9 - Demon Trap

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It was agreed that I would be meeting everyone at 6:00 that evening. So, with a look at the clock in the bunker, I stand up, take one step, and I'm there.

When I open my eyes, I see them. They are all standing around the table, Nova and Dean dishing up the dinner while Sam helps little Aubrey in her booster chair.

It's Dean who looks over to me first. "Hey, Cas."

Jude turns his head rather quickly. "How did you get here?" He asks.

"I walked," I tell him.

Jude laughs. "You're funny. Sit by me."

I have been visiting the Reid children daily since they came to live with Jody, just to check on them and to stand by in case anything happens, to be there to keep an eye on the children while Nova rests and Jody is still working. Nova is close to giving birth and as such, constantly faces exhaustion. She needs all the rest she can get. While Sam and Dean were on the road, I took that role to help her. Jude has developed an attachment to me. I can't exactly understand why.

"Sure, buddy." I tell him. I sit beside him at the table, and Nova looks to me.

"Do you want some, too, Cas? I know you don't eat, but...just thought I'd offer."

"I'm fine," I tell her. "I'm just here for the company."

She smiles softly. "We're glad to have you here."

As soon as food is on everyone's plate, they sit down.

"Honestly, this is probably the fanciest family dinner I've ever been to," Dean says.

Sam thinks on that for a second. "Yeah, sounds about right."

Nova looks a little confused. "It's lasagna and garlic bread."

"See, we don't really do things like this. We never have the time."

"Or the people," Dean says.

"Mommy, where's Jody at?" Jude pipes in from beside me.

"She's on her way, she just texted me to save her a bite."


Minutes pass by in relative silence. There's no conversation, really. I'm the one to break it.

"So...Nova, what's the latest on your name situation?" I ask her.

The boys look to her. Dean wears a look of interest, as he tilts his head and squints her way. A tiny bit of tomato sauce on the corner of his mouth. He folds his arms in front of him.

Sam, on the other hand, looks a little startled. His eyes are widened and he looks like a deer caught in the headlights to her. He places his hands on his lap. Aubrey, sitting beside him, looks to his hands, and then to his face. She looks a little confused.

"Oh. Right."

"Name situation?" Dean says.

"I'm changing my last name back to Easley. It's actually easier than I thought it would be. I got a lot of dirty looks for it since everyone seems to think it's too soon—"

"It's not too soon," Sam speaks in. Nova turns to him, as does Dean, who wears more of a smirk over Nova's head to his younger brother.

"If that's what you want to do, and you think now's the time to do it, do it. To hell what others think, right?"

She nods. "Yeah. Thanks, Sam."

She resumes eating. Over her head, Dean leans back, and makes a weird gesture with his eyebrows at Sam. Sam rolls his eyes, and resumes eating himself.

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