Chp.16 - Jealousy

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I looked at all of my precious belongings, that seemed to be nothing else missing. My wallet, I thought, looked exactly like I had left it. I shoved it all inside a drawer and locked it with a password lock.

When I told Cora my suspicions, my heart was still beating fast and she sweared colorfully. She advised me to have a talk with Clara but I think that is not a good idea. She seems like the kind that hold grudges and I already lost a friend for saying too much of what I thought about her boyfriend. However, I promised her that if something else went missing, I would confront my roommate.

I was not surprised at all when, later that night, my phone rang, a picture of my mom appearing on the screen. She had a scary sixth sense.

That was this one time when she was working all day and left me alone at home, one mischievous idea involving a lot of soap and sliding in the garage resulted in me cutting my chin (I still have the scar to prove it), she called me five minutes later saying she had dreamed I had hurt myself. I couldn't lie to her.

"Hey, mom!"

"Is something wrong?" Her direct question has me grimacing.

She doesn't need to know. It will only make her freak out. I tell myself forcing the lie out of my lips.

"Yeah. How are you?"

"I just had this bad feeling, are you sure you are alright?"

I sight leaning against the cushions on my bed. "Yes, just a bit tired, it was a long day."

"Oh, tell me about it."

"That was the usual, classes, hanging out with friends, laundry... Oh, and I talked to dad."

"Really? Hm. What did you guys talk about?"

"Uhm, we didn't talk much, I was... busy. Are you with him? He said he wanted to tell me something."

"No, darling, I am at the hospital. Did he say what this was about?"

"No, but you must know. He said you didn't want him to tell me. What is it?" There was silence on the other line. "Mom?"

"Yes? Oh, I have no idea. I wish we could talk more, but they are needing my help."

"It's okay, mom. We can talk later."

"I miss you so much. Love you."

"Love you too. Bye."

And she ends the call.

There she goes again, overworking.


I had so much homework that the week passed in the blink of an eye. Luckily I didn't see more of the frat guy and nothing appeared to be missing. Before I knew i, it was already Thursday and I was in the middle of zeta nu's living room with a bunch of other drunk people, the music blasting my ears.

Yes, I broke my promise.

I drank again.

I somehow lost Cora on the crowd what is a not such a big facade if you consider how there is a lot of "devils" exactly like her. As she made me match with her I also contributed to the big crowd of naughty angels. My mom would flip out if she saw me like this. I thought my outfit was slutty, damn how I was wrong. What the blonde Barbie doll was wearing couldn't even be considered clothing as she was grinding against Aeson. One look at the both of them dancing had me doing a bee line to the kitchen to get myself a beer.

That is it. I wish I had a better reason to drink bottle after bottle but that was it.

I was jealous!

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