We Meet Again

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Taehyung's POV

How did I not hear their voices Taehyung thought as he stared at him.

"Oh you two know each other?" Namjoon questioned. I was about to answer yes when Jungkook shook his head vigorously.

"No we don't" Jungkook said forcing a laugh. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why would he deny knowing me.

"Um okay." Namjoon said giving the both of us a confused look. "Taehyung this is Jungkook and Jungkook this is Taehyung" Namjoon introduced us like we were strangers.

I guess that is what we are though, strangers. Though I'll always be connected to him because I beared his kids but we were still strangers. Four years does a lot of change in people.

"It's nice to meet you" I said with the brightest smile on my face while holding out my hand. He took my hand and shakes it "it's nice to meet you too." with what seemed like a smile was on his face.

His hand is still so warm. I don't want to but I let go of his hand and let mine fall by my side. I miss that warmth.

I didn't realize I was zoning out staring at him until I heard my son's voice.

"Papa..." Michael said tugging on my pants. "Yes baby, what do you want" I said picking him up.

"Nothing just want papa to hold me." He put his hands around my neck and his head on my shoulder ready to sleep.

"Papa me too. Hold me too." Micah said a little too loud because Mick raised up his head to look around. "Not too loud honey" I bent down so I could carry my little angel too. When the were both settled in my arms I turned to see Jungkook and Namjin looking at me.

"Your kids are so cute Tae." Jin cooed. "I know my babies are the cutest in the world." I said with a genuine smile on my face.

"I don't support that. My Seoah is the cutest in the world." Namjoon exclaimed. Jin and I laughed.

"Okay let's go watch the fireworks and reveal the gender of this little peanut already." Namjoon said his hand an his husband's bump. Jin reached out his hand for Seoah to hold and the little family walked out leaving Jungkook and I alone on the room.

"So..." He let out awkwardly. "So?"

"They are your kids?" He asked his face unreadable. "Yes they are my little angels." 'And yours too' I wanted to say.

"Oh okay!" He said with a small smile.

'I am not married' 'I'm not dating anyone' 'This babies are yours' 'How was the research?' 'Did you meet anyone new?' 'How long did it take to get over me?' I wanted to say and ask but I settled for...

"We should go so we don't miss the fireworks yeah?" I couldn't bring myself to say anything else.

He nodded and walked out of the room. I sighed my hand was already starting to ache. When did they get this big.

I followed behind him. Once I stepped outside I saw the pink in the sky. Jin was right they were having a little boy.  When the fireworks were done with, I went back to his car and placed my sleeping children in their car seats.

I got in the car and drove home. The drive home was too quiet. And I couldn't stop thinking about him. And one question was the center of my thoughts

'How will I tell him about Micheal and Michaela'


Jungkook's POV

That moment was surreal. The moment I laid eyes on Taehyung was surreal. In all honesty I never thought I'd see him again.

He looked beautiful has ever and his children looked absolutely adorable. That was shocking to me and I still can't wrap my head around it. Taehyung had children.

Was he married? Or were the kids for his boyfriend? They looked like they were around three so when exactly did he have them. Was it from a one night stand? 

All these thoughts bothered me and I needed answers to them. I don't even know why I care so much. Yes Taehyung was my boyfriend for a long time but we broke up so I shouldn't care if he has kids.

It shouldn't bother me that he went home to a man waiting for him. It shouldn't bother me at all but it did. And it was scary because I shouldn't have that same feeling in my stomach when I looked at him. I shouldn't feel like I had come home when I set my eyes on him.

He was happy now and that's all that matters.

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