Chapter 30 * Surviving The Mind Games *

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  • Dedicated to To my amazing Amy

Chapter 30 * Surviving The Mind Games *

Blake Ryder

Blake Ryder

I rushed out the house like a mad mad, I quickly got onto my motor bike and shoved the keys in, the bike roared to life.

I backed out of the driveway then down the road and onto the highway. The blurs of trees, houses and streetlights enchanted me but the only thing I could think about at that moment was what the gang would do to Chloe If I didn't get her in 24 hours.

You may think that they wouldn't hurt a girl but they're horrible people, they would even kill a woman if they had to.

And once they even did.

No sympathy

So regrets

Just cold blood murder because of some stupid bet that went wrong, is a bet really the value of a life?

To me it isn't but to them at the one moment it was, and that's why I left that horrible place a few years ago.

Memories started flooding back into my mind from those years ago, how could those people be so cruel, so horrid, so blood thirsty, so uncaring just like robots.

I let out a small shudder as I pulled into the Millers street, their white family house came into view as I quickly parked my bike in the driveway and jumped off.

I started knocking on the door as hard as I could, Could Max please hurry the fuck up and answer the door. His sisters life is at stake right now.

After what felt like forever the door opened and Max stood there with a weary expression, “why are you here at 2 am in the morning?” he groaned

I looked down at my wrist watch and realised it was really the middle of the night, whatever I don't really give a fuck at this stage.

“Well I know where Chloe is” I said, his eyes got wide as he gave me a look of disbelief. It was quickly replaced by a look of concern

“what, where is she” He breathed

“with the Gang, they took her because apparently they have some unfinished business with you and since they couldn't get you they got the closest thing- which was Chloe”

“W-what” he stuttered his eyes wide with shock as he leaned on the door frame for support.

“You heard me, now would you care to tell me what the hell you had done to get the guys all angry at your sorry ass” I couldn't hide the annoyance in my voice.

In a way it was his fault that they took her, but it was kind of mine to.

Why did I ever get involved with them all those years ago, why did I watch everything they had done without doing anything.

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