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After hours of research in the library I am a ball of nerves.  It's been interesting to learn about Peacekeepers.  They were part of the original wolves that the moon goddess chose to bestow her gifts.  They were known to stop fights before they began, helping everyone remain calm and able to control their wolves.  In fact, they were treasured and respected.  There was always one of them in the court.  Normally mated to a beta.   Never before has one been mated to the King himself.  But that's not what has caught my attention.

What has rattled me to my core was this book I found about an hour ago. It's an old book falling apart that was written more like a diary of day to day things. This is where I found out what vampires really wanted from me.  

Once vampires found out that Peacekeepers can reduce their bloodlust, this is when they became hunted.  Vampires used them to help sire new vampires.  Turns out that the first ten years are when they are most vulnerable, killing anything on site, and prone to being killed themselves because they are so consumed with their bloodlust.   But when a Peacekeeper was involved, the bloodlust could be dampened.  And when a Peacekeepers blood was consumed by the new vampire, the transition period was reduced significantly, sometimes to only a year.

It was this movement that made the vampires numbers larger, and eventually overpowered the wolves, leading to the massacre of all original bloodlines that produced wolves with powers. 

God it made me shiver just thinking of all the wolves hunted for their blood and practically used as a blood bag.  Did Marcus know about this?  Does Remus?  This is a serious thing, and seems to be a detail no one mentioned or knew of.  

So note to self, avoid new vampires, try not to let them know I can dampen blood lust.  And.  Flip.  I should probably let Lucian know.  Thinking about it brings up images of him locking me in a dungeon somewhere.  He's been so busy getting his army trained and ready for war, working with Alphas all over the world helping them prepare for attacks too.  

Each passing day, each passing conversation, they all solidify how serious this is, and how much loss of life there will be despite everyones best efforts.  I want to reach out to Marcus and plead for him to stop this.  It seems pointless.  Hate and violence with innocents dying.  For what?  Someones misguided principle? I guess this is why I am suited to be a 'Peacekeeper', but I just don't like war.  I don't like that people have hatred and lack of tolerance or acceptance in their hearts.  I have felt like this my whole life. And more so now with an actual supernatural war on the horizon.

Pacing in front of the bay windows and so caught up in my thoughts, I screamed when Lucian put his hand on my shoulder.

"Whoa whoa whoa.  It's just me Roxy."  He pulls me into his arms to calm me down.

"Flipping hell you scared me.  Don't you knock you goddamn ninja wolf."

He looked down at me with an amused smirk.  As I gazed into his eyes, my heart still racing, I realise that he is holding both my arms to my side, and I am inches away from his body.  My wolf is purring inside, content in his arms, and my body being the traitor it is, reacts instantly.  Warmth pooling between my lower region, and blood rushing to my face making me blush.  Goddamnit.

"I did knock.  Then I tried to get your attention but you were clearly caught up in your own world.  I'm glad you didn't notice me.  This position is clearly preferable to you considering your bodily reaction hmm...?"

Flustered I try to push him away which only makes his grip tighten and him chuckel.  God how humiliating.  He can tell how aroused I am.  Kill me now.

"Now little mate.  What had you so consumed in thought that you left yourself vulnerable to your surroundings?"  The way he had leaned down to speak in a low husky voice in my ear, and his breath fanning down my neck.  The shivers down my spine.  Good god.  He starts rubbing circles on my arm with his thumbs, and it feels so relaxing and tingly it makes my core tighten slightly.  Ah the sensations he awakens in my body is dangerous.  Like not in control of my future actions dangerous.  

"How much time do you have?"

"I asked you a question."  His voice a little firmer, a little more dominant. I wonder if he does it on purpose or if it's a natural thing?

"And there is not a simple answer.  But it's information I think you should know." I counter.

He hums at me, looking to my neck then back to my eyes.

"I was coming to ask you to dinner.  But I guess, if we skip that, I can give you about two hours before my next meeting."

He's being so.  Nice? Asking me to dinner? And will give me two hours?  This is so out of character, so calm and collected.  I was expecting and was prepared for bickering, fighting.   But this is so.  Reasonable?  

"Roxy.  You okay? You're staring at me like I grew an extra head."

"Yes. I umm... I just.  You're just being so reasonable."

His eyes crinkle while a deep chuckle vibrates from his chest.

"Despite your first impressions, I can be a very understanding a fair guy.  You just have a... Hmm... Let's call it a talent of getting under my skin.  Now, I was hoping to spend some time with you, as you did rightly point out that I do not know you. How about we discuss what's eating you up first?"

I am speechless.  Seriously.  He wanted to spend time with me?  Last I saw him was this morning where he stormed off in a tantrum.  I didn't help the situation, but this complete about turn of character is.   Though welcomed.  Unsettling...

But.  I do think he should know about the danger I pose being just who I am.  God this will be a mood killer.  Maybe I shouldn't.  Take advantage of the moment and be as nice back?   I realise I am still in his arms, and he's quietly waiting for my reply gazing at me with an unreadable expression.

Sighing, I conclude he needs to know.  And irritatingly so, my wolf yips in agreement.  So, I ease myself out of his arms, and make my way over to my little makeshift study area that's littered with coffee cups and books.  I hand over diary like book to him while he raises an eyebrow at me.

"Here.  If you have a meeting later too, then how about I make us some coffee?  Go back about thirty pages from there.  I think you need to know this information, and its something we should discuss.  I'll be back in about ten minuets."

"Okay.  And to be clear.  This is what is bothering you?"

"Yes. It is.  It will be easier to discuss if you read it first.  How do you take your coffee?"

"Theres some flavoured creamer in the fridge.  Make the coffee strong please."

He settled himself down and starts flicking back through the book.  As I walk toward the kitchen, I am struck by how easy that was with him.  How natural it felt, and how weird it was for him to listen to me, and to just - He just sat and read the book like I asked.  Didn't demand a quick breakdown or anything.  He listened to me.

It's unsettling how easy and nice that whole encounter felt with him.  I felt. Huh.  Whats the word Im looking for... -  Respected. 

Hmmm... I wonder if he will stay that way once I get back. 

Hey guys! Its so nice that there are a lot of you reading this book.  Please vote or comment.  Petty I know, but it will let me know if you are enjoying my writing or not.

Positive reinforcement makes for a writer wanting to write more :)  

A New Sensation - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now