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You have no idea how excited I am to be back writing!

And to top it off, I looked at where my readers come from, and seriously all over the world. That blows my mind that you are interested in my story.

Question. Where are you located?

"Your kidding right?"

I look over to Remus. He's pinching the bridge of his nose, and looks burdened. Before I can wonder about why this is a burden to him, the god like male starts stalking toward me like the predator he is. My wolf is yipping away in my head that I can feel the beginning of a headache coming on. My body is getting hot and bothered, and frankly I think my hormones are getting the better of me because my body wants to jump on this stranger. Hell No.

"Stop right there buddy. Remus. We need to talk. You cannot keep me here."

The stranger growls menacingly, his eyes swirl from blue to grey like a storm. "Your not going anywhere." Oh dear god, that voice. I can't pin point the accent. European but so well spoken. Deep. Husky. Sensual. Kill me now.

"Oh, so you're part of this kidnapping posse too? I am not a possession! I have a life that I was abruptly plucked out of without my input all because of greed? Pride? I don't care but I am not anyo-"

"You're not a possession. You're my mate! Why are you arguing about this?" He stalks a step closer. My body heats up more, my fingers twitch to run through his hair. My wolf is trying to push through. What the hell, who is this man?

"Who the hell do you think you are? You can't go around just claiming someone as your mate as you please. You don't know me. I am not yours. Back off."

His body vibrates with anger, a deep growl sends shivers down my spine. Damnit. Before I can scowl at him, he stalks over, pushing me up against the wall. My breath hitches. The most amazing feeling washes over my body. Lust. His breath fanning over my face, arms trapping me between him and the wall. His scent is engulfing my whole being, and I am struggling to think straight.

"I know you feel that. I know you feel this. You were made for me. I was made for you. You are the other half of my soul. We were meant to find each other. To complete each other. To join as one. The moon goddess deemed it so. You are mine. I am not going anywhere, and neither are you."

With that he fists my hair, angles my face up toward him, and smashes his lips down onto mine. Holy crap the lust that lights up my body is overwhelming. Like a tsunami I can't run from. The sparks from his touch flying through my being, I feel literally like I am floating. Just as he starts to caress my face I realise what's happening.

With full force I push him away from me. Startled by my strength as he collides with the wall on the other end of the room.

"What the hell?!"

"Enough! You two stop. Lucian sit down. Roxy you too. Jesus I need a moment to think."

Lucian. Wow, it suits him. As much as I disapprove of this stranger kissing me, and my reaction to him, I cannot help but relish the feeling that kiss just gave me. People could get addicted to that sort of thing. My wolf was whining, clawing at my mind, trying to jump into his arms. I scowl at him instead. Mate or not, kissing someone you just met like that is totally inappropriate.

Looking at Remus, he looks both frustrated and amused. I glare at him. So far, this captivity is beyond weird, and I am not happy about being here. Flip. What about Kate? God do they know about her? What would they do if they found her? Issac must be loosing his mind looking for me. Oh god. He asked me to be his chosen mate. And this Lucian is declaring me as his. Actually. Scratch all this romance nonsense. Marcus. What do I do or think around that? If what Remus said is true, I. Flip. I don't even know what to think.

A New Sensation - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now