23 - Oops

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Dean and I walk into the restaurant. He posses this certain aura of confidence that I definitely don't feel. He opens the door, and we walk in the foyer, where I see Belle and Jenna discussing something in private. Jenna's the first to notice us, and I see Belle's eyes flit over to our direction, a smile spreading thin on her lips. They're red. Her lips. Red and shiny. Why do women wear red lipstick? Then again, why does it look so attractive on them? She looks to me, and yells my name.

"Cas! Hey, how's it going?" she asks, reaching in for a hug. I definitely feel a little awkward. Dean and Jenna are talking intensely, and a young hostess with her hair in a black ponytail walks up to us.

"Alright, is this everybody?" she asks, looking at all of us. We nod.

"Great. Follow me, we have a table in the bar that just opened up."

"Fantastic," Dean says, smiling. I watch Jenna as she weaves her arm around Dean's, and they walk, like two links of a chain. I offer my arm, bent at the elbow, and Belle does the same.

"It's been a while," Belle says. She looks to me. Her light green eyes study my face, her teeth white and shiny and just a tad bit too perfect.

"Yeah. I'm sorry. Just...we've been a little busy lately."

"With work?"

"Uh...yeah." I nod. "Definitely."

"Well, I'm glad you got a free day or two," she says, and she takes charge and rushes, me still linked to her arm, mind you, and sits beside Belle at the table the hostess stops and shows to us.

I sit in the chair beside Dean, who looks to me and says, "This place is nice."

I nod. "It is."

"Alright, guys. Vanessa will be your guys' waitress tonight, she'll be taking care of you folks."

"Thanks, uh..." Jenna stops, and squints, looking at the nametag on the hostess's shirt. "Amelia."

"My pleasure," Amelia the hostess says, and walks off.

We sit in an awkward silence, and then Belle clears her throat, and looks to me. "So...what do you boys do again for work?"

We go with what we agreed to be the public response. Dean speaks up. "We're bounty hunters."

"Ooh. Seriously? Nice."

She looks back to me. "What the heck got you into that?"

"Family business," I say. "Sam and Dean's father did it, their grandparents did it. It's just what they do."

"And you?"

I sigh. "I...joined up with them a few years ago."

Dean interjects: "He saved my ass, so we took him in."

Belle smiles. Jenna looks across from me to Dean, and back to Belle.

"So. What's your story? Before you joined up with them, I mean?" she asks me.

"I...well, I initially left to attend to some. Well. Family matters. And that's when I ran into Dean. To be honest my family wasn't really doing a lot of good things, though I thought they were. So I...sort of ran away and never looked back," I tell her. She nods, looking at me attentively.

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