Chapter 19 *Surviving the rock*

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Chapter 19 * Surviving The rock *

What' s the point of starting school at 8.30 in the freaking morning. Who the hell even likes to wake up at that time?

I mean if there was a class vote a bet 99.9998% would vote that they hated waking up at 7 just to get ready and do their preparations.

Its a serious pain in the ass, and don't even get me started on the people who actually have to drag their asses out their houses and walk.

Do they even think about the pedestrians?

Why no, no they don't. I think they do it just so see us squirm. Bloody teachers screw you and your stupid 8.30 first period class!

Why am I bringing this up now you may think? Well there is a totally good reason for this rant, want to know why?

This morning I wake up ten minutes later than normal and somehow it takes me an hour to get ready so when its usually time to eat I have to be out the door.

So lets just say I didn't get any food this morning so I'm not responsible for all the back chat my teachers are going to get from me!

Seeing the school appear in my sights gives me motivation to turn the hell around, run home and never come out.

Yes I mean run, actually run like faster than walking

I wish that if I played temple run that that guy I make run was me so I could just swipe a finger and I would be running.

Wait I don't think that made any freaking sense did it?

Who cares there's no food in my system and I just want to go back to my bed and lay there scrolling through half naked abs on google.

Seeing those abs gives me motivation to go out and get fit, then I think 'that will never be me' and after that I got get a tub of Nutella ice cream and cry in bed.

Pretty fun life I have hey?

Partying on Tumblr and Facebook from Fridays to Sunday, and that also makes me want to cry

Maybe I should drop out of school and pursue my blogging career? That sounds like a great idea, you know because tumblr famous instead of going to school sounds great

“Chloeeeeeee, I thought you were dead” what? Hey I'm already at the school Looking over Maya somehouw found me and has a big grin on her face.

Why is she so happy and I'm not

I didn't choose the thug life, the thug life chose me....

“Right now I wish I was dead, school is such a pain in my ass” I complain, throwing my arms up in the air.

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