24 - Family Matters in the Batcave

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The next morning after Cas came in and tells me what happened with Sachiel, I am holding Myla in my arms in the kitchen of the bunker. She's looking all around, having never really been here before. Aubrey stands in front of me, also looking around in various different directions. Nova looks at me, her eyebrows cocked, head tilted to the side, and her fingers tapping on the counter she's resting her arm on.

"I was really rooting for those guys, too," Nova says. "She had a crush on him for a while."

I nod. "Well, bet that changed her mind."

"It did. I tried calling her this morning but she hung up before I could even ask her how she was doing."

"So, she's just gonna--?" I trail off, not sure of what to say.

"Belle just witnessed something terrifying. She needs time to think things through. Then we'll give her the talk after she's calmed down and processed everything," Nova tells me. She looks to Cas.

"She'll come around. I promise," she says. Cas nods, looking absentmindedly in Dean's direction. Dean and Jude are currently engrossed in a game of cards. War, from the looks of it.

Nova looks down, and smiles at Aubrey. "We got a lot to talk about, baby girl," she says, holding out her hand. Aubrey takes it and looks at her mother with all the intent she could manage.

"Alright, dude. You win. Mom's gotta talk to you real quick," Dean tells Jude. Jude pumps his fist.

"I totally owned you, didn't I, Dean?" he yells.

"You sure did, bud."

Jude grins, and I notice his missing tooth.

"Hey. You got a hole in your smile! Finally lost it?"

Jude nods. "The tooth fairy came last night and traded it for a quarter. It's about time, too, it was getting real sore."

"Should've let me pull it out, Judy," Aubrey tells him.

"No way, Jose, you would have ripped all my teeth out."

Aubrey shrugs. "But it would be out. Then you'd get all your money all at once and then you can buy a toy or something."

Jude's jaw drops, and he says, "but it would HURT."

Aubrey smiles. "I know. But it would be funny."

I laugh. Nova leads the way upstairs and into my room. I place Myla on my lap, and Nova sits beside me. Jude and Aubrey stand, confused, looking at us.

"Are we in trouble?" Jude asks.

Nova chuckles, and then quickly puts on a straight face. Myla reaches out for her, so Nova takes her into her arms. Myla stares back at me, thumb in her mouth, smiling. I smile back at her.

"Uh, I don't know. Guilty conscience much, kid?" Nova says. Jude smiles.


"Good. No, you guys aren't in trouble."

Nova stops, and looks at me. My mind is a complete blank. I shrug at her.

"What?" Aubrey says. "What's going on?"

"We...Sam and I have some news for you guys. We figured you should be in on this little...well. It's not really a secret."

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