Chapter 6 *surviving Truth or dare*

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Chapter 6 Surviving Truth or dare

"Okay guys, since we have an extra hour of lunch, let's play truth or dare" Kelly said.
She tucked a strand of her messy brown hair behind her ear and sat down next to me.

"I'll start, okay, Zack, truth or dare?" Marissa asked Zack. Me and Kelly gave eachother a look, hoping he would choose truth.


"Who do you like?" Marissa asked, both of them turned pink.

How cute. Marissa's usually pale face was red and so was Zack's tanned one.

"Let me answer this because I'm getting annoyed at you two giving each other damn googly eyes and never acting on it. Zack you like Marissa and Marissa you like Zack, now you two better get your asses up and start going out" Kelly said, pointing an accusing finger at both of them. This is why I love her... she speaks her mind and isn't scared to.

Marissa and Zack look redder than tomatoes at this point, being the good friend I am, I decided to I save them. "Kelly, your turn"

"Okay, Chloe, truth or dare?" she asks, an evil smile crossing her face. What is this woman up to?

"Dare" oh God, I hope I've made the right choice, their truths can be pretty bad but so can their dares..

"You know that cheerleading try-outs are next period, right?" she asks, the creepy smile never leaving her face.

"What does this have to do with the game?" I ask... this doesn't sound good.

"I dare you to try out, since you've done years and years of gymnastics, and your dance season starts in a few weeks so becoming a cheerleader will help you get fit"
Did I just hear her right?

You know what kind of girls do cheerleading.. popular girls and number one, I'm not popular and number two, I trip on anything and everything.

"Yeah right, I'm not doing that, Kelly" I cross my arms over my chest and give her a pout.

"Nope, you have to, remember what we made Zack do last year?" Marissa comments, the redness has left her cheeks but there's still a tinge of pink.

The memory made me chuckle, okay let me fill you in on what we made Zack do for a dare last year.. well the two things we made him do.

Last year there were a bunch of guys near the entrance of our local shopping center so we dared Zach to go up to them, give them his number and do the slut drop. Lets just say, after that he had to go on a date with one of them. His face was priceless.

Second one was a lot like the first but, since my parents forced me to do dance, I had to buy a pink tutu and leotard so we dared Zack to put them on, go up to a bunch of girls, do a little dance and give them his number. The best part was that someone was recording that and the video went viral on the Internet.

"Do I really have to?" please say no.

"Yes!" all three of them shouted. Marissa looks exited and Kelly just looks evil, then Zack is still as red as a tomato and trying to hide his blushing cheeks.. bless him.

"Ugh, I don't even have a routine guys" I grumble.

"Remember a few years ago, your first place routine, do that but add some dance into that. Kelly and I will come to make sure you do it properly" Marissa smirks at me, what's with everyone bloody smirking at me?

"I hate you guys" I groan, picking up my bag and heading over to the gym with Kelly and Marissa.

We walk in and the gym is packed with about 30 girls ranging from freshman to senior. I get to totally embarrass myself in front of all these girls. Yay me..

The cheerleading coach Miss Z comes to the centre of the room and all the excited chatter is stopped, and the gym has an eerie vibe to it.

"Welcome, ladies, to cheerleading try-out. We will be choosing 5 from each age range to participate in Woodfires Squad" her slightly manly voice booms through the gym.

"Everyone will do a 3 minute routine and after that the judges will take 10 minutes to decided who will be a cheerleader" everyone nods in agreement, most of them exited and mine .. well, mine is more of a 'help me' nod.

"Good, we'll do things a little differently. Seniors will be first so seniors, come up here and write your names down on the list". About 15 senior girls, including myself, went up and wrote our names onto the white pad of paper.

"Great, Zoe Hansen first, followed by Chloe Miller.." I stopped listening when she said my name, I'm second... freaking second.

I hate truth or dare.

"You'll do great" Kelly whisperes from beside me.

"It's your fault I'm in this damn mess" I snap.

"You'll thank me when you're the best dancer out of your dance academy" she says, a little too loudly.

"Shut up, only you, me, Marissa and Zack know and I'm hoping to keep it that way" yes I don't like anyone knowing I'm a student at the top regional dance academy.

The reason is that people class you as 'dancer' and then expect you to act like a dancer. Also I don't really like any type of physical activity and if people found out, they would think I'm lying.

The only reason I do this whole dance thing is to keep my ass is shape. I can eat bucketloads and my tummy stays flat but my butt is a different story.

I'm suddenly snapped out of my day dream "CHLOE MILLER" one of the judges calls my name. Crap.

"Good luck" Marissa says, and before I know it I'm walking to the middle of the gym, waiting for the music to start.

"Ready?" the muic starter person asks, I nod wearily.

I'm so not ready.

Some sort of pop dance music comes on and I start dancing.

I do part of last year's dance routine, then I add some gymnastics into it. To add some sparkle, I do a double cartwheel from which I land in the splits.

