Chapter 1 *Back to school*

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Editing my sorties so if a chapter has a ** next to it that means its edited, right now im doing up to chapter 9 and then yeah xoxox

Chapter 1- Back to school **

What are we going to use algebra for in real life? I mean it's not like someone going to come up to you when you 30 asking "hey if side B has an angle of 34 degrees and side A has an angle of 67 degrees what would be the value of X"

I mean I would bet you a jar of Nutella it would never happen but here I am sitting in a small stinky classroom full of people I hate listening to a teacher ranting on about how to find Y from X. Really is this going to help me when I'm older? Yeah ..

No it isn't.

I let out a deep breath and start looking at the board reading the writing Miss Maple has written in small un-neat and barely readable handwriting. I mean,would it kill her to write neater, not like a monkey that's gotten it's hand on a pen?!

I turn my attention elsewhere because her voice annoys me. It's all high and pitchy and just sounds like someone shoved a cactus down her throat.

Oh look! There's a crack in the corner of a wall and there are a pair of white eyes looking out of it. Setting my attention to it while the teacher was rambling in the background. Woah there aren't only one pair of eyes looking out of that crack there are about 7 or 8 (I'm not bothered about counting them) Yes, I'm lazy but being lazy you save more energy for running to the canteen for the last slice of pizza.

Maybe it's a spider, but don't they have like red eyes or fluorescent yellow? To be honest I don't even know because when I see one in the corner of my room I run out screaming so loud that you can hear me from down the street.

"Chloe" a raspy, high pitched voice says in the midst of my figuring out what the hell is in that small crack between the walls.

"What", I snap ,looking forward to see an annoyed looking Miss.Maple glaring at me. What,it's not my fault that she can't even write something that is readable to the human eye or talk normally.

"Stop looking at the walls and give me the answer to equation number 6" , she growled at me well,more like barked because she looks a bit like a dog morphed into a human or maybe more like a walrus..

I quickly skimmed the board finding the equation and using all of my brain to try and figure out what it said. All I could really understand was y= 23 and x= either 45 or caterpillar. I don't know, that's how bad her handwriting is

Well it's time to do a random answer, "four hundred and sixty nine" I say, then laughter erupts from the class...

The hell?

What did I rip my pants or something. Looking down the fabric of my blue plaid skirt was all intact and sitting on my lap.

"What's so funny" I ask, finding a few people shooting me smiles and a few people or, shall I say, popular dogs giving me glares. What they have against me, I don't know nor care but sometimes I wish someone would give them a slap in their ugly little faces.

"The answer has to be out of 180 idiot" some random guy who I don't like scowled me, was he my dad now? Oh wow first day back and I already hate it. Summer come back. I let out an internal groan that only I can hear and start tuning into what Miss Maple is saying.

I wonder why her last name is Maple. I mean she is short, has black hair that looks so badly dyed little miss platinum blond barbies hair looks dyed better and her hair looks so fake. She also is not sweet like maple syrup so what's with the name I don't know.

Maybe it was supposed to be like burned maple syrup that has been left on the stove too long and has burn so much it has turned to black charcoal. Yeah that's probably it.


After what seemed like hours the bell finally rang signalling it was time to get the hell out of this class and into another.

Yay more classes I just can't wait - note the sarcasm dripping of those words.

"Hey Chloe, what do you have next" A girl called Maya appeared next to me. She was one of my favourite people from my maths class because she shared the same interests as me during that hour staring at walls for half the term and then when testing started studying from Google until 6am the next morning.

She had long blonde carmel hair that reached just below her bellybutton and the nicest golden brown eyes I have ever seen.

"I have art,what about you?" I scrunched up my timetable and stuffed it into the front pocket of my green polo school shirt.

"Darn I have English with that old grumpy bat" she grumbled, fiddling with the edges of her skirt.

"Well I guess we better get going. Hey Maya, I'll see you either today when I'm walking home or tomorrow as I'm maths again" I gave her a hug.

"Oh wait did you see that thing with like 12 eyes in that little crack on the wall" I asked stopping mid step making me look like an idiot.

People should be used to my idiocy by now so it's not anything new.

" Yes and it was like staring at the class like not moving except of its eyeballs, it was scary and it didn't look like a spider or maybe it was I don't know" she replied cracking a grin. This is exactly why she was one of my favourite people in maths class!

"Well I don't exactly know since I left my glasses at home and looking a objects close up makes them look like a mix of squished Jell-O and a furry thing", I said.

