Chp.10 - Sunday Barbecue (Part I)

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Luckily Dylan had already gotten back from his mom's and offered me a ride to the Moore's house. I spent the whole morning thinking about how the reencounter with Aeson would go. I put more thought on my outfit than I would like to admit, even went as far as Skyping with my mom for her help. She had a terrible cold, her eyes puffed and nose sniffing all the time. I knew all that work was making her bad and I told her so. She brushed it off saying she was fine, when I could clearly see she wasn't.

"Let's focus on you. Important barbecue, you say?" And dodged everything related to her.

Typical mom, always expecting me to open up and never doing the same. She always said that I could tell her anything and I never doubted her.

It took us a good while to decide upon a white tank top and high-waisted shorts that concealed my striped bikini. It was totally unnecessary as, with my luck, Aeson would probably not even show up.

"Can you help me with the beers?" Dylan asks as we park in front of the big house.


We get out of the car and he opens the trunk to hand me a small cooler while he gets the bigger one.

"It was about time!" Cora appears at the door with only a bikini top and shorts. "Ian already started cooking!" Indeed a faint smell of food was in the air.

"It was Emilia's fault." He approaches her and kisses her cheek. "Hi, babe."

I roll my eyes. "Now we are pointing fingers?"

Cora comes to hug me. "It is not a surprise. You can never be on time."

"I could argue, but you are right."

Cora indicates to follow her.

"She always is." Dylan comments in front of us, earning a kiss from her. Bootlicker.

"That's why you were taking so long." Camilla goes in the living room from the glass door that leads to the pool area,  looking reproachfully to the kissing couple.

"Yes, It was all their fault." I say passing by her to meet Ian wearing an apron "kiss the cook" in front of the barbecue grill and Leo already on a pink float in the pool, black sunglasses in place.

Aeson nowhere to be found, what a surprise. 

"Hey, gorgeous!" Leo greets. "And she brought beer! Totally a keeper."

I blow him a kiss and turn to address Ian. "Hey, where can I put this?" I gesture to the cooler.

"Hey, Em. Just put'em over there." He indicated the stand next to him. "Did Meyer came with you?"

What a weird question. Why would he ask that? Does he know something?! Did Aeson tell him something? As far as I know he could be bragging to all his friends.

"Why would he?" I ask too fast making Ian forget the burgers on the grill to look at me, his eyebrows meeting.

"Isn't he here?" Dylan asks as he puts the bigger cooler on the floor. Luckily, it seems to make Ian forget about my weird outburst. He shakes his head negatively.

Camilla squats down to get a beer and Leo shouts from his spot on the pool: "Camilla, my love, would you be a sweetheart and get me one of those?" She makes a grimace but complies.

She walks to him with her small green bathing suit that I know Ian gives a look or two. There is something going there I am sure!

"Come on, good morning girl, I'm melting under this sun!" Cora pulls me to a lounger where I can put my bag on. "Did you bring sunscreen?"

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