Chp.8 - GM Girl and Big Head

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Even though it was a great amount of food, it got done pretty quickly. Leo looked like a black hole eating faster than anyone I have ever seen, in a few minutes all of his plates were clean while I was still barely at the half of my hamburger. Aeson kept his promise and we shared the onion rings and fries, they were truly the best in the city, the best I have ever tasted actually, they combined two of my favorite things: bacon and potatos.

Some shouting over the pool table indicates the end of another game.

"Oh, now's our turn!" Cora declares excitedly jumping to her feet.

Aeson huffs finishing his food. "Why do you insist in playing? You are terrible."

"Shut up, big head." She snaps back going towards Leo. "C'mon, you're on my team."

"We are doing teams?" Ian inquiries while Camilla gets up excited and pushes him along. Seriously, couple vibes, anyone?

"What?" I ask gulping down the last bite of my food.

"I signed us for the pool table." Cora answers over her shoulder.

They move to the right corner of the cafe, Ian already stretching himself like it is a super important game that requires all of his athletic force, which, by his thin arms and legs, doesn't look much.

"I guess that makes us a team." Aeson speaks suddenly very close to my ear making me jump.

Oh, Teams! That cotton candy head manipulator! I know what she's up to.

"Yeah, I kind of feel on the obligation to tell you that I am not good." I get up from the booth trying to put some distance between us, so I can think straight and try not to embarrass myself.

I was the only one on our group not drinking alcohol, but it doesn't look so when I stumble on the feet of the table and would have ended up with my face on the ground if it wasn't for Aeson's stabilizing hand on my waist. There he is, saving me again, as if I needed any more reason to like him.

"Wow. No need to get nervous. I can play well enough for the both of us." Cocky, always so cocky.

I always thought a conceited person was annoying, but now? The overconfidence seems... compelling. I must be deceived by his looks, it is the only explanation! I am judging a book as good only because it has a hard cover, cute dimples on the corner of his full lips, the amused sparkle on his beautiful caramel eyes... Wait. What? shit! Distance! I need distance.

"Go-reat." I mumble. Wait! Did I just say goreat? What's that?! Good + great? Ugh, just goreat, Emilia!

I take a step back forcing him to release me and walk hurriedly towards the others, at least as hurriedly as I can without getting me into one more embarrassing scenario, like falling and breaking my teeth, or worse, having Aeson holding me again.

Leo arranges the balls with that triangular thingy while Cora takes upon herself to name the teams on the blackboard with an impressive handwriting. "Those Two", "Cora Wins All", and "GM Girl and Big Head" are her choices. Leo approaches me eyeing the board.

"'GM Girl and Big Head.' It has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"

For a moment I wonder it he is also mocking me and I choose not to answer.

"Alright, guys, it's not a real game if there is nothing to lose." Ian states.

"True." Cora gets her cue from the stand on the wall. "What does the winner get?

"I think the losers have to do something embarrassing," Camilla suggests, putting the white ball on place, "A dare from the winners."

Ian and Cora approve. Great, more embarrassment. Really, I don't need more of that.

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