" You've forgotten your glasses every day for the past 2 and a half years, one day I should sneak in put them in your bag and you won't have an excuse not to wear them!" she smirked.

"Well I would step on them , whoops you know how clumsy I can get" I gave her another small hug realising that the hallways were clear of any souls since class had started 15 minutes ago. Whoops..

"Bye Chloe, good 15 minute conversation about some sort of thing living in a crack" she said then disappeared before a corner.

That's actually pretty funny that we could spent so much time talking about something so pointless. I chucked and started walking to my art class.

The bell rang again signalling my freedom, well my freedom to recess! Still, it was 1 hour away from any type of scowling teachers. I swear teachers don't like me and I don't know why. Yes I may be a bit loud and annoying and bicker with some jackass boys but I still do my work in most classes.

Except for science but I still never get below a B grade which Miss Burnt Maple gets pissed about.

I get out of the hallway that is cramped with all sorts of students and start walking along the oval to find my small but not so small group of friends. There were about 6 of us and then sometimes there was another 6 girls and guys who would chill with us making it 12 or is it 13? But usually it was just the six of us.

I found them sitting under the huge oak tree at the far far far side of the oval.

Sometimes I wish we could somewhere closer so I wouldn't have to walk so far.

Yes I'm lazy and I admit that but I'm not going to change! Wait! That reminds me.. My pizza.

Ugh, first day and I forget to buy my pizza and there is no way I'm walking all the way back across the oval and then across the school to get some pizza then drag my lazy ass all the way back.

These are the times I wish I had magical powers or at least a portable oven that I could make my own pizzas in! Yes I am a small girl with big dreams.

At least my absent minded complaints kept me company as I reached my friends.

"What's up amigos" I set my bag down and then sit down next to it, getting out a sandwich.

Yes I still have food because food is my life. I don't know how I stay skinny because I eat more than my mom and dad put together. I guess my body can process it fast or something?

Yeah I don't really know what it's called because I don't like Health either. I mean the teacher once drew a diagram of a male and made it have huge boobs and 3 penises that looked like cars... don't ask.

"Hey" they greet back together.

"Chloe, I've missed you" Anna whispers from her hiding spot behind the tree. Wait why was she hiding?

"I'VE FOUND YOU ANNA" Kerry screams, abruptly standing up and running for the tree but Anna's has already sprinted off down the oval. How can they do that almost every day and I complain about walking all the way over here?!

Well that's my lazy genes.

"So how were your holidays" Marissa enquires, biting into a carrot and chewing loudly with her mouth open just to piss me off.

I growl "If you don't close your mouth, I'll shove the rest of the carrot somewhere you don't want it to get shoved"

She gives me a wink and starts eating her carrot normally... thank god, I scream in my head. Yeah I have a lot of inner conversations with myself- I call them mind gossip or time inside Chloe's thoughts.

" Yeah they were good, went out to a small place a few hours away for 3 weeks and bonded with the turtles that laid on the beach there" I replied munching up the last piece of my heavenly sandwich.

Out of all of the girls Marissa's my favourite. She's got dark black hair that always manages to shine even if were in the dark. Her light green eyes stand out under the sun and she literally has a heart of gold.

Kerry and Anna are twins but since Anna's been getting slightly bullied at this school her parents are thinking of moving her to a Swiss boarding school.. I mean Switzerland is cool but it's so far away from here and Kelly wouldn't be able to cope.

As much as those two girls bicker they're stuck together like glue. That reminds me in a few days I'm going to glue a coin to the floor in the school hallway then watch people try to pick it up.

I saw a video on YouTube and their faces were so funny like a mix of anger and confusion. One even fell over trying to pry it off the ground!

"That sounds fun, Dad and us went to Phuket while Mum stayed home savouring that the kids and husband had gone for a few weeks" Zack said appearing behind me and startling me.

"Scare me much" I say, punching him lightly on the shoulder but hard enough to make him whine.

"Someone's moody" he grumbled, sitting beside Marissa and grabbing out a Coke Zero and taking a sip of it.

I think that Marissa and Zack have feeling for each other but they are too stubborn to admit it to themselves and then to each other. Everyone else has noticed accept them I mean how blind are they?

Quiet chatter fills the air and some occasional screams from Anna and Kerry chasing each other and then throwing sand at each other. Seniors yet they still act like freshmen.

What losers, but they were my losers.. Well I can't talk I should say I'm the biggest idiot out of them all. I fall over so many times in one day, I'll be one of those people who dies of too many bruises.. If that's possible and if that isn't I'll make it possible.