Then I do a little more dancing, then I do a pike followed by a hip circle, front pike, back flip, straddle swing and then land into the centre splits again.

The music stops and I look around to see blank faces all around me except for Marissa's and Kelly's - theirs are glowing.. Shit, did I mess up that bad?

I feel a blush creep up to my cheeks and I quickly go over to the benches to sit down.

'Did I screw up that bad?" I ask the girls.

They just shake their heads and continue to smile at me and then look at each other and then smile at me again.

Was I missing something? I shrug my shoulders and focus on the other girls doing their tryouts.

1 hour later, all the seniors have finished performing and Miss Z takes her spot in the middle of the gym.

"Ladies, I'll announce the senior captain and the vice captain, before I announce the rest of the senior team" an outbreak of excitedly nervous chatter breaks out, before it's quickly stopped by the coaches.

"Captain Amanda Tango and then Vice captain Chloe Miller" a round of applause echoes through the gym, a few congratulations come my way but I can't move or even blink.

Vice captain ..

Me, vice captain?

Cheerleading is for popular girls not me! I can't even cheerlead.. what in the name of all that is holy have I gotten myself into?

"Practise will be after school on Mondays and Fridays. You will work in sports bras and shorts, bring water. Pom-poms will be supplied and so will your uniform. Now, juniors, come down and show us what you've got. Seniors, you may leave"

I feel my am get grabbed and I'm dragged out of the gym.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?" I scream at the girls, I can't do this.

"You'll love it, trust us" they answer.

"NO I WONT! AHHHHH" I sit down on the ground and just stare up at them.

"Pouting wont get you anywhere, what's done is done. Now lets cut class and go sports bra shopping"

"After school, I'm not cutting class" I argue getting my bag and walking to my next class.

Kelly and Marissa follow behind me, since we have History together.

We walk in and 30 pairs of eyes shoot out way. Blake's blue ones are glowing with amusement. Jerk.

"So, why are you ladies late?" Mr White enquires. He is a good teacher, a bit on the old side but he's pretty understanding.

"We went to keep Chloe company for cheerleading try outs" Kelly says.

Then all I hear is Blake laughing, loud and clear. Ugh, the ass is mocking me.

"Chloe?! A cheerleader?! The girl hates anything to do with moving, let alone dancing with pompoms! That's gold" he fails to keep a straight face.

Anger boils up in me, who is he to say that.. even though part of it is true, it's still mean.

"Well, Blake, right now you're mocking the Vice Captain of the Woodfires 2012 cheerleading squad" his smile drops and he stares at me in astonishment, so do some of the jocks that were laughing with him.

Serves you right for mocking me.

"Great job, Chloe, but take a seat" Mr White says.
I look around and the only seat available is one next to Blake..maybe I should have skipped after all.

I sit down and he faces me, his face still blank but his eyes looked confused. After a moment, a smirk landed on his face and his eyes were gleaming.

"What now?" I snap.

"Oh nothing, it's just that I love watching school football games and it's gonna be pretty fun watching you shake your little ass from the sidelines"

My jaw dropped, did he really just say that? "Perv" I muttered.


'Okay, we're coming to your house at four to go cheerleader shopping, so go get changed and have something to eat so you wont annoy us with your pleas for food" then I got kicked out of Kellys car as they drove away.

I put my house key in the lock, dropped my bag down on the white tiles and walked into my second favourite place of the house.

My beautiful kitchen.

"Hey Max" I greet, he just raises an eyebrow at me and so does Mum.

"I'm going shopping with Kelly and Marissa at 4" I tell mum.

"Grounded, remember?" dammit.

"But I need new clothing" I whine, taking a bag of chips out of the cupboard and plopping a few in my mouth.

"For what?" she asks. Damn, now the only way for her to let me go is to tell her about cheerleading.

"I'm now the vice captain of Woodfires cheerleading team" I mumble, putting more chips in my mouth.

Max spits out the water he was drinking and stares at me while mum gives me a big hug. Woah, is she on meth or something?

"YOU'RE WHAT?" he screams at me, throwing his hands up.

"I'm a cheerleader" I reply, putting one of those fake smiles on my face.

Well, looks like that just made him angrier..


Well mate it wasn't my idea...

"Oh hush, Max, that's great, Chloe, you can go" she dismisses me and I walk away.

In the distance I can hear Max shouting at Mum asking her why she's happy about me cheerleading.

I wish he knew I wasn't happy about it either.

I stripped off my school uniform and replaced it with a white long sleeved shirt and a pair of black leopard shorts.

I let my blonde hair out of it's tight bun and let in cascade down my back in waves.

My phone started blasting Justin Bieber and I quickly ran across my room to answer the call.

"My little Rebels a cheerleader... now that's unexpected"
Oh how nice, the moron decided to call.

"Very funny, Blake, anything you need?" I rely in an icy tone, I'm still not happy at him for laughing at me.. dickhead.

