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Trigger Warning!!

Taehyung is five and a half months pregnant now.

Yoongi's POV

Yoongi had no idea when exactly Taehyung started getting antepartum depression.

When he started with drawing from all social events he thought he was busy with online classes.

When he stopped watching the dramas he loved he thought Taehyung was too tried to watch them.

When he came home late and Taehyung was on the dinning table with a cup of tea he thought he was taking a break from studying.

When he found out that Taehyung couldn't sleep at night he thought it was because he slept too much in the afternoon.

When Taehyung spaced out when he was talking to him or lost concertration he thought it was because he was thinking about cute baby clothes.

When he came home to Taehyung crying with broken glasses on the floor he thought Taehyung was just being hormonal.

When they found out the gender of the babies and Taehyung sobbed he thought it was happy tears.

When Yoongi placed his hands on Taehyung's bump and felt a baby kick and Taehyung frowned and walked instead of being happy he thought it was the hormones again.

He never thought Taehyung was going through something more something that could have killed him and the babies.

Not until he got a call from the hospital Taehyung was in right now.

Apparently Taehyung had walked into a busy street and a car had hit him

Taehyung wanted to commit suicide.

The day Taehyung did it he had been fired from his job. And with the stress of whether he'd be a good Dad, get his diploma or find a stable job in the future he just wanted to end it all.

He wanted the stress to be over. He was anxious and scared. Sometimes when he'd over think things he'd get a stress attack over his thoughts.

His breaking point was when he was fired. The reason was his lack of concertration on the tasks he had being given.

Taehyung was crying when the thought came up. It wasn't the first time he thought about it. But today it was stronger and he gave into it.

Yoongi sat beside Taehyung's bed in the room. He watched the monitor connected to the heart rate monitor they placed on his big bump. The babies were fine.

Taehyung was fine too but he went into a mini coma and has been asleep for a week now.

There was no major damage thankfully but he had a strained muscle in his leg.

Yoongi kept watching the machine lines go up and down until the exhaustion kicked in and he fell asleep.

Taehyung's POV

He woke up due to the constant beeping. It was a bit hard to open his eyes but once he did he was blinded by the light. After a while he got used to it and he looked around. I'm at the hospital he thought. "I'm still alive" he whispered. It came out rough and strained because of his sore throat.

"Yeah you are. What were you thinking Tae" Yoongi said his voice cracking. Taehyung turned to look at him and pointed at his throat.

Yoongi got him a glass of water and pressed the button to call in the doctor.

He drank the glass of water and closed his eyes. He couldn't answer Yoongi's questions now.

Seconds later the doctor walked in. "How are you feeling Taehyung-ssi?" "Like crap" he could bearly hear his own voice. "What?" the doctor asked again getting closer.

Taehyung cleared his throat and answered again "I said like crap. How are my babies?" The doctor heard this time.

"Luckily they are both fine. Nothing serious happened during the accident but you have to be more careful now. You may lose them if something as strong as this repeats itself." She said.

"Okay." "I suggest you see a therapist so they can help with what you are going through"

He only nodded. "Do have any questions for me?" He shook his head no. The doctor bowed and left the room.

Taehyung closed his eyes and kept a hand on his bump. He didn't know what to feel.

Sad because he didn't leave or happy because he stayed.

"Why? Taehyung why?" Yoongi asked his voice soft

"It was the only way to stop it all"

"Suicide is never a way to stop pain you fool. I could have lost you and those little joys in you. I could have never seen you again" he was crying now. "Why didn't you talk to me. I could have helped. I should have been more observant. I should have known. I'm so sorry" he was now blaming himself.

"Stop. Please stop blaming yourself." He paused to let that sink in. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that but I couldn't continue. It was too much at once. Breaking up, school, assholes at work, the future of my kids, my own future, not being able to sleep, and getting fired which was the breaking point. It was too much at once Yoongi. And you've done so much for me already I didn't want to be a burden to you. You have a life. You're in college. You're supposed to be out all night not take care of your irresponsible cousin" he continued.

"Tae... You're not burden to me. I want to help. I want to be there for you. I want to be the shoulder you lean on. You're family Tae and we are supposed to support each other."

"I'm sorry I should have said something. I shouldn't have bottled up my emotions." "Will you get professional help?"

"I don't have the money for that. You can be my therapist though. Since what they do is give advice on what how to be better. You can do that to" "It's not the same thing. Promise me you'll think about it"

"I promise. Can I get a hug today." Yoongi opened his arms and I leaned into them.

I sighed and we stay like that for a while.

A/N: What do you guys think about Yoongi's character.

And I want to say thank you for taking time to read this and for commenting and voting.💜

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