"Guys, it's class in 10 minutes and I don't like to run to class looking like an idiot so I'll see you at lunch, kay?" I grumble, as I get up from my spot and dust the grass off my skirt.

"Bye" Zach says giving me wink - yep he's such an idiot.

"Later" Kerry and Anna shout from somewhere in the midst of the oval.

"Adios bitchachos" I say, giving them a queen like wave before walking off down the oval. I swear that this oval is like 3 kilometres across. Well that's my daily workout so I burn off the thousands of calories I eat every day.


"..That's why carbon monoxide gives a certain reaction when mixed with iron shavings and methyl orange" The science teacher says while writing yet another thing for us to write up in our books.

This is another thing I hate about school and class - having to write things down. I mean it's a waste of trees. We have our own school laptops but most teachers insist we hand write it. How gay...

I mean I'm lazy so for all of last year I used to take photos of the board on my phone so the teachers couldn't complain about me now having reference to the information we learned that day. Yet this year being senior year I decided to look like a good student and write it down on normal paper.. R.I.P tree's.
I mean we could just use our laptops to do it but it takes away 'key focusing aspects of our learning'. Yeah right..

In the middle of class something exciting happened, a new guy came in and joined our class. Okay let me break it down for you he has short brown hair that gives him the 'cute' look but the thing I noticed was how his eyes were deep emerald green with blue in them. They were so cool while I was stuck with violet eyes.

"Ah Mr.Ryder , you may go sit next to Chloe for this period and after class we will catch up on all the work you've missed this lesson" Mr Annoying Teacher said before pointing him to my direction.

Okay Chloe, breathe, he's looking at me, eep. I give him a smile and he just gives me a bland look.

Why do all the hot guys that join my class have to be jerks?! I mean it's un-fair.

In midst of the boring lesson Lilly , aka the school slut came over to the new guys desk "Hi I'm Lilly and you are?"

"Blake" he replied giving her a wink.

Yep he's out of my interest, he's cocky and cocky guys are part of the popular people. And the popular people and I don't get along, so sadly there isn't much chance of me being with Mr Hot Eyes.

Oh well at least I have Justin Bieber..

I should really stop giving people names like Mr.Hot eyes or Miss. Grumpy because soon it's gonna make me seem like I'm a bigger weirdo than I already am.

The final bell rang, "Bye Chloe , well see you tomorrow" Rosy pipes up from beside me, engrossing me in a hug, before she scurries off with all the other students making a beeline for the bus. I start walking out the school looking at the blazing sun above me. For a spring day it's really warm.

Just making things clear, I do have a lot of friends but only a knit tight group that I sit with so don't think I'm popular because I'm not even close.

I can feel my skin burning and I'm still only half way to home. Why can't I get a car? Because my parents say I don't need one and I need exercise. No, I don't need it because that walk I do every recess and lunch to the oval and back is more exercise that I would willingly do in a month. I'm not really the athletic type.

I hear footsteps behind me and suddenly my brain goes into ninja mode. I look around me before doing a retarded jump thing turning around.

You know what I see? A freaking white fluffy cat?!? Why did it sound like a humans walking behind me?! Ugh dumb cats.

Wait, I love cats. They are the cutest little animals ever, I mean you can walk them, cuddle them, cry on them and keep them in your handbag when you go out shopping.

To my surprise I'm already standing outside my one story grey and white house. I guess my little inner conversation did keep me company on the walk.

I rustle around in my pocket before finally finding the damn key to the house and shoving it into the key hole.

A burst of cool air hits me as soon as I walk in. I guess that's the good thing in my house, it's so cool so in summer it's cool inside even when it's scorching outside, but for winter..let's just say it reminds me of the alpines or Antarctica. So it's a win/lose situation.

I drop my bag down beside the front door and slip on my converse before going to my second favourite place of my house - the kitchen.

What I love food? Don't judge me, food is life. I mean so is family but food can't get annoying and keep nagging you to clean you room, right? Nope so that's why I love it.

I open the cupboard door and get out a jar of Nutella, a spoon and a banana from the bench.

"Hey dad I'm home" I shout into his bedroom before walking into my own room and getting comfy on my bed with my jar of Nutella. I peel off the banana skin and start dipping it into the Nutella creating "Banella".

Okay Banella is banana and Nutella mixed together to make a half healthy snack. Bananas are healthy right? Honestly I hate anything healthy but my parents find ways to make me eat it.

