Chapter 21 See You Again

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       Everyone looks to me shocked that I pulled the trigger we here sirens coming closer to us. "Shot me in the arm Pedro" said Bree "we have been over this Bree I am not shooting my wife in the arm" said Pedro.


Bree looks to her shoulder to see a bullet hole in her arm from Gabe's gun. I was using his hand to fire the weapon, I then shot a few places on the house to make it look like a show down.
       "Back story Gabe came here to kill me. Bree and Cassie got into a gun fight with him. I use this gun to kill him in self defense" I say placing his arm back down. Everyone stares at me shocked as the Police come running through and behind the house guns blazing. They yelled at all of us to get down on the ground taking our weapons, then getting statements from all of us. Everyone followed the story to a perfect T.
       We all go to the host to see how Bree is doing, of course she's fine, still can't feel pain though. Bree, Pedro, Cassie, and Silver pull me aside though from the others. "Are you alright Blur" Cassie asked me with concern clear in her face "yes and no" I say. "Talk to us Blur" said Silver placing a hand on my back comforting me. "I was almost dead, when my dark self made me realize that. I have been hiding from my true nature and self" I tell them, Bree out of everyone didn't look shocked.
       "What do you know Bree" I ask feeling like she knew something that everyone else didn't know. "When I met Jacob. We had met in an ally way he had helped me out with a few thugs. As we sat in the ally way getting to know each other he told me of his sister. He told me how he felt like that she was meant to be in a gang. Or at least meant to rule one, that she was always ready for a fight. And was cold towards others. I told him that it's possible and that he needed to teach you mercy" Bree told me.
       I felt a tear slip down my cheek "and he did" Bree says as I hug her tight "he did a great job. For the little time he had". "Can you all help me form a gang. I need to make a name for myself, a gang that is more family then danger to each other" I tell them and they all smile at me. "Of course Blur, you need time to rediscover yourself" said Cassie hugging me, we all then go into a group hug. "Just say goodbye and bring very few things Blur" said Silver, I nod my head understanding.

       "Hey Axel" I say going over to him "hey" he said standing up giving me a hug. He pulls back and sees that I have some important news for him just by my face. "What's wrong Blur" Axel asks me as we sit down on his bed with a few suitcases nearby. He is moving back to go help his pregnant girlfriend with their kid. "I have to go Axel, I have to rediscover myself and be come the person Jacob knew I would be" I tell Axel. "I understand B just... just be careful alright" Axel says hugging me tightly "I will" I say hugging him just as tight.

       I go up to Jake, Adam, and Cody next telling them the same thing I told Axel. Cody having a heard time excepting it, but he knew I needed this. After all I was finally free from Gabe.

       I said goodbye to the girls next, telling them once I had it set up they could join me. Of course they both jumped at that opportunity which still makes me laugh.

       I then FaceTime Raphael telling him I had to, and that I would come visit soon. Of course he was sad with losing contact with me for maybe a year at most. But I told him it would be worth it in the end, and he understood.

       Now I am standing on a cliff that over looks the town I have called home for my whole life. "You know you could stay" said Adam as he walks up beside me "I can't, I need to do this for myself... for Jacob" I tell Adam. Adam sighs turning to face me and I turn to face him "be safe while rediscovering yourself" said Adam. I smile and nod, I begin to walk away when Adam grabs my hand, he pulls me into him. He then kisses me on the lips, I am shocked at first not responding back to him.
       But I soon come to my senses kissing him back, we passionately make out for a few seconds. Then I back away Adam holds my hand until my slips out from his light grip, I then walk back to the road that leaves town. I hug everyone, one last time saying my goodbyes to them all. I then get into my truck with Max, I scratch behind his ear then start the truck.
       Everyone is waving and yelling bye as I pull off heading towards the town limits. After we pass the sign that says Leaving NewTrain, I turn my head for a second to Max. I then look out my rear view mirror to see Jacob and Grandma smiling at me. I smile too looking back ahead to the road. I then pet Max's head "Let's go make history Max" I tell him. Max barks in agreement with me; I then roll down the window letting him stick his head out.

       At the sign that says Leaving NewTrain Jacob and Grandma stand watching Blur go. "She is going to make history for sure" says Grandma "she has finally gotten revenge for us Grandma, we can now rest peacefully" said Jacob. "Who can rest peacefully when having a Granddaughter like that" said Grandma with pride making Jacob laugh as they disappear.

       I grab my sunglasses from the dash bored putting them on, I then smirk knowing Adventures was waiting for me. But know having my dark side and me combined I knew no matter what was coming. Wouldn't stand a chance for us.

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