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A/N - Hello.  Welcome to my first book ever.  I try to update every weekday and I do my best to review each chapter for spelling and grammar.  However if you do see anything feel free to comment.  The first two chapters are slow setting the scene but it picks up from there.  Enjoy x

Every time.  Without fail I always get nervous before I begin a job. Now don't get me wrong.  I like what I do. Interacting with people and making them feel at ease, and look their best, it feels fulfilling.  But goddamnit this feeling in my stomach I could do without.

A major construction and design company has hired me to take new headshots for the entire company and then visit all their sites.  They are doing a new launch and want my artistic input. I took the job, because one, it's a big contract.  And second it was a real honour out of everyone around they picked me.

One last check on all my equipment, everything ready and set up for the corporate head shots.  For every. Single. Employee. *Mental Groan*  And that's a heck of a lot looking at the list.   

Thinking about it.  Coffee would be a really good idea round about now.

Heading on down to the cafe, I got to admit.  These people are beautiful. Seriously, wow.  I have never come across more masculine men before.  And the women have flawless skin.  Like there will be no photoshopping these women, which means a faster turnaround for me.  Hmmm... Maybe this won't be so bad.

Finding the cafe, it's a self help on a coffee machine.  Fresh ground coffee.  Now thats a perk!  Call me a coffee snob if you will.  But I live off this stuff and I like to treat myself with the good stuff.  And just smelling these beans, they don't skimp on their coffee quality. 

Picking up my steamy cup of love, I start planning out poses mentally in my head.  The CEO and other higher ups will need more creative shots, and I saw some lovely grounds out back.  Maybe I could convince someone to jump into the fountain for a good cover shot...

Caught up in my own world, I don't notice someone standing behind me.  And because that someone must have a lack of understanding of the term 'personal space';  as in standing way too close to me.  The inevitable happens.  Hot cup of coffee.  Distracted woman.  And a pristine white shirt.  Not a great recipe.  In fact.  Ah bugger.  Humiliating.

"Shoot! I am so sorry."

"Damnit ow!"

Before I can assess the damager, the guy whips off his shirt faster than you can say 'yum', while muttering some curse words under his breath.  Yeah, that must have been scalding hot.  Looking to see if he's actually burnt, and if I need to grab the first aid kit, I think I hear him talking to me.  

Did he say something?

Nope.  Not hearing anything.  Because I am being a creeper.  Now I am no virgin, I have seen topless men before, no biggie.  

But seriously.  Wow.  Magazine worthy wow.  The man standing before me is dressed in grey, fitted slacks and wing tipped shoes.  Long muscular and solid looking legs.  Black leather belt with a silver wolf engraved belt buckle.  He is so ripped, that there's a V pointing down, with a mouth watering trail from his naval going down.  A beautiful six pack with deep scars on his left side.  It looks like four deep grooves.   His pecks look like he could make them dance, and his right one has some kind of celtic tatoo on it, that makes you want to just trace with your fingers.  His biceps are thick as my thighs, and a thick but long neck that leads up to oh shit...  

A New Sensation - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now