My room is actually pretty cool, last year for my birthday and Christmas present I got it re-done with a bedroom designer and everything. Since we lived right by the beach and my room was facing it we put in huge windows that you could see the water from.

I had a double bed, cool little sofa seats that are white and then a pink fluffy carpet draping the floors. In the corner I have a collage of photos hanging up and fairy lights around my bed.

It's my dream room.

After I finish my delicious snack, I take out my laptop from beneath my sheets. What, I tuck my laptop in before I go to school so my bed and laptop have each other so they won't get lonely.

And I wonder why I don't have a boyfriend....

I stare at my not so white apple macbook that the school has given to us and open my favourite websites. Tumblr, Facebook and my blog. Yes Tumblr is life.

I hear my mum's car come into the driveway so I put down my laptop and run into the lounge room to pretend I haven't been lazing around while I was home, but doing some cleaning.

You see, my mum and dad both love clean houses and rooms but they don't like cleaning, so who do they make do it? Poor old me..

"Chloe, can you start cutting some carrots, onions, celery and parsley for some soup tonight?", my mother's tone seems annoyed so I walk into the kitchen and start chopping the vegetables.

Wait..soup, didn't we have soup last night? Ugh, I hate soup because its blended and the only things that are edible in the soup are some sort of white and red beans that taste like something gross.

See, not a fan of vegetables as you already know.

"Yo Chloe, what's for dinner tonight?" my older brother Max somehow appears out of nowhere.

"I think it's some sort of strange vegetable soup that Dad likes with that green stuff or something, so if I were you I'd make plans with Mindy to get the hell away from the mystery soup". Mindy was his girlfriend which was a huge surprise to everyone because my brother doesn't date or didn't - he only played, but that all changed when he met Mindy.

"Thanks, I'll bring you back some food", he said, heading up to his room probably trying to coax Mindy into going out with him for dinner again.

Once all the vegetables were cut I chucked them in a pot, filled it up with water and then waited for mum to come and start adding some strange stuff into it.

"What's exactly in the soup?" I ask.

"Oh, it's watercress and bean soup with blended potatoes", she replied with a smile. How could this woman smile when she knew what kind of thing we were eating for dinner tonight?

Letting out a groan I walk away back into my room to check my Facebook. What? Facebook is also my life. I don't really talk to anyone on there I just like to stay in tune with all the gossip and weird toilet selfies that people post when they're ether high, drunk or dared too.


Sitting at the dinner table with a bowl of mush and an awkward silence surrounding us, how fun!

"So, Mum, how was work?" I try to make conversation hoping that she will talk about work, Dad will join in and then they'll start talking and I can sneak into the shower then to bed.

"Oh nothing much really, just a bit tired from all that paperwork, what about you Don?" she asked my dad.

Yes, it's working!

"Well we've got a new client who will be joining us for dinner tomorrow. Hey Chloe I think they have a son that's your age", he says, taking a huge spoonful of his soup.

"Great, well I'm going to have a shower, okay?", I quickly say.

"Wait, take the dishes, wash them and then you can do whatever you want. Your father and I will be in our rooms watching a movie, so don't disturb us", my mum said. Then they just got up and walked away.

Looking down at my uneaten bowl of soup, I did a mini fist pump. Usually my parents would stay and wait for me to finish my food but they're gone and I don't have to eat this junk!!

Quickly collecting all the dishes from the table and putting them into the dishwasher, I practically ran into my room. Shutting the door behind me, I sat down on my bed and started eating more Nutella.

What, I didn't have dinner and its only 9.30, so I can eat it guilt free right?

It's gotten very quiet in my room so I get out my panda shaped IPod dock,it's like a panda but also a dock, and plug my iPhone it and bust some tunes.

I set it on shuffle and then my jam comes on (okay jam is a weird word but it's my song)

Your insecure , don't know what for
You're turning head when you walk through the doooor
Don't need makeup to cover up
Being the way you are is enougggggh
Everyone else in the room can see it , everyone but yoouu
Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
The way you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell
You don't know o-o-h you don't know you beautiful

Singing along to One Direction and dancing in an old pair of leggings is my idea of a fun night.


Ola amigos - so this is a new story and I'm hoping that I can stick to it :c.

Please read and leave me some comment because it would make my day

thank you wonderful people


>>>>>>> Chloe's super cool and sexy bedroom.... don't you wish you had one like that?

yes i do ugh lucky person who owns this room


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