My Hopes

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Taehyung’s POV

I lean closer to him and peck him on the lips while my hands are on my bulgy stomach. 

“Take of yourself and the kids, okay? I’ll see you all soon,” he said before rushing to his car so he wouldn’t be late for his meeting. 

I wait around and clean up the house as much as my eight-month pregnant tummy will let me. When I was done with my daily routine I sat and waited for the kids to come from school. The twins are now in seventh grade and their little brother is in fifth grade. They came back around the same time on the school bus so I usually laze around until I see the bus in front of the house. 

The past eight years have been hell and heaven. After finding out Jihan was just a piece of scum who wanted nothing but the company. I had to cut him off from my life and the lives of my children. It was honestly very heartbreaking to find your fiance on a phone call a week before your wedding talking about how he is only marrying you so he can become rich from what you’ve worked hard to own, my half of the company. I walked in  when he was done on the call and he still had the fucking audacity to act like he was not just discussing how he was going to put all my shares in his name then divorce me with whoever the hell he was talking to. 

When I confronted him about it he denied it so many time and only stopped when I played what I recorded. He was quick to turn shit on me talking about things that made zero sense. I broke up with him that instance and called off all wedding plans. Then I proceeded to have a mental breakdown. I stayed couped up in my room for weeks and it was Jungkook, my then closest best friend, who helped me out of that heartbreak depression. He was so much of a help at that time taking care of the kids and then myself. I was and still am so grateful for him. 

Jungkook and I started hanging out a lot more since he’d stay and look after the kids, that was his excuse when I knew he was just being around so I could see how much of a help he was and how better he is compared to Jihan, which is absolutely not a lie. We started hanging out more and then hanging out proceeded to going out on dates which went on to him asking me to be his boyfriend and later on his husband. 

To be honest none of that would have happened without the help of the twins. We were too blind to see just how much we cared for each other. Even when I was in a relationship with Jihan, Yoongi commented on how flirty I was being with Jungkkook when we hung out and he was not the only one to say something about that. Everyone who was with us that day said something about it. I, of course, brushed off what they said because I believed I was over Kookie. 

Anyways, the twins helped us realize what we felt for each other. They’d put us in various awkward situations like when they made the punishment for us losing to be us kissing each other. They threw a huge fit when we refused. I remember both of us blushing hard when we separated and we couldn’t meet each other eyes for a while. It was a series of events like this and them making all of us sleep on the king-sized bed in my bedroom for cuddle time and then leaving the bed when we fall asleep so we wake up in each other arms. At first, we complained but after their second attempt, I started looking forward to leaving the bed for me to cuddle with Jungkook. Now I have four kids with Jungkook. One on the way to the world and three on their way back from school. 

I, fortunately, am one of the worlds 1% to survive the ailment I had. It was a miracle when I walked in for an appointment and the saw that it really did close up on it own so now, my heart is getting all the oxygen it needs and I won’t be dying anytime soon. Hopefully. 

Life was good. 

Jin and Namjoon hyung now have five kids and counting. They are still a strong couple and they just celebrated their eleventh year anniversary. Jimin and Yoongi, surprisingly, are now married with two kids and are still famous. They are in fact on tour with both kids right at this moment. Hyungsik is still and an aromantic king and is enjoying his single life. I also got the chance to meet Hosoek and his husband, Hoshi, and they were the sweetest couple ever. They also have a kid.

 I just realised everyone I know is gay. 

“Dad we’re home!!” I heard the voice of my sweet Micah from the front door. 

“Living room I yelled back.” After a while of hearing three sets of footsteps, the three kids came into the room. “How are my favourite people in the world doing?” I asked as they all hugged me. 

“Fine!” my third child, Sam (which is Saem in Korean and it means third), said and then went on to tell me everything he did in school. The twins let him talk before they went on to tell me about their own day. After we spoke the said hello to their little sister who kicked in response to them before going to change out of their school uniform. They do their homework and I prepare a mid-day snack for them. 

I honestly couldn’t be more proud of those three peas than I am now. They were all top in their class, and they’ve achieved things that I could only dream of when I was their age. Our trophy room was almost full. 


“What do you want honey?”

“Can you come and help me with this math question?” I walked over and looked at the problem

“Let’s ask your daddy when he comes home okay?” I told her. What the hell was that question? 

After they finish their homework, we eat the snacks and then play movie critics. Basically we watch movies rated high in rotten tomatoes and then criticize them. After about three hours of our lives wasted to watching those movies, I order some food for dinner.   

“I’m home!” I hear Jungkook basically scream from the door and all three children rush to the front door to greet him. I stand up too and follow them. By the time I waddle my way to the welcoming space they were already done with greetings and were coming back to the living room. 

“Hey,” I said

“Hey, baby,” he said as he pecked me on the lips. “Hello little one,” he says with his hand on my bump and our daughter kicks where he placed his palm.  

“How was work?” I asked as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me as close as the bump will allow before he starts to sway both of us side to side. 

“Work was fine. We finally figured out the formula for the solution I told you about. Remember?” I nod even though I totally forgot what solution he was talking. “What solution?” he asked me

I say nothing and kiss him to avoid the topic. He chuckles and kisses me back. 

“I love you so much, baby,” He says to me. 

“I love you too,” I reply. 


"Kookie… Kook… Jungkook… Jeon Jungkook!” 


“She’s coming.”


“The baby.”

“All our babies are sleeping though”

“You fool, wake up!! The one in my stomach is about to come out.” when he didn’t answer and still looked sleepy I yelled, “My water broke!!” That got him awake and he rushed out of bed dressed up carried the hospital bag we packed before carrying me and rushing me to the car. 

By the time we got to the hospital, people were already waiting with a stretcher and I was just taken in. 

Jungkook named her Hanna and as I sat up in the hospital bed with my family in the room and my friends all laughing at something my husband said I realised that this was exactly my hopes. This was what I always wanted since forever and I couldn’t be happier. 


SO, we have come to the end of this book. 

Tell me your thoughts on this chapter. 

And tell me things I should work on to be a better writer.

Thank you all for sticking with me throughout this journey I honestly appreciate all the votes, reads, comments, and support.  

I love you all!


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