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I'm dedicating this chapter to my best friend who today leaves for Alaska.  I'm a little heartbroken.  But I promise not to kill off main characters while I feel like this.

I follow Lucian outside.  The gardens are manicured with a Roman theme.  Pathways everywhere.  The sun hiding behind the clouds, I think it's got to be about 10ish in the morning. 

There's a pit in my stomach.  The information I just received is not sitting well with me.  Even if Remus doesn't seem like a monster, how can I trust what he says?  An attack on packs? Marcus helping plan it? It doesn't seem right. 

"I'll have your clothes sent to my room later.  The sooner we claim each other the sooner we can start preventing more attacks."

I stop in my tracks. What did this male just say?

"Excuse me?"

Narrowing his eyes at me, he growls in return running his hands through his hair. 

"We are mates.  This is what mates do. And frankly, I am tired of standing by and watching my kind get attacked without being able to protect them."

"What are you talking about? How does being your supposed mate have anything to do with protecting others?"

He groans at me in annoyance.
"How much have you studied about werewolves?"

"None.  Only what Issac has taught me."

He narrows his eyes at me when I mention Issac.
"And?  What do you know about mates?"

"Not much.  That a wolf chooses their mate.  Once claimed it's more permanent than marriage.  Your souls bind to each other.  Which is why you need to calm it down on this whole mate business.  We just met."

"No.  That's wrong.  At least for wolves like us.   Yes, wolves far down the line with diluted blood have started choosing their mates.  They technically have a true mate out there but it has become rarer these days to find that one, and this trend of choosing replaced the sacred act of waiting for your mate."

He guides us to a bench where we can gaze at a fountain feature.  It's made to look like a waterfall, all the ledges parts of fallen down trees and excotic plants growing all around it.

"In the beginning, there were six men the moon goddess had grown fond of.  She was unable to have pups of her own. But these men whom she had watch grow up had captured her attention.  Vampires had become a real problem with no one able to defend themselves.  Slayers had been born.  But it was not enough.  It is unclear how she approached them.  But they were offered a new life, to help rule over a new kind with her guidance.  Sort of like the first royals. They were supposed to help police the vampires.  Stop attacks. 

Each wolf was granted great power.  But it was only when they found their mate did their power come to light.  That they could harness their abilities.

After some time,  the lines mixed, the moon goddess only allowed the power to be given to descendants of those original six."

"Are you trying to tell me your one of those descendant's?"

"Yes.  And I don't know how.  But so are you.  When we mate our power will combine, and be released so that we may use it."

"And what do you plan to do with it?"

"Avenge my family.  Stop vampires from trying to wipe out our race.  Take my place on the throne with you as my queen.  Bring back order to the chaos."

Oooh this is a crazy story.   This guy thinks he's an heir to a throne?  I may be new, but at no point has anyone mentioned to me there used to be royals. 

"I would like to go back inside."

"You don't believe me."

"Lucian.  Have you heard yourself?  I can maybe buy the mate thing because of how irritating my wolf has become around you.  But that doesn't mean I will be your mate.  I'm not a possession.  A tool. A way to gain power.  I need to think, and frankly.  I want to talk to Issac and Marcus."

He stood up menacingly. "You will not be speaking to Marcus."

"And why not?  He's my friend.  Been there for me.  I've just met you. I will be making my own mind up about this situation once I have gathered more information."


"I wasn't asking."

"You stubborn naïve woman."

"Excuse me?  Comming from the asshole who thinks it's okay to kiss strangers, and make up elaborate stories to get someone into bed with them."

"That's what you think? Goddess above.  Why she sent you as my mate I will never understand."

"Well good.  You don't like it.  Go choose someone else."

"I cannot.  You are my true mate.  I don't think you're fit to rule by my side , but only you can unlock the potential."

"Bloody hell.  Everyone just wants to use me.   No buddy.  Don't dare try.  I'm not yours"

With that I march off back to Remus.  Of all the arrogant assholes.  I'm hurt really.  I don't know if I buy that whole story.  But if it is true.  He's not interested in me or who I am.  He just wants to use me.   Join me to him for life, and use me.  It hurts.  I don't know why this is upsetting me as much as it is.  But I try swallow down my emotion.  Pushing the tears back I go to Remus to ensure I have my own room and figure out how I can talk to Issac. 

I feel so frustrated and unwanted.  I hate how my body reacts to that man.  How my wolf wants him.

"He's our mate.  He's upset.  We need to go help him."

"Did you not hear him?  Blimey.  I know you want him but he doesn't want us.  He wants the power we can give him.  And just btw.  You changed your tune quick.  I thought you wanted Issac?"

"He's our true mate.  Issac will never compare.  He's only distant because he doesn't know us.  His wolf loves us already.  We are the same soul.  He will complete our soul."

"No. We just met him.  Why on earth would you think he's our mate?"

"Did you not feel that.  The pull.  The sparks.   Our souls are calling out to be combined.  To merge back to what it once was.  He was made for us.  He can't be all bad if he was made for us."

"I am going to agree to disagree with you.  I want to know if Kate is okay.  Speak to Issac and Marcus.  We have bigger things to think about than this 'mate' of ours."

She growls in annoyance but seems to understand.   We don't have the best of relationships.  I am so used to doing everything on my own.  To consult this being within me is not natural to me.  But she seems to know me.  And god maybe her approach to allow me some space makes her the mature one out of us both.

That thought makes her give me a Wolfy chuckle. Damnit.

Okay.  So what would you name this chapter?

A New Sensation - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now