We Good?

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Yoongi and Jimin’s POV 3rd person(?)

“Jimin did you finish your part in the song? I need it now.” Yoongi demanded. “Not yet Yoons” “when is it going to get done?” Yoongi said irritated “When you take me on a date?” Jimin said letting it come out as a question instead of a statement or demand. 

“Stop being childish! Are you postponing work because you want a date? It's so ridiculous.” Yoongi scoffed out. “How is that childish? All I want is for my boyfriend of three years to spend some time with me. Yoongi the last time we went on a date or did anything alone was a year ago! You can't blame me for wanting to spend time with the man I love” He walked out with his eyes glistening with tears.

Yoongi followed his boyfriend feeling guilty. “Hey babe, I’m sorry… let’s go out tomorrow eh?” “Really?” Jimin asked his eyes were filled with hope. “Yes baby we’ll go anyway you want to go to” Yoongi kissed him. When they separated, Jimin ran to his room with an extra bounce in his step.

The next day they went to a carnival in town wearing masks and face caps to hide their identity. Some fans still noticed them and they didn't understand how they were able too. When a fan came to close they’d hold out their camera and say they had some 'important business’ to do even when their schedules were free. 

After spending about four hours in the carnival and winning about five bears for Jimin because Yoongi wanted to make it up to Jimin they went for dinner in a seaside restaurant. They laughed and joked around like the old days and when they got back to their dorm they did the dirty with Yoongi forgetting to wear a condom and pull out. 


"Jimin has been a little bit off lately," Yoongi thought. Yes, Jimin is usually sensitive, but as of late he has been sensitive to everything. He always found something wrong in everything Yoongi said. Now Jimin was not sick in anyway. He was just so gloomy and clingy to Yoongi but everything Yoongi did sent him crying or angry. The new behaviour was weird and Yoongi was suffering. 

“Yoongi, which one of these suits will look good on me?” Jimin asked, holding a black suit in one hand and a dark blue in the other. “The blue one” Yoongi replied nodding. “So you don’t think I'll look good in a black suit?” Jimin said with a quivering voice. “You were supposed to say both Yoongi!” his eyes were glossy with tears close to falling. Yoongi flew up from his seat and tried to comfort his overly sensitive boyfriend.

The next time Jimin asked him to choose he immediately replied with both but Jimin cried saying he asked him to choose. Yoongi felt like punching the living daylights out of the boy. 

Jimin himself didn’t know what was happening to him. It was quite alarming how quickly his mood changed and how he became like Yoongi overnight, always tired and lazy. He was also scared when he saw he had gained two pounds over the course of two weeks. When Yoongi snapped at Jimin once having enough Jimin decided to go to the hospital for a check up to make sure he was okay. 

He was okay and his urine also tested positive. 

Jimin was pregnant. 

He was happy when he received the test result. Happy was even too little to explain how he felt. Jimin has always wanted a child but feared bringing it up to Yoongi. This was a good thing, right? But there was one massive dilemma…

How was he going to tell Yoongi and how will he react to it?

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter.

When are you going back to school?

I'm resuming next week 😩😭😭😭

Thank you for reading!!!!

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