27 - The Next Step

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Nova has been swimming in and out of consciousness for the past two days. We decided to keep her at the bunker until she recovers as to not stress the kids out over their mom. We've told the kids that we're on a long job and Mom's just fine, but busy whenever they decide to call. Jenna, of course, knows everything.

Cas checks her every hour, and tries to heal her bit by bit. He insists this is the best way, and he would know, I suppose.

Then, one day, in the evening, Dean comes into the room. I turn and look at him. He looks worried. Tired.

"How's it going?"

"She's...she's still down," I say. Dean looks down at his shoes, and walks over, pulling up the only chair in the room.

"I'm honestly starting to worry about her a little, Dean," I confess. "What if there's something...what if it's more serious than we think? What if there's something...wrong? She was in there for hours. I—" I stop. I feel the tears start to come.

Dean still looks at me, and he sighs. His eyebrows are upturned, and I notice the shadows under his eyes. He blinks, and sighs again.

"We're doing the best we can. She lost a lot of blood, Sammy. Cas is doing what he can."

"I know. But maybe we should...I don't know. Get her to a hospital?"

"Not yet."

"But when, Dean? At what point do we say screw it and bring her in?"

"She...what are they going to do for her?"

"They'll at least run tests. They'll figure it out!" I say, my voice raising. I stop, and take a deep breath.

"We just...I don't know, Sam. But she's going to be fine. She'll pull out of it. We'll find a way. We always do."

Dean stands up, and walks to her, feeling her forehead with the back of his hand. He sighs.

"Her fever's starting to break. That's something."


I can see Cas from the corner of my eyesight walking in, slowly.

"Hey," is all he says.

"Cas," I say. I look up at him. He looks just as worn down and worried as Dean does. He walks up to Nova, and Dean grabs his elbow. Cas looks at Dean, unsure of what to say or do.

"What's going on?" Dean asks. "It's been two days. Is she-?"

Cas stops, and takes a deep breath. "The djinn poison is completely vanquished from her body. I have been restoring her blood as much as I dare. She's growing stronger. I'm not sure you two have noticed, considering you spend all your time with her. She'll have a slow experience pulling out of this one, but she will be pulling out of this one."

Dean stares intently in Cas's eyes. It's pretty intense, and I have to look away, to Nova. I can see her eyes flickering around underneath her eyelids. That's been that way since this morning. I hope it's part of that recovery Cas says. I look, and see Cas give the slightest nod of his head, and Dean sighs, and looks at me.

"We're going to be okay," Dean says reassuringly to me. I sigh and nod, resignedly.

Cas takes a deep breath, and places his hand on Nova's head. He closes his eyes, concentrating as hard as he can. He holds his breath, and the bright golden light comes from below his palm.

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