An Old Friend

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"Kookie... I'm so-sorry I mean Jungkook hyung" Taehyung says his eyes wide. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh? I'm sorry I didn't know you were the friend Jin hyung was talking about when he called. If it's uncomfortable with you I can leave" the older states scratching the back of his neck.

"No!" Taehyung practically screams. "I'm sorry.... Um... No don't go. You're welcome to stay." His cheeks reddening clearly embarrassed at his actions.

"Thanks" Jungkook says with his bunny smile on full display. They stared at each other. They stay like that for what seems like eternity. Both with a look of longing in their eyes.

Jungkook is the first to look away and he clears his throat making the younger step out of the trance he was in.

"Oh sorry, come in" Taehyung moved aside so Jungkook could enter his home comfortably. "follow me I'll take you to the guest room."

They walked in silence till they reached the guest room. "if you need anything, my room is the first room upstairs. Please keep all noise at a minimal level the kids are asleep. And the fridge is open for you. Please feel free."  Taehyung said trying to keep his smile on his face. He could not believe Jungkook was going to be living with him and their kids. This entire arrangement was going to make keeping his secret very difficult. He mentally groaned.

"Taehyung I know how uncomfortable this must be for you so I'm extremely sorry for all this. And thank you for welcoming me into your home. You have no idea how grateful I am." Jungkook confessed. 'Oh this is extremely uncomfortable for me and possibly the kids if they get too close to you within the short amount of time you spend here.' Taehyung thought. "Oh it's no problem at all" is what came out of Taehyung's mouth.

"Then I'll leave you to get settled then" Taehyung turned around to walk out of the room. "wait" Jungkook came closer to Taehyung and wrapped his arms around the younger brunette. He put his head on Taehyung's shoulders inhaling his flowery scent. He missed that scent.

After a while and Taehyung didn't hug him back he let go. "Sorry" Jungkook whispered. Taehyung just walked out of the room and all Jungkook could think of was how he messed up big time.


Jungkook's POV

When Taehyung left after my display of stupidity. I sat on the bed and let myself soak in the design of the room. The walls of room were plain white except for the wall behind the bed. It was dark blue. It also had a plank that the words 'be my guest' were slept on. The bed was so comfortable with white comforter and sheets. There were bedside tables on each side of the bed and on lamp on each. There were some paintings on the wall and a blue ottoman. The bathroom attached to the room was simple and elegant just like the owner of the house.

"I forgot to tell you earlier but if you need any toiletries check the cabinet under the sink." Taehyung said at the door and sped walked to where ever he was going to.

I nodded to no one in particular. Sighing, I walked into the bathroom and got ready for bed since it was 10pm already. Once done with everything I laid in bed thinking about how funny it was to come back to a flooded house. The chances of that ever happening to anyone.

Thinking about life in general I fell asleep. 

"Shhhh Mick, Hyungsik hyung you're not helping" Taehyung's distant voice laughed out. I groaned sitting up. "why are they so loud" i mumbled under my breath. I stood up and walked to the bathroom. After doing my business, I walked out of the room following the sound of their laughter.

I didn't enter when I got to the kitchen. I stood by the door observing the little family. There was a man back hugging Taehyung while the kids were sitting at the table. "Hyunggggg I can't keep working like this." Taehyung huffed out. "Fine." the man said removing his arms from Taehyung's slim waist.

The man said something in the hear of the little boy. The boy nodded eagerly ready to do what the man, probably his dad, said. Then they both when to the tray taehyung kept the bacon for their breakfast and ate all of it then went back to their sit. When Taehyung turned back to grab it the look of his face was priceless. "Who did this?" he asked all two and half people in the kitchen. The little girl was sort of awake.

The possibly father and son denied and looked innocent. Taehyung opened the drawer beside the stove and took out a spatula. "I said who did it" Taehyung voiced out holding up the spatula. The culprits pointed at each other. Taehyung slowly walked towards them. "Papa..." the boy said standing up and running to hide behind the other man. The man ran away from the spot he was in leaving the boy to defend for himself. Just as Taehyung tried to grab the boy the man ran in and grabbed the boy running out of the kitchen through the other. It was like he just remembered his accomplice. Taehyung was about to run after them when the little girl whined. "Papa... come" the little girl raised up her arms wanting her Dad to carry her.

Taehyung walked towards his daughter and was about to pick her up when he noticed me. "Good morning Jungkook hyung." It was weird hearing him say his name like that. I was used to hearing Kookie or other cringing nicknames we gave ourselves. "Good morning Taehyung."  I said walking into the kitchen. I stood in front of the dining table awkwardly. "Please have a sit." Taehyung who was holding his daughter on his hips said. I watched as he placed the still sleepy girl on his back and asked her to hold on tight while resuming to get breakfast done.

After a while the two bacon stealers walked in, the boy holding unto the man's leg. He placed the boy on his booster seat across me. "Hyungsik this is Jeon Jungkook and Jungkook this is Park Hyungsik." Taehyung's deep voice introduced us. He didn't state who this Hyungsik was too him.

I took Hyungsik's outstretched hand "nice to meet you" he said. "Nice to meet you too" I replied. "Okay now that introductions are out of the let's eat our baconless breakfast" Taehyung glared at the two bacon thieves who were smiling sheepishly.

Taehyung set the plates in front of each person and then sat the sluggish child in her booster seat. "Micah honey look it's delicious food." The girl woke up almost immediately and picked up her little fork. I couldn't help but smile at how cute she was.

I ate breakfast and thanked Taehyung for such delicious food and went back to the guest room to freshen up for the day. I walked out of the room wearing a white shirt and a fitted black jeans with black socks.

The man or Taehyung were nowhere in sight but the twins who were already dressed were watching TV. I went to sit in the living room with the kids wondering if their parents were upstairs doing the nasty.

"What are you watching?" I asked the kids. "We watching the Adventures of Sinbad" the little girl answered. "What are your names?" "My name is Michael and my sissy is Michaela" the boy looked proud of himself for answering the questions. We were watching the show quietly when Micheal came up to me. "Cuddle?" He asked his head tilting to the side. "Cuddle?" I asked back unsure of what he wanted.

He nodded climbing into the sofa and settling himself in my laps. "me too, me too" his sister said joining her brother on my lap. "Whoa can you guys get up please?" Instead they settled more comfortably in my lap. One in each lap with their heads on my chest.

Not knowing what else to do I sat back so all three of us could be comfortable. We watched the show not knowing when we fell asleep.

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