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You know.   Considering my luck recently.  Of course its bloody damn Remus.

That's just flipping great.



"You know.  Remus.  You are a real thorn in my side at the moment."

"No. That's a tree."


"I love the way you talk to me."

"Alright creeper.  Back off.   What do you want?"

Remus raises an eyebrow and loosens his grip on me.  "You have no fear of me right now do you? You're not like the others."

"Christ.  Do you know how difficult it is to talk with a hand around your neck?  You want to talk? Let go and talk.  I am over this dominance display already."

Remus takes a moment before he releases me.  Surprisingly, he steps back, removes his shirt and hands it over.  Not gonna lie.  It's a weird moment.  But, standing naked in front of him is not something I am comfortable in either.  So I snatch the shirt and throw it on.   It does make me shiver though as his scent settles around me, caressing my senses.   Ugh.   Bad guys are not supposed to smell good.   I was thinking Manure, fire, brimstone.   Not lemon and musk.

"Your so much more than I thought you would be.  But you don't use your powers at all.  Why is that?"    Because I have been in a blind angry, panicky tantrum.   Thats why.

"None of your business.  Now.  What do you want."

"You.  To come back home with me more accurately."

"Pass.  Next question."

He laughed.  A real belly laugh with a smile that reached his eyes.  "You are far more feisty than I imagined.  I love it."

"Roxy.  Roxy where are you?!"
"Issac??? I don't know.  Remus is here?"
I can hear him snarl down the link. 
"I don't know where I am.  Thirty min west?"
"Jesus, goddamnit why did you run so far?  Keep the link open.  I'm in the wrong direction.  Marcus will get there first."

"Time to go little one.  I think you are within talking distance of your Alpha and his friend."

"Go where?  Anton is a jerk.  Do not think for a second I will go back to his pack house."

Remus shook his head and chuckled low. 

"He is indeed.  Not where we are going.  Walk with me."


"I didn't ask little one."
I let out a low deep growl.  Alright. Banter is evidently over.

"Back off Remus. "

That got me a hiss and blimey his eyes are burning like fire.

"I don't want to threaten you.  It would be better for us both if you come nicely."

"What do you want Remus."

He abruptly steps forward, grabbing my arms,and sniffs the air. "Your pest of a friend Marcus is comming.  Time to go."

I let my wolf come forward enough to claw at his chest before I turned around and ran. 

Flip he's fast!  Before I can gain my bearings he was on top of me, pinning me to the ground.   I tried to kick him anywhere, everywhere.  Damn jerk is stronger than anyone I have sparred with.   He flips me onto my back, and my wolf freezes as we stare into his fire-pit eyes.  The glow from them casting a beautiful but deadly shadow across his features.

"As much as I enjoy this.  I don't have the time to play."

And he sank his fangs into my neck. Blimey! My wolf howled in fear.  It felt like he had set my whole body on fire, and scraped the scorched skin off.  I let out a deadly scream as I heard his voice in my head.


"Fuck you" I can feel my wolf swipe at the voice in fury.  How dare he try enter our mind.

I can hear a deep low chuckle in my head.   My body feels heavy, and damnit the pull of darkness is strong.  I want to close my eyes.  A rest would feel so good right now.   My wolf is pacing and yipping at me.  She puts her claws into my mind, caressing me to stay awake.   If I sleep I am defenceless. 

"You are different.  I love it.  Sleep Roxy.  We need to go."

The pull gets stronger.  My wolf bites, claws and scratches inside my mind.  She won't let him win.  She growls at me, and then bites down on our tongue drawing blood.  That will do it.  I yelped in pain at her.    

What the hell?

Don't sleep.  Don't let him take us.  Kate needs us. 


Remus stiffens when we both hear something or someone making a noise in the forest coming towards us, with a ferocious growl.  My eyes widen.  Who the?

"Remus - Get off her now."

"I was wondering when you were going to come and play Marcus."

Right as I lifted my head to turn around and look at Marcus, I feel my body fly through the air, my head snapped when it collides with a tree, and the pain explodes in my mind.  Damn that would have killed me if I was human.   I feel like I am going to vomit, my head is ringing so loud I can't hear my wolf.  I taste blood, and just try to concentrate pushing myself up off the ground while my body shakes with a cold sweat.  That was a bad hit.

My wolf is whining in my mind.  She's desperately nudging me to get up.  I know she's right.  I know if I don't, something bad is going to happen.  Shaking my head, I look up to see Remus and Marcus.  They are moving so fast I can barely keep up with their movements.  Their fangs are bared, their eyes glowing.  Marcus looks better off than Remus.  If I could just get up and help him.

I try to push up, and that's when I feel hands around my waist hoist me up and throw me over their shoulder.  "Marcus!!!"

He looks over at me in fright, and I was stupid to do that, because that's when Remus takes that spilt second to knock him out.   Whoever has me starts to run super fast deeper into the woods.  Hell no.  I swipe my claws over his back down to his spine.  I'll sever his spine if I have to.   I did a good job too, because he stumbles throwing me to the ground.

Before I can jump up Remus is there.  Damnit!

He eyes hold regret as he straddles me looking into my eyes, and then raises his fist bringing it under my jaw.  The world explodes in my mind, and this time, I welcome the blanket of darkness to escape the pain.  

Short but sweet. 
Okay.   So a vote. 
Next chapter.   Who's POV?



A New Sensation - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now