The Plan

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"Let's do it" I said my voice lacking excitement. "Please be more excited about this" Yoongi told me. "Fine let's do itttt" "okay that's too much" "can we just get over with this." I said getting frustrated

"Let's start with what school's we are going to." Yoongi said looking at me. "I can talk to the administration of the school and ask if the scholarship can cover online classes since that's easier. You?" I replied

"I got admitted to Seoul National University." Yoongi proudly stated. "What!? You did?" "Yeah I was going to tell you but you've been out of it this past week" he said fiddling with the pen. 

I was out of it this past week I thought. Although Yoongi is older than me we are both graduating the same time due to him missing two years of school. He was sick at that time.

"Why did you choose a school in America?"

"Because it would have been easier to get employed. Who wouldn't want a candidate who was smart enough to get a scholarship for a school outside of South Korea." 

"That's true. Let's continue." And that's what they did for the rest of the day only stopping when they needed food or to use the bathroom. 

By the end of that day they had a plan for the next five years of their lives.


The morning sickness was terrible and it didn't stop there. He also started throwing up after every meal and they only thing he could take in was banana milk and blended fruit. To say he was tried of the pregnancy already was a big understatement. 

Taehyung told his guardians- Jiwoo and Matthew- that he was pregnant and they took it very well. Jiwoo was super excited and immediately went up to start shopping for baby clothes. 

Although Taehyung knows in a very, extremely very tiny part of his heart that they didn't react negatively because he wasn't their child. Just a tiny part and he dismissed the thought everytime it came up.

Currently he was searching for a two bedroom apartment close to the university yoongi is going to. He was able to get the administrator of Uchicago to let him take online classes with the scholarship and they even suggested that he could take online classes for four years and get his degree which he couldn't be more happy about. 

Matthew and Jiwoo agreed to help purchase furniture and everything they need for the new apartment and for the coming baby despite them refusing. 

"What are you doing? You've been on the computer for the past five hours." 

"Five hours! Wow time goes by fast and to answer your question I was looking for an apartment close to Seoul National University, an hospital and one that is really safe with an elevator. The list goes on" I answered looking at the two apartments I was comparing.

"Now I regret asking you to come live with me. I should have said okay when you declined. At this rate we won't be moving until the next ten years" 

"That's not true. We can go check it out tomorrow because I found the perfect apartment. Come and take a look at it" I said cheerfully.

"It's a five minute walk from the school. The hospital close to it is ten minutes away. It has an elevator and it has a cheap price. It also looks good from the pictures." 

"Tae it sounds too good to be true." 

"I know that's why we are going to check it out tomorrow." He looked at me like he was searching for a reason to agree with me. He sighed after a while and said "Fine. We'll go check it out tomorrow."

"Thank you!" I said before hugging him.

"I thought we agreed on no hugging"  "I know I'm sorry" I sighed out releasing him. He turned his focus back to the computer.

And I sighed out praying silently for all to go well.

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