Chapter 4 * surviving my first teen party*

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*Chapter 4* Surviving my first teen party

The week has somehow flown by and right now it's Friday lunch time. My tummy is doing flips. I've never ever snuck out and what if my parents find out? Oh god no..

“Earth to Chloe” Kelly whispers in my ear.

“What?” I question, picking a few strands of grass and throwing them up into the air.

“Why don't you come to Lilly's party tonight? I know you wont, but it wont hurt to ask, right?” Marissa comments, taking a bite of her wrap.

“Yeah it will be fun, hot guys, free food” they say convincingly.

“Guys, I'm already going” I grumble.

“Good joke Chloe, but you should really come” Zack comments.

“Yeah, live a little” Marissa pipes in.

“I am going” I say.

“It wont be any fun withou-- wait what?!” Marissa shouts.

“You're kidding, right?” Kelly looks at me, disbelievingly.

“That means Max is going too, yeah?” Zack asks.

“Actually no, my parents or Max don't know about it” I say slowly.

Marissa, Kelly and Zack's mouths were wide open and I swear their eyes could bulge out of their heads at any moment.

Let's just say you could cut the tension with a knife.

“You're sneaking out?” Kelly gasps.

“What the hell?” Zack just keeps staring at me wide eyed.

“Yes” I mumble.

“Chloe, we're okay if you bring Max, it's fun” Marissa says somewhat calmly but her eyes were still wide.

“Actually, it's not my idea, it's Blake's, somehow he convinced me to sneak out tonight and I can't turn down a dare, so this is the result..” I sigh.

“Woah” Kelly breathes.

“Finally, our little Chloe is breaking some rules” Zack says, a smile stretching over his face.

“Ha ha, very funny” I mutter.

“Well I guess we'll see you there” Kelly still looks in shock.

“Okay, I'm going to class, so see you later” I blew them all a kiss, collected my bag from the grass and started walking over to the school.

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