I'm not proud of," he quickly adds, "I mean, not now that I'm admitting that to you, but it was a great accomplishment when I was like thirteen."

"Are you sure you are not still proud?" I face him raising my eyebrows.

"I could swear without my mom knowing it." He looks at me, his smile widening. "I guess I'm still a little proud."

I chuckle facing ahead again. I'm definitely forcing my socializing skills tonight, since the drive here when everyone was introducing themselves and shooting questions like: "Where are you from?", "What's up with the accent?", "What's your major?", "Do you speak Spanish?". That last one came from Camilla, Ian's not-girlfriend, which did not help me liking her.

"What words did you learn?" I try to keep the conversation going.

"Let me see if I remember," He looks upward biting his lip, making my eyes wander that way. I quickly look away when his gaze is back on me. "Okay, do you think you can handle?"

"Bring it on."

"You asked for it." He points at me before taking a deep breath. "Okay, there was merda?" I nod for him to go on, "Cacete, pora."

At that I can't contain my scandalous laughter. "It's porra."

"Pora." He tries again.


"Pora." I start to laugh uncontrollably to the point of my belly hurting. "What?! I can't say it like you." Aeson complains laughing along.

"It's like a laugh. Po-HA."


"Yes!" We laugh a little too loud. "I thought you didn't remember."

He shrugs. "I said I was proud."

"A little proud." I correct.

"Mere detail." He brushes it off when our passenger car stops at the exit stair.

We get off the Ferris wheel to find Dylan and Cora all loving birds in each other's arms.

"I see you two had fun there." Cora smirks at me. "Everyone could hear your laughter."

She gives me a smooth knowing look that makes me want to disappear with embarrassment. Couldn't she be more discreet?

"Your lipstick is a little smudged here, Corinna." Aeson rubs his finger on the corner of his mouth and Cora actually believes him.

I just met him, but I can already tell that we will get along.

*sniffing* Can you smell that? I smell an OTP.  ; )
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