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The gardens were stunning.  Like shockingly so.  Marcus explains that some of the residents are botanists, and created this mini paradise.   They specialise in breeding roses.  About 40 min away they also have their own farmland.  Though yes they need blood to survive as their own bone marrow does not regenerate blood cells, they also need food and nutrition.    Farming their own food means less reliance on the human race and more control over their own resources.

Walking with Marcus, I can feel my wolf.  She likes him despite what he did.  We can see the good in him, and how he wants what's best for his people.  And that's a quality I can admire even if his methods are ill thought out.   

"You know...  I think we can make the best of this situation."

He hums at me, looking up at the sky.  Not many stars to see in the middle of London, but still peaceful.

"Let me talk to the councils.  Lets actually use my position to help everyone.  There has to be a middle ground.  Surly its inevitable that supernaturals will come out?  Why not get me up to speed, and let me help?   Issac only strives for peace, and wants people to be law abiding.  He can help with the process.  I know he could."

Marcus looks at me with a surprised expression.  "You want to help?"

"Well, why wouldn't I?  I know you mean me no harm.  I can see your point of view, though maybe with some help, I can understand it and the process the knowledge even further.   I was due to go to this big meeting anyway to help calm anyone down if things got out of hand.   Why not involve me more to help your cause?"

Marcus takes my hands looking into my eyes.  He looks torn and serious.  That doesn't make sense.  I just offered to help, a solution for us both, and that also gets me home.  Clearly being a kidnapper is not who he is.

"Roxy.  I need to think about it.  This situation we are in.  It's a first for me, I don't regret it.  But I don't know what to do going forward. What I do know.  Is if you come out.  If you are discovered.   You will always, always be at risk.  I can't explain why that bothers me so much.  But it does.   If there's a way to do this without exposing you, I want to explore that first.  I... I want you safe"

But that doesn't make any sense.  Why on earth would I be a peacekeeper, and have to hide it?  If the vampires come out, this uber scary vampire Marcus is so worried about won't be able to take me without anyone noticing.  Plus, now we know, we can just be more aware.  Hell.  He could train me how to fight vampires and protect myself.  Thus I can protect Kate.

"Marcus.  I can't stay here.  I have a family.  People waiting for me.  I have a kid. I can't just not go home."

"You have a kid..."

He runs his hands through his hair in a stressed out manner.  Walking away from me, he looks torn, in deep thought and I have a desperate need to want to comfort him.    While I give him space and I am waiting patiently for him, I hear footsteps behind me.  My first mistake was not to be alarmed, or suspicious.  But why would I if I am in their public gardens with Marcus?

I feel two thick and strong hands encircle me.  One at my neck, the other restraining my arms pulling me flush against his chest. Marcus has a knife to his throat by that Arthur vampire I met earlier.  What the hell?

"Lets not make a blood bath of this Marcus.  You don't want your pet to get hurt now do you?"

Even his voice is malicious.  Its like listening to a snake find its voice.  It sends danger vibes shivering down my spine and bile to creep up my throat.  This guy comes from hell I am sure of it.

"Arthur.  What are you doing?"

"I thought to myself  that it was unusual for you to ever have a guest.  And most shockingly, a wolf at that.  I was surprised Damian let her stay.   And that got me to thinking.  He wouldn't."

A New Sensation - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now