Let's meet

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Jungkook’s POV

“Jungkook? Oh my god, Jungkook! Hey, I haven’t seen you in forever!” I looked back and studied the person that seemed to know me. My eyes widened as I recognized her. She was Choi Jisu, my childhood friend that later moved from my neighbourhood. We always kept in touch but over time, we lost contact with each other. I rushed to hug her.

“Hey, Jisu! How are you doing?” I said as I released her from my grip and we sat down on a bench nearby. 

“I’ve been great. How are you? Are you and Taehyung, that’s his name, right? Anyways are you guys still going strong?” I sighed and looked away from her.

“His name is Taehyung and we broke up, no, I broke off our relationship four years ago.” 

Her eyes widened. “Oh, I’m sorry for asking then.”

“It’s okay,” I said as I waved dismissively. 

“I’m sorry if this is rude but why did you cut things off?” I did not say anything and she proceeded to say this “I mean you always told me that you’d propose to him the day you get your letter for that science thing, did you ever get in by the way?”

“I did get in”

“Congrats then even though I’m years late. But as I was saying you always said you’d show him your letter with a promise ring that you wanted to later turn into an engagement ring and you just never stopped talking about him. You guys’ relationship was the definition of perfect. You were couple goals and I could not, and still can’t, see any reason for that end well except if he or you did something unforgivable like cheating.” she said. I looked away from her and sighed. 

“It was on me. I mean the entire break up was my fault. I just felt so insecure I guess? I’m not sure if that is the right word. Taehyung is everything you’d want in a partner. He is funny, smart, kind, handsome he is everything and I just felt that I was holding him back by tying him down to my-nothing-self and I felt like he had to look out there and find someone better for him. Someone who could match up to his wonderfulness. So, I thought it’d be easier cutting things off. He could live without me holding him back and I did not have to go all the way to Germany with that terrible feeling of not being good enough.”

“Did Taehyung ever tell you you’re not good enough?” Jisu inquired 

“No, he never said anything close to that.”

“Did you ever talk about this insecurity with Taehyung?”

“No. I felt so scared to do so.”

“Why’s that?”

“I thought that if I brought it up he’d confirm my fears.”

“How did Taehyung feel about the break-up?”

“I have no idea. We did not contact each other after that for a while.”

“Okay then. After the fallout, did you have another relationship?”


“And how did that work out for you”

“He found someone better.”

“How long did you wait before this new relationship?”

“Not long. I rushed into it.”

“Why’s that? Was that your way of getting over Tae?”

“I guess? Messed up isn’t it” I said and let out a dry chuckle. Jisu did not say anything for a while and we both sat in comfortable silence with me lost in my thoughts. 

My hopes/Taekook fanficWhere stories live. Discover now