Season's Change - the sequel FINISHED

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Hello to all you amazing readers and fans of Coach's Daughter!
I just wanted to let you all know that the sequel is officially completed. Every chapter is now published and ready for anyone to binge read! I know there's a lot of people that like to read stories only after they've been completed.

With that said, I hope you guys enjoy the prologue to the second, and final, book to the Coach's Daughter.

Lillian's P.O.V.

"Are you sure it's such a good idea to be having this party tonight? We leave for college tomorrow morning."

Kelsey nodded, ripping a bag of tortilla chips open and pouring them into a bowl. She'd been adamant that we needed to have one last "hoo-ra" with all our high school friends before all going our separate ways. I personally thought that the past four adventures that we went on to different amusement parks and hiking trails was efficient but Kelsey thought otherwise.

"I know, I know. You think that I'm being over the top with this party, but I really am going to miss everything about this town. I want my last night here to be spent having fun with my closest friends from high school."

I smiled, taking pity on Kelsey. She was clearly having a harder time grasping that she wouldn't be back in this small town for several months. Unlike me, who was over the moon excited to have the freedom of responsibility to handle my life, Kelsey was dreading having all the adult responsibilities that came with college.

"I get it." Being her best friend, I knew that she was counting on me to help her. So, I took a seat on one of the stools in her overly large kitchen and grabbed a bag of chips to open. "So when do people start arriving again, and what are your plans exactly?"

Kelsey smiled, handing me a bowl. "People arrive at three, so we have about two hours to get everything set. But other than getting food ready and outside, we don't have a whole lot left to do. The pool is set and we have everything we need for a bon fire. Plus, my dad is out of town for the weekend so we won't be bothered."

All the pool parties that Kelsey had done over the past few years have all ended in a campfire, and every party had always been a blast. Since Mr. Olson was an ex-NFL star, he had a gorgeous house that was just short of a mansion. Although I'd never dared to ask the financial situation of her parents, I knew it was safe to say that her dad was loaded.

"It sounds like tonight will be tons of fun then, as usual." I picked up a chip from the bowl I'd just filled and plopped it into my mouth before asking how many, and exactly who, she'd invited to her party.

Kelsey glared at me for stealing a chip, grumpily answering, "Just the usual's. Austin, Blair, Katie, Seth, Savannah, Matt etc."

I held my hands up jokingly, "Hey now, no need to get upset with me for stealing a single chip before the party. I mean I am helping you get ready for it."

"I'm allowed to get mad at you, I am the one who bought them after all," she challenged. When I smirked and opened my mouth to respond, she cut me off, "Why did I choose you to help me?"

I grinned, "Because I am your best, and only friend,  that wanted to help."

Kelsey rolled her eyes; accepting that I was right. She grabbed a new bowl and filled it with some more chips before turning her attention to me with a grin. "Is Ben coming tonight?"

"He is actually," I said with a smile, "both him and Dylan."

Ben was my boyfriend of a year.  He was one of Dylan's top receivers who he'd introduced me to at a small bonfire his family had put on for the end of his high school football career. Ben and I were just good friends for the first few months, and he asked me to his prom that spring and we'd been dating ever since. 

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