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Jungkook’s POV

“So you guys have not said a word to each other since?” Hoseok asked. He and I were talking at the wedding venue as we watched Hoshi run around trying to get the last minute wedding preparation done. 

“Yes hyung. I have said that a lot of times already. Why do you even keep on asking?”

“Well I am just trying to understand this crazy, absurd situation. What the hell is going on? I thought both of you were cool.”  

“Yeah we were. Well, until last week.” I said as I went to meet Hoshi who was looking extremely anxious with Hoseok following me. Hoshi, Kwon Soon-young, is the man Hoseok committed to for  three years and is now finally marrying. Hobi went to meet his anxious fiance and back hugged him and started swaying them from side to side. Hoshi turned around in his arms and kissed him. They started making out and I cleared my throat while looking away. I saw them pull away from each other in my side view. I was happy that Hoseok found the right person for him but at the same time I was a bit jealous. I wanted what he had with Hoshi with. I wanted that with Taehyung. 

“Let’s continue with the preparations shall we?” Hoshi said with his cheeks showing a red hue. I started to pick up anything that was not meant to be on the floor and set things back in their right spots.

 We  spent the entire day in the wedding venue and I was so exhausted. After the entire blow out? Fight? Misunderstanding? I did not know what to call it, but the company finally called concerning my house. They fixed everything and I could move back in anytime I wanted. I was happy and moved in immediately considering how I have been mushing off my ex-boyfriend. Taehyung was allowed to come back home the day after he woke up and still refused to tell the twins I was their Dad. I took the kids to him, I left them with Namjoon for the day so I could pick up Taehyung, and let them bond before driving away from the house I had been living in for two months with all my belongings in the car. Taehyung had called asking why I did not tell him I was going to move out, which caused another fight. 

It was exhausting thinking about and dealing with Taehyung. And how he has been keeping my kids away from me and vice versa. Sometimes I wish I did not get him pregnant so we could go our own ways without us having to see each other or fight over seeing the kids. I sighed as I walked inside the remodeled bedroom and face planted on the bed. I needed to get my life together. And with work starting very soon I need to fix my relationship, if I can call it that, with Taehyung before I run out of time.  

Taehyung POV

I was lying on my bed with the kids tucked in and sleeping soundly. I was questioning my recent actions and my attitude towards Jungkook. I quickly wiped my face as tears rolled down my cheeks. My emotions were all over the place these days and I did not know what was wrong with me. What scared me the most was how much I wanted Jungkook. I hated myself for wanting him. I was supposed to be over him and here I am lying on my bed at 3am crying over the man that probably doesn’t think about me.  

I turned to face the door when I heard the pitter-patter of my kids tiny feet. I smiled when I heard Micah say “shush you’ll wake papa up!!” loud enough to wake me up if I was not sleeping. “No you shush” Mike rebutted and I laughed. I went to the door before they started arguing and opened it. They froze and looked down with their hands behind their backs.  

“Care to tell me why you are out of bed?” I asked them. Mike pointed at Micah who glared at him, which was a super adorable face, before looking up at me and pointing at me. “Me?”

“Yes, we came to meet you to tell us where our uncle is!” She said, crossing her tiny arms over her chest. 

“Which uncle? Uncle Yooni, Minnie, Joonie or uncle Jinnie?” 

“Uncle Kookie! What is he not in his room?”

“He moved out.” I said

“To where” they both asked with mirroring confused faces. 

“His own house.” I carried both of them and we walked inside my room before placing them on the bed.

“Why? Does he not like us again?” Micah asked with tears building in her eyes and I became concerned because this was what I expected from Mick. She was not the type to get so attached. 

“Hey don’t cry. He likes you guys but he has to move out to live his own life.” What was I even saying? 

“So why did he leave? Was it because of papa? He does not like papa?” Her brother asked. 

“Maybe who knows.”

“You like him papa. Like how I like Noel. Right?” Noel is a kid in daycare that Micah has a crush on and never stops talking about. Sometimes I was very concerned with the way she gushed about it. 

“No I don’t have a crush on Jungkook. Stop saying nonsense.” I said, but I could not stop the way my cheeks flushed. I felt the same way I felt when Yoongi found out about my crush on his friend years ago. 

“But papa your face is red so you like him!” 

“KIds no I don’t like him” I kinda sorta love him but the kids did not need to know that. They stayed silent for a while and I could see the little wheels in their small brains spinning.

“Is he our other Daddy?” Mick asked quietly and Micah nodded meekly as if they had already talked about it and came here to ask me. When I did not answer Micah asked “ are we in trouble for asking?” very shyly.

“No you’re not in trouble for asking. I’m just surprised that’s all. Why do you think he is your Dad?” 

“Because he is kind and acts like a Dada.”  Micah said. 

“And because when you were travelling he told his phone friend that we were his kids.” Mick added

“Do you want him to be your Dad?”

“Yes!” they choured. “He is so cool and we really really want a Dada so we can be normal like other kids!” My heart broke when I heard that. My kids were normal but it was because of my selfishness that they were not able to grow up with a better Dad.

“You are normal. Is there nothing wrong with having just one parent okay?” I said hugging them. We stayed like that for a while, just basking in each other's embrace.

“So Uncle Kookie is our Dad?” 

There was no point in hiding it anymore so I answered honestly and told them their father was Jungkook which they cheered hardcore to for about five minutes when I had to tell them to settle down. I looked at their beaming faces and hoped that I did not just make a mistake.  

A/N: So how was it? 

Thanks for reading. 

I heard that Woojin is leaving stray kids, Wonho is leaving monsta x and Hwall is leaving the boyz. I don’t know how to feel.😭

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