Chapter 6 You Look Aweful

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       I woke up to Max licking my face while whining at me to get up. I pet his head as my head throbbed badly. I get up with Max staying next to me, I walk into my room and read the clock. "Fuck" I say as I see school starts in six minutes. I grab me some new clothes for school, and as I walk through the living room I noticed. Neither Gabe nor my mom were home and I sighed in relief. I took a quick shower making sure to get the blood out of my hair.
       I knew Gabe had threw my makeup away, and I wasn't going dumpster diving. So I texted Tiana and Grace

Me- Gabe got ahold of my makeup. I can't cover my bruises up.

Tiana- I got you Bitch don't worry

Grace- Did he hit you again?

Me- Thanks T, and yeah he did

Tiana- Shit Head!

Grace- Asshole!

I laughed at these two, they are truly the greatest friends ever. I quickly pull my hoodie over my head then put my leather jacket on. Then I pulled my necklace out from underneath all of it. I stared at it thinking about how I got this necklace. But I then shake my head and rush out the door with my stuff.

I pull up to the school pulling my hood up to hide my face until I got to the bathroom. Max was in the bed of my truck I walked back to him and petted him. "Alright Max. No puppy making understand me" I say Max barks at me, I smile at him. "Good" I say Max jumps out the back of my truck and ran off to see his girlfriend.
I walk into the school which class had already started. Which since I am already on thin ice with the Principal I told the girls after Homeroom. I walked into my Homeroom and everyone looking at me. I rolled my eyes and head to my seat; Adam stared me down though. I just ignored him I then sit down and pull my head phone out. I plug them up to my phone, and play my Playlist on Spotify. Woke Up Late by Drax Project and Haliee Steinfeild started to play.
I knew Adam was about to start talking to me, and not wanting to miss this song. I left my right ear bud out so I could hear Adam, but still listen to my music. I have no idea why I was evening doing this for him. Usually I tell people to go jump off a fucking cliff. But for some reason I let him slide by on it.
"So what happened" Adam finally asked me, I smirked "nothing you should worry about" I tell Adam. "Why are you so distant" he asked me "why should I let people in when I could get hurt in the process" I say. "I think people call it a leap of faith" said Adam being a smart ass to me, I just smirked at his comment though. "I did. That's why I have Grace and Tiana" I tell Adam, he shook his head "everyone needs more people in their life than that" said Adam.
"I do" I say Adam looked at me with an eyebrow raised up in the air. "I got a little brother, I got Max, I had an older brother, and I had a grandmother too" I say "what no parents" asked Adam and I tensed up. I knew Adam could tell "I still got my mom, my dad I never met" I say. "Did he leave or something" Adam asked and I snapped "I DON'T THINK ITS YOUR DAMN BUSINESS!" I shout.
Everyone looked at us as Adam stared wide eyed at me, and I just glared at him. The bell rung saving my ass, I got up and was the first out the door. I walked down the hall and to the bathroom the girls and I agreed to meet at. I walk in to see them both Grace in her phone, and Tiana digging through her makeup bag.
Tiana noticed me first "alright let's see the damage" Tiana told me, I took my hood down. Tiana gasped in horror, and Grace looked pissed. "B, he is leaving more and more on you by the day. He's gonna kill you" Tiana told me as she looked at the bruises. I sighed and I looked into the mirror. I felt sick looking at myself in the mirror.
I had a black eye, a swollen busted lip, a bruise on my cheek, a cut on my forehead, another bruise on the side of my forehead. Needing to see how the rest of me looked, I took my jackets off my body. My arms had dark blue, black, and purple bruises just like my face. My knuckles busted with dried blood on them due to my fight yesterday. I lifted my shirt up and that was the worst part. My stomach looked like shit big time.
I quickly put everything back on feeling as if I am gonna throw up looking at myself. "B" said Tiana and I look to her "I won't be able to cover that all up. Without running out of makeup" Tiana told me, I sighed. I pull my hood back up and say to them "let's get to gym". We left the bathroom, and I was about ready to kill myself. Gabe and my mom were making my life ten times more difficult for me.

We made it to the gym in the just in time. The bell rang and coach yelled at all of to go get changed. Tiana came closer to me "think of this . You can say you just got into a fight" Tiana told me. She had a point I could just say that, and everyone would just believe it.
       I walked into the girls changing room, and what I saw made my blood boil. My gym clothes were on the floor soaked as one of the showers poured water on it. I walked over turning the shower off and picking up my long sleeve shirt. I soon heard laughter as my knuckles turned white gripping my shirt in my hand. I turn around and come face to face with Justin's cousin Lana. She was laughing, but once she saw my angry expression. All color drained form her body.
I walked up to her only leaving three inches between "did my little shoes yesterday not show you what I am capable of. I really thought my first one. Would have gotten through to everyone. That I, Blur Elara Grey don't take shit like this" I say slamming my wet shirt into the floor. "Lightly" I finish Lana moves back and I move closer to her. She then takes two steps back and I take two steps forward. She was pinned now against the lockers.
"Did your pathetic cousin put you up to this. Cause if so that is just low" I say as Lana stares wide eyed at me. "Did he?!" I ask raising my voice causing Lana and everyone to flinch away. "Y-Yes" Lana said terrified I smirked "then you might want to cut all ties with him. It's kind a low when your cousin tries to send you to your death" I say to her. I back up then and turn to the girls.
"Here B. This is all I got" Tiana tells me handing me the clothes; I looked at them then groaned. "Great. Perfect" I mutter going to go change now.

We walk out the locker room, and everybody is staring at me now. The small handful of girls left in the locker room had stared at me too. Now I am having to deal with everyone else now too. Just Perfect.
Tiana has given me a black crop top hoodie with the sleeves cut off. I had on shorts that only went mid thigh on me. I sigh "let's get this over with" I say slamming my locker loudly. I then walk out the locker room with Grace and Tiana right behind me.

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