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I groan looking in the visor mirror in Andrews pickup.   My hair is in an updo, with stands curled to fall down and shape my face, softening the look.  I have on a midnight blue gown, made of silk, form fitting to my waist then with a soft flare going down to my ankles.  There's a slit that goes mid thigh on my right leg, the front with a tasteful cowl neck, the back, exposing my skin, going into a deep v stopping at the small of my back.   I feel like I am dressed to go to a wedding or a prom.  This is not normal for me, and not comfortable.   Sandra insisted I borrow her dress as I had nothing appropriate.   I swear that woman will take any opportunity to dress me up in something sexual that's not jeans and a t shirt.

"Something wrong foxy lady?"

"Dude, don't you dare call me that in front of those people.  If I am being forced into this, I at least want to make an okay impression.  Or even blend into the background.  That sounds really nice round about now.  Remind me again, just humor me why I HAVE to come to this thing, while most of the others get to stay home and enjoy themselves?"

"Moody much? Most other unmated she wolves would love an opportunity to get dressed up and essentially enjoy a party with other strong wolves."

"Yes, well, we have established since we met that apparently, I don't like fitting into your molds."

Andrew chuckles at this and lightly punches my arm.

"Ah that is true.  But hun.  You cant blend into the background, not with your sass, aura, and mmmm... you are looking fine in that dress."

"Eeeeew, your like a brother to me.  Seriously dude. Gross."

"Oh you want to talk about gross?  How about how you go goo goo eyes whenever Issac walks into a room?"

"I most certainly do not!"

"Oooooh, you most certainly do.  It makes me uncomfortable how you just about eye fuck him every-time you spa together."

"Yeah, like I want to fucking smash his head in.  That grizzly bear has no compassion for a newbie to this world, life and training."

Andrew smirks at me.   "Oh, I think he feels a bit more than compassion when it comes to you."

"Uh huh.  Like he does with every other she wolf.  A man like that must have a little black book of them he can call up anytime he wants."

"Ooooh.  That sounded like a hint of jealousy - how very interesting."

"I wont deny he is hot.  I can admit it.  But, I wont let a little attention go to my head from someone like that.  I am not a prize to be won, or a notch to be earned on his belt.  I have done well on my own so far, and intend to carry on that way."

Andrew looks at me for a moment with a surprised look. "You think thats what his attention is about?"

"Isnt that the case with most men?"

Andrews demeanor changes abruptly.  He clenches his hands over the steering wheel, and tenses his jaw, and just manages to grow out "Good to know you have such a low opinion of us."

"Oh common.  Dont be like that."

Its silent for a while.  Uncomfortable on my part.  When did this conversation fall off the rails?  Normally we banter and tease each other.  I know he's super loyal to Issac, and really looks up to him.  They have known each other since they were kids, bought up in the same pack, educated together, played together, fought together.   But he's always enjoyed teasing me and Issac. 

"You know.  This is his story to tell.  But I will say this.  He is no saint.   But has made a point never to play within the pack, nor bring females back to the house.  I have never seen his wolf ever show interest in someone.   You could consider giving him a break, a chance, or at least sit down and talk to him openly.  Especially if you view him in such bad light.   He is a good man.  A great wolf.  I get your background.  But, you are not considering his."

A New Sensation - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now