11 - Breakdown

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Hours after we arrive, Dean, Cas, and I sit in the waiting room. Jody is on duty, going through police proceedings.

Dean is nodding off to sleep, arms folded, stoic face plastered on his face. But he can't fool me. I've seen those tears creep out here and there a few times.

Castiel is reading a magazine, flipping through the pages of a Better Homes and Gardens absentmindedly, just to idle time.

I'm just standing there, my leg bouncing up and down nervously. My heart feels like it's going to explode. Tears come and go in waves.

Damn it, Sam. You knew what was in store if you fell for her. You knew what would happen. And you did it anyway.

Then again, how was I supposed to prevent this from happening?

I told her to stay home, to say safe.

No, I told her she can't come with us. Because demons are much more dangerous than staying put. She had more chances of getting hurt if she came with us.

I close my eyes, and pray to anyone who will hear me. Just, let her live. Please.

Cas looks at me. He could hear me, I guess. Which means everyone else could.

"Sam. I promise. I give you my word. She will be okay."

"Are you sure?" I say.

Cas isn't, because he doesn't say anything.

A tall, middle-aged doctor walks towards us.

He looks at me.

"Are you three here for Mrs. Easley?" he asks.

I nod. I jab Dean on the ribs, and he snaps awake. Cas places his magazine down. All three of us stand up.

"I'm Dr. Scott. I'm the doctor overseeing Nova's care. We performed an emergency C-section. It's a little girl, she's doing perfectly fine. No harm was done to her, thank goodness."

I start to tear up. "Thank god."

He looks to me. "Are you the father of the child?"

"Me? Ha. No. I'm...my brothers and I..." I gesture to Dean and Cas, "...we're just friends."

"She's widowed," Dean says. I nod.

"Oh. Yes. That's right. I read that in the paper the other day. Damn tragedy. And then the Elroy boy just last night..."

"What about Nova?" I ask. "Is she okay?"

The doctor looks at me, then Dean, then Cas.

"She is suffering from a major concussion and multiple broken bones and lacerations. She's lost a lot of blood, there is internal bleeding coming from, well, honestly. We don't know. She's not in good shape," Dr. Scott says.

"Oh my god," Dean says. He bursts into tears. I have to sit down.

"We've had to put her in a medically-induced coma. The pain, for someone who's conscious would be just cruel to allow her to feel. We could not determine if she was able to feel any pain, so we called up Miss Reid, who's taking after her children as I gather it?" We nod. Cas took them to Jenna's just before he came to get us. "She faxed over the consent form. Until we can figure out what we can do..." he trails off.

"Can we see her?"

"Nova? Not yet. We're still dressing her wounds and placing her in splints. When she's settled in, then we will bring you back. You are, however, welcome to see the baby. We've placed her in the nursery. If you would like, I could take you three back to see her?"

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