28 - Of Utter Importance

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Sam was the one who called me and told me to race down as fast as possible to Lebanon. There was news. Good news. God knows we need it.

I honestly had no idea what the heck he was talking about. I was thinking he was talking about some way to save the world and stop the scary things from hurting people, something like that.

When I pulled up to Nova's driveway, I noticed they weren't home. Just Jenna. I arrived on a Thursday afternoon, knocking on the door. Jenna opens up, brushing her hair out of her face.

"Hey, Sheriff! Come on in!" she says. "The kids are still in bed, and Dean says they should be here in a little bit."

"Do you know what the hell's going on?" I ask her. She shakes her head.

"No one will say a word. They haven't even responded back to my texts. Not even Nova."

"Odd. Okay. Well. I guess I'll just sit here. It's not like I drove through two states just to see them."

"Well, if they're willing to keep their silence until they get home, it must be big."

"Where've they been?" I ask her.

"Uh. Nova got hurt bad on a hunt, so they've had her at the bunker to heal. She's good and ready to go now, so they've decided to come home now."

"How bad?" I ask.

Jenna shrugs. "I'm still new to this whole thing. I guess she was attacked by a djinn? Isn't that some sort of genie?"

"Not really," I tell her. "Not these ones. They like to pump you full of a hallucinogenic poison that makes you live out a fantasy world while they drain your blood and then you die."

Jenna's eyes widen at the thought of that. Her eyes are blue, like her niece's. Like Chandler's was.

"Jesus Christ."


We sit and talk back and forth for the next half hour. The kids are still asleep when the Impala roars into the driveway.

"Ope. Look who's here," Jenna says. She stands up and pulls on her tank top until it covers her slightly exposed midriff. She has a huge goofy grin on her face. I watch as she walks out the door, and stand up myself, following her.

By the time I get out there, Jenna's already flung herself into Dean's arms. I smile. Behind Dean, I see Cas just standing in the driveway. I hear the chiming of the alarm bell in the background. It's a light, musical sound. That's when I hear tiny little feet behind me, and turn to see Aubrey. Her hair is wild, all over her face. She looks up to me.

"Hi, Jody!" she says, smiling and waving her tiny little fingers. I wave back.

"Hey, kid. Have a good nap?"

She nods and yawns, while stretching. She opens her eyes again, and looks towards the Impala.

"OH! MOMMY AND NEW DADDY ARE BACK!" she yells, racing towards them.

New Daddy? Cute.

I walk up to the group of people, and hug Nova first.

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