Getting Ready

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Jungkook's POV

"So you just broke up with him?" The bubbly boy sitting beside Jungkook on the plane asked.

It seemed like the guy was keened on knowing every single thing about me. At first I thought it was nice to have some company but this guy with a bright smile talked too much.

"Yes" "Are you crazy? You should have tried long distance first" he said "Hoseok is right. Jinie and I are still in a long distance relationship and it's working out fine."

Namjoon and his fiance have been going strong for five years now. Namjoon proposed when he went back to South Korea for two weeks. He was the representative of the school in Germany that was conducting the experiment. He had to be super smart for a twenty three years old. He was scouted in highschool and he's and Seokjin's love story was complicated.

"Can we not talk about it." "Sure" they said at the same time. Their flight was nine and a half hours long. They had spent four hours on the plane and all three men have been talking like they've known each other for years.

"So what exactly are we going to be studying?" Jungkook asked Namjoon and Hoseok listened intensively.

"Virotherapy for the most part. Which you guys should know is the converting of viruses to become an agent used in the treatment of diseases. We will also be utilizing the three different type of Gene treatment methods." Namjoon explained like he has for a billion times which he probably has.

"Oh that's so cool" Hoseok squealed and Jungkook nodded excitedly. Namjoon just smiled at them. They were in for a lot of work and no sleep.

They slept for the rest of their flight.

When they got to the  university they'd be staying at, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, they were situated in they respective rooms. And because of the flight's long hours they were asked to rest.

At about dinner they were all called for an orientation where they explained the rules, their purpose, and their payes and breaks.

The very next day they started in the labs and worked hard day and we're cold out at night.

A week had passed when Jungkook allowed himself to think of Taehyung. He had contemplated calling him but decided against it when he thought about the very awkward call they would have had.

Overtime Jungkook forced himself to focus on the work at hand in order to prevent his thoughts from drifting. And when he allowed himself to think he thought of things like if Taehyung was happy with another person or of he moved to the United States and things like that. All in all he only thought about Taehyung and how stupid he was to break up with someone he loved and still loves.

Namjoon on the other hand was going strong with Jin and even found out he was expecting. He did more than propose in that little break of his. Soon Namjoon was going to be the father of a little girl and was working on taking a leave do he could be with his own little family.

Hoseok was as bright and bubbly as ever. It seemed like the guy never got tried of seeing the good in the world and people. He had eyes for a certain Kwon Soonyoung. They often flirted but kept it at bay when it came to their works.

Six months passed very quickly. As the months went by Jungkook allowed himself to forget Taehyung. He started replying to peoples flirts and was currently dating Kim Yugyeom. Hoseok told him he was moving on too fast and was using Yugyeom as a rebound but he dismissed it saying he was really in love with him. He even went as far as calling Yugyeom his soulmate.

They were the annoyingly cute and disgusting couple. They were also the power couple since they were both tops of the research. They came up with more results.

Jungkook was happy.


Taehyung's POV

It was hustle carrying twins. He was twice the size of a normal pregnancy and it was difficult to move around. The babies started moving around and kicking more. At first it was weird feeling them move around but after a while he got used to it.

But what he didn't like we're nights like this one where they didn't allow him to sleep. They kept moving around and kicking more than usual. He tried to talk and sing to them but they continued when he stopped singing. At five in the morning they decided to calm down and let him rest.

Taehyung was mad at those annoying little kickers.

He woke up at about three in the afternoon because Yoongi woke him up.

"Taehyung wake up. Your laptop has been going on for a while now." Taehyung had grumbled and said he was sleeping for three people and that Yoongi made the babies very unhappy by waking them up.

Yoongi ignored him of course.

After ten minutes of laying in bed he finally got up and went to his laptop. He had left it open and the volume up in case he got a request from create crave. He got a lot of requests alright.

He checked his email frist and saw a mail from Seokjin. Apparently the presentation was very convincing and eye-catching with a lot of detailing because the investors agreed to invest in it. Seokjin was very excited and payed him double his amount which was originally $400. He was receiving $800 and a lot of requests because Seokjin had patronized him as promised.

He was really excited and got to work immediately.

Around five in the evening he had completed five presentations and was starting on school work now. By the time the sun was setting Taehyung was all caught up with school and half of his work.

He ate dinner and started shopping for baby clothes. He knew what to buy since he knew their genders already.

After he was done buying all he needed he layed down on his bed and let himself think about Jungkook.

He knew he wasn't getting over him soon.

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