29 - Discussions and Things

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"Belle? Is that you?" Cas asks. He freezes in his spot. I feel myself lighten.

"Yes. I'm in Lebanon, Kansas. Visiting Nova. Yes. Oh, you did? It's true." He says, looking towards me. He puts his hands over the mouthpiece on his phone. "She heard the news and says congratulations."

"Tell her thank you."

"Nova says thank you," Cas repeats. He steps away, and starts pacing the kitchen. I take a sip of my water, which makes my stomach lurch.

Can we not make Mommy want to hurl her guts when she takes her prenatals, honey? I think to myself. This is going to help you grow all healthy and strong.

Most things make me want to throw up. The only thing I can stand eating is Ramen Noodles, but they don't have jack for nutritional value. At my 10 week appointment, we're going to try me on these pills that make morning sickness not so bad. They've been around for a while, I suppose, but it was never this bad for the others.

I've been texting and calling and talking to Jody every day since I found out I was pregnant. Before, I had Chandler's mother. Apparently Reid children all carry the same way, because my experience with Jude and Myla were the exact same, while Aubrey did present some complications, but nothing too extreme. But this time? Graham and Theresa, Chandler's parents, have offered their support, but it just feels so awkward talking to them now.

I'm so tired of wanting to throw up every time I smell anything, I tell her.

Honey, you're carrying a Winchester. They're all stubborn and difficult. That makes me smile. It's true, but nevertheless.

Sam walks into the kitchen, and hears Cas talking.

"She finally called him?" He asks me in a low voice. I nod.

"Great. Hey, let's give them some privacy for a bit, I want to talk to you for a minute," he says. I nod, looking concernedly at him. I take his hand, and he leads me out the back door. I see him turn, and mouth something to Cas, which makes Cas smile.

Good luck, he said.

"I completely understand. The whole situation was...completely traumatizing. I know—"

Cas's voice is cut off as I close the door gently behind me.

"Fingers crossed and hope this one works out?" Sam asks. I nod.

"He needs it," I say.

"He does."

He leads me into the back yard, beside a little flower bed we planted in the beginning of spring. It's starting to die out. The air is a little chilly, but my jacket keeps me warm enough. I'm starting to notice a small bump, feeling where the soft of me ends and the hardness of the baby begins. I find myself holding on with both hands frequently. Sam does it at night, too, when we're laying down for bed. He's established himself as a semi-permanent big spoon. Which, I'm okay with.

I look down to see me rubbing my stomach without even thinking about it. Sam looks down towards my hand, and smiles.

"I was thinking..." he says. "I guess, deep down, I never really gave up the dream of having my own kids. And now...I finally have one of my own." He looks into the withered remains of the spring's tulips.

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