Chapter 17 Home Is Where The Heart Is

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       "Who the hell is sitting in our driveway" I say as we come to see a car parked in the driveway. As we pull up on the side of the road Cody, Jake, and Adam get out of the car. "Stalker alert" said Tiana from the backseat as I go to get out. "What the fucking hell are you three doing here" I ask with shock as I hear the others getting out there cars to watch this.
       "Blur you need to come home" Cody says you me with sad eyes "I can't Cody. I don't belong there nor does anyone want me there" I tell him. "We do... Dad does" said Cody with hope filled eyes  as my eyes turn sad "Cody that is only a few. I have been in a house all my life where I was hated for being born. I can't be in that type of environment again" I tell him as his look turns sad again. "I didn't think of that" said Cody, I give him a small smile "I just want to be somewhere I belong" I tell him as I hug him.
       Cody hugs me back and I knew he just had to be smiling along with me. "Can we at least visit you" Adam asked giving me a smirk "I guess" I say pulling back from Cody. "Call first" said Axel as he walks over to join us with Raphael. "Of course" said Jake with a smile on his face as he side hugs Raphael. "Hey! B!" I hear Octavia shout at me "Ask Them To Help Us Out!" I hear Matty add. I laugh at them "can you three help us move in" I say the three smile and nod their heads.
We get everything in within 5 hours, and by then the sun is setting painting the sky was pink, orange, and yellow. It looks quite beautiful staring out from my window in the attic at the beautiful sunsetting Sky. I hear a knock on the wood and I turn to see Cody coming up the stairs. "Hey Cody" I say as I sit on my bed Cody sitting right next to me on the bed looking distracted. "What is it Cody" I ask with a sigh knowing whatever it was, wasn't gonna be good.
"I know you probably don't want to see our father. But can you at least allow us to bring the younger ones around. They really enjoyed having you guys around the house" said Cody, I smirk knowing at least the little ones didn't hate me. I throw my arm around Cody's shoulder causing him to look at me "sure they can visit" I say.
Cody smiled at me throwing his arm on top of mine to rest his across my shoulders. "And what are you going to do about our father?" Cody asked I sighed again Cody moving his arm. I flip back on the bed with another sigh "that's a problem for another day" I say closing my eyes slowly beginning to drift to sleep. I hear Cody chuckle at me "get you some sleep sis. I'll see you later" says Cody.
I crawl up to my pillow not arguing with Cody at all; due to how tired I was from all the work today. I feel Cody's weight lift from my bed, and I feel the warmth of a blanket begin to surround me. "Night Blur" I hear Cody say as I hear him climb down the ladder back to the second floor. I yawn a mumbled goodnight back to Cody as I drift farther and farther into a deep sleep. Until I felt nothing but sleep and darkness consume me.

I walk out my room to take a shower when I hear Raphael crying. I sigh deciding to check on him, but stop when I see Gabe. He had a pillow in his hand going to put it over Raphael's face. "NO!" I yell loudly catching Gabe's attention quickly. "You" he said fearing taking over me as I began to back away slowly. But Gabe came after me grabbing my hair and slamming his fist into me till I dropped. He then began to kick me relentlessly all over my body; I used my hands and arms as shield for my head.
"Stop!" I hear Jacob yell at Gabe to stop kicking me in the stomach. I look to see Gabe shove Jacob against the wall, and then back to me. As I take more blows from Gabe's foot until I feel them stop. I hear shuffling when I look I see Gabe and Jacob wrestling it out. Jacob tosses Gabe out the front door shutting and locking it quickly.
"Blur" said Jacob rushing to me as Axel comes out with fear on his face as Gabe bangs his fist on the door. "You ok?" I hear Jacob ask but I zone out when I hear Raphael crying "Raph" is all I get out. Axel takes off towards Raphael's room to check on him. "HE'S OK JACOB!" Axel shouts to us and I feel relief wash over me. I then begin to cry as Jacob wrapped me in a tight hug. My body aching, but I couldn't be bothered by it with such relief I felt.

I woke up with someone shaking me I jumped up out of fear swinging. I feel the contact of skin and look to see Cassie had caught my hand. I looked at her shocked and she looked at me the same way. Then I broke down not being able to handle this anymore. Not being able to handle the fact I was scared anytime I went to sleep, and I was scared anytime I was awake. I was tired of being afraid , I was tired of many things now.
       But Cassie wrapped her arms around me as I cried smoothing my hair back. She kept saying "it's ok" or "sssh" but it wasn't helping at all. I kept crying and crying for what was hours into the night. I cried until I fell back to sleep with no dream; just the empty darkness around me feeling like I was... cold.

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