Chapter 26 *Surviving all the lies*

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Chapter 26 *Surviving all the lies*

“Chloe” his voice was thick with some sort of raw emotion, his violet eyes flickered so a tone of purple as he looked at me.

“Manesh” I replied, I don't know why his family named him with an Indian name.

He was really here, just chilling on our couch like the older days; that was before he left us for no apparent reason

“I guess I really need to explain myself don't I?” he questioned looking anywhere but me this time. He better freaking explain and it better be a good explanation.

I felt butterflies soaring through my stomach at the possibility of finding out the real truth, all to say I really don't know what to expect

“Yes I really think you do” Max spat, I had forgot he was standing right next to me, I shot a glance at him and his jaw was clenched so hard it made the lower part of his face go white.

“First I have to say I'm sorry” It was my turn to look at him; he hadn't changed that much except his hair was turning a silver grey colour instead of being blonde and a few extra wrinkles were framed around his eyes.

I just looked at him waiting for him to go on

“Anything else?” Max shot, he was obviously not wanting him in out house. I on the other hand wanted him to stay until he gave me answers.

Then he could take his sorry ass out of my house..

He stayed silent for a few moments; a sad expression crossed his dim features as he ran a hand through his hair. In his eye you could see he was trying to speak what was sitting right on his mind.

“Well..?” I muttered, he locked eye contact with me before dropping his gaze back down to his hands that were neatly on his lap.

“Firstly Chloe, Max again I'm sorry for leaving you all those years ago, I know it was wrong and I didn't think it through but I didn't just run off into the sunset with some sort of other woman. I would never betray your mother like that.. Or both of you's” the heartbroken expression on his face made my hear shattered a little bit more.

I was still a daddy's girl at heart, no matter how many shards that heart was broken into.

“So what was the reason” I asked, I could hear my voice was faint as tears started to form at the bottom of my eyes.

This was the moment of truth.

This was when I really find out the reason.

I gulped them back as he cleared his throat continuing his story “The reason I left was I had joined the army in honour of your granddads and great granddads legacies, Its been a tradition if the male authoritative figure had died in a war”

I gasped

He had joined that army? It was just a huge shock to be honest in both matters really at first there was relief that he dint run off with some slut like in the cliché movie s.

“what” I croaked , Max nudged my arm from beside me; yet again I totally forget his presence in the room. I guess the only things I was really focusing on was the steady beating of my heart and the words my father was speaking.

I looked at Max who was looking at my dazed expression then as he stared at my dad, he just looked at us with guilt flickering in his purple eyes.

“I'm sorry, I really am guys but I had to do it it's a family tradition that I have to honour, But you guys were more important but I didn't realise that until I was in the plane heading to the battle zone” He admitted.

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