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Yoongi’s POV

“So… how are you feeling?” I asked my boyfriend of four years. He turned to look at me and his eyes were so empty. 

“Take a wild guess?” He said, rolling his eyes. 

“Look I am sorry. I don’t know what has been going on with me. That wasn’t me and I am so sorry for making you go for an abortion appointment after all you told me about wanting a child. I am just so sorry.” I said looking at him. 

“That is the most painful part of it all. You know those nights, when you were you, that we’d sit and talk about children and marriage and what would happen even if we ended up with a child we did not plan for. Abortion was never an option. I remember you saying that no matter what you’d stay by us and you’ll be happy when I get pregnant planned or not. Do you remember saying that?” He let out a bitter laugh. 

“You didn’t do that. You didn’t try to hide the fact that you didn’t want a child or a child with me. I mean if you had told me those nights that having a child with me was some you hated so much I would have gone on birth control or would have done something to prevent myself from having a kid. You said the child was most likely not yours. Yoongi, I love you so much. Why would I intentionally hurt you? Why would I go out with another man? Even when you never spare me attention I have never ever thought of cheating on you! It never crossed my mind.” He angrily stated.

 I didn’t say anything, I couldn’t say anything, I just let the tears flow from my eyes. He then looked at his hand examining the promise ring I gave him when we were entering the third year of our relationship. He took it off and threw it at me. 

“I want nothing to do with that or you! Get out!” He yelled tears running down his cheeks. What have I done? 

“Wait no Jimin. You can’t just break up with me. Jimin we have been together for so long you can’t just cut it off like that. Jimin, I love you and I already said I was sorry what more do you want.” I said regretting what I said almost immediately. 

“What more do I want? Wow. Just wow. Please leave," he said, turning his back on me.

I walked closer to the bed and sat on the available space. “I am sorry. I keep making everything worse please forgive me. I promise I will change just tell me what you want me to do and i’ll do it. Just please don’t leave me.” 

“Can you please wait for me outside? Can you please wait outside so I can clear my head?” He said, crying. I stood up from the bed and left the room still holding the promise ring. When I stepped outside Taehyung tried to console me but I really just wanted to be alone so I ignored him. 

I left the hospital knowing I could not face Jimin again. I hurt him so bad and I could not forgive myself for that. I got in the car and drove to a bar. The plan was to get extremely wasted. When I got to the club I went straight up to the bar and ordered three sazeracs planning to down it all at a goal. 

Once I was fully drunk I got into my car planning to go home and  sleep it off. I started the vehicle and set off to the house. It was not a home without Jimin. Jimin was on my mind all through the drive. I needed to tell him how sorry I was. How I needed him in my life. How I was nothing without him. I could not afford to lose Jimin. Tears were falling at this time. The tears blurring my vision and with me being intoxicated I did  not see the light that was red or the truck coming I kept going straight and felt a force hit the car really hard. I lost control of the wheel and the car somersaulted. Once the car stopped rolling it was hard to breathe. The last thing on my mind before I blacked out was Jimin. 

Jimin ́s POV 

I woke feeling grody. I turned to the side table for a glass of water when I saw the note. Probably Taehyung. I decided to read it later. I looked down at my stomach were a baby should have been growing. My baby was gone and there was nothing I could do about it. I sighed and placed the cup and tried to stand. I gave up when I felt a wave of pain flow in my body. 

I wondered where Yoongi was and if he was ever going to come back. I hoped so but we did not always get what we wanted.  I didn't have anything to do, so I went back to sleep. 

I woke up to my ringtone. I picked the blaring device and looked at the screen. Yoongi was calling! Oh God, yes, he was calling. I immediately sat up which caused pain, I ignored the pain and picked up the call. 

“Hey Yoon. You called.” I whispered immediately I picked up the call.

“Hello. Is this Mr Jimin?” That was not Yoongi’s voice.

“Uh yes it is. Who are you?” I asked anxiously.

“I am a police officer. I called to inform you about your boyfriend as you were the last person he called…”He trailed off to see if I was listening.

“Yeah so? Can you please go straight to the point”

“Okay. Mr Min Yoongi has been hospitalized. He was in a car accident.”

“What? Where is he right now?”  I asked standing up from the bed. I ignored the burning sensation I felt in my stomach area. 

“Central hospital.” The man said, Fortunately, that was the hospital I was in. 

“Thank you” I quickly cut the call and maneuvered my way to the emergency centre. I got to the front desk asking where Yoongi was and telling them who I was to him. After confirming my information and asking the doctors if I was safe to be out of my room they told me more information about yoongi.

I was told that he was in emergency surgery due to internal bleeding. He broke a lot of bones and the nurse said that they had to wait till after the surgery to see his condition. Basically telling him to see if he was going to live or not. I broke down in tears. I begged all the gods to save Yoongi. This man was my life and I just couldn’t bear living without him. We could break up but at least I would see his face everyday unlike if he was dead. If Yoongi died I was going to kill myself.

After waiting nervously for several hours the doctor came out of the surgery room. “How is he?” I asked the doctor forcing my weak self to stand up.

“He is fine. The surgery went well but I am afraid we have to wait for him to wake up to tell if he is truly fine. For now we are hoping he does not go into a coma.” the doctor explained truthfully.

I nodded my head and watched as they wheeled Yoongi to the room he would be staying in. 

I prayed for him to wake up with everything including his memories intact. 

A/N: SO?

Thank you!!!! For the love you all give to this book.

Thank you!!!! For the love you all give to this book

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