"It is, I thought you hated moving"

"I do, cheerleading wasn't my idea, okay?" I grunt, trying to balance the phone on my shoulder while slipping on some blue vans.

"Who's was it then?" woah he sounded like he was intrested, that is something new..

"It was a truth or dare"

"Oh, I have some very unfond memories from truth or dare"

"That's nice" I grab my purse from my bedside table and head into the livivng room to sit on the couch.

Our couch is like a white felt and when you sit down, it moulds into your body shape and just makes you so comfy.

"Chloe, you there?" crap, I forgot I was on the phone.

"Yeah" I say, relaxing into the couch.

"Nothing, just thought you hung up on me" he replied.

"Well I have to go, I'm going cheerleader shopping with Kelly .. yay" I say with mock sarcasm.

"Okay. Bye Rebel" he said, then the line went dead.

I relax into the couch noticing I have half an hour before I actually have to leave. I close my eyes and just enjoy the softness until I feel someone sit down next to me.

I snap my eyes open and notice a very un-friendly looking Max staring at me.

"What?" I ask, hugging a pillow.

"What? You ask what?! Oh nothing, I'm just a little upset that my sister is going to be some skanky cheerleader" he argues.


"ME?! SKANKY?! YOU DONT KNOW ME, MAX, I'M NOT SKANKY AND TO BE HONEST THIS WHOLE CHEERLEADING THING WASNT MY IDEA, OKAY?!" I screamed at him. I think my face went red, because looking at his face, he looked a tad bit intimidated.

"Whatever" he growled, storming off into his room then slamming the door for extra effect.

Again, I just think he's pmsing.. or he's just really moody and wants to make the family moody too?

I hear a knock on the door and go to answer it, I already miss the couch...

"Yo biatch, lets go shopping!" Kelly's excited tone just makes me shrug.


"Oi, don't be sad, this will get you extra flexible for dance" Marissa tried to make me enjoy the idea of cheerleading, but the idea of me shaking my ass in short skirts doesn't make me smile.

"Whatever, lets go and can we get some food on the way?" I ask.

"If we buy you food, will you smile when we're picking out clothing for you?"

"Fine" see I'll do anything for food, and I mean anything, because food is my life and my life wouldn't exist without food.

All three of us get into Marissa's red Toyota Carola and start driving off to the local shopping centre.


"Are you sure you guys can't go while I stay in the car?" I grumble, looking over to the super packed shopping centre.

"Nope" Marissa replied, popping the p.

I groan and grudgingly get out of the car and make my way into the first shop I see.

"Uhm Chloe, you're not going to find bras in mens wear" I look up and indeed I've walked into a men's clothing shop, earning me some weird stares from the shop workers.

I shrug and follow the girls until they stop outside a shop, it's pink all over and there are arrays of bras, boy shorts, pyjamas, anything you can imagine.

As much as I hate to say it, it looks really cute.

I look over expecting to find Kelly and Marissa next to me but the spots they were in are empty.

I glance around and notice that they're already rummaging through different coloured sports bras.

"Oi, what size are you?" Kelly asks, holding out a bright pink bedazzled one.

I shake my head "I'm a 34C and please nothing pink"

"Okay" then she runs off, looking through various racks of sports bras.

"Chloe, do you like this?" Marissa was holding out a leopard print bra, to be honest, it was pretty cute.

I nodded my head and she dropped the bra into the basket and went off trying to find some more.


30 minutes and 7 bras later we were standing at the cashier's desk, waiting to pay for the bras.

I kinda actually like most of the bras the girls had picked out for me, a few of them have a little to much bedazzlement but they were still cute.

"Are these all?" the cashier asked, she looked really familiar, light red hair and freckles framing her face.


"Okay, that comes to 55.67" she said and I held out a 100 dollar bill.

She gave me a generous smile and handed me my purchases. "Lets go" I say.

"Yep" they reply.

We start walking towards the exit "Wait, you owe me food" I say, before giddily turning around and going in the direction of the food court.

I hear the groan, they thought I would forget. Ha it's food, like I would forget...

"Taco Bell?" I suggest.

"Whatever" they reply, looking bored.

"Come on, it's food"

"Yeah but it makes us fat and you stay skinny" Kelly answers.

"Don't start with me, Kell, it wont make you or Marissa fat, okay? You two have better food processing than me, so lets go eat"

"Chloe, it's called metabolism, you're so dumb"

"I dont like science, sue me?"
I reply, before joining the queue for a lovely Taco Bell lunch, or shall I say, dinner.


Hello my lovies .. so enyone enjoy this chapter

Ive already started on the next one so im super exited to post it.

Has anyone noticed im updating almost ever day.. woah i guess im really caught up in this story but thats good right

dont forget to



and fan

or all three because that would make my day

Next upload: Tuesday/ wednesday

Teasers: Chloes going to get a big change literally, how will her first cheerleading practice go? i dont know wait yes i do mwahahah

Did anyone expect that?


bye lovies



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