Chapter 4 Mate Found

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I wake up to the loud beep beep of an alarm.

I scrunch up my face in distaste before it finally stops.

Then there's breath fanning my neck. And I'm, like, super ticklish.

"Annie, stop."

She continues doing it, and it sends shivers down my spine.

"Annie," I grumble and roll over. Then, she has the audacity to plop down on me. I know, right. Like, if you wanted me to do something, you didn't have to make me freakin' immobile. 

"An-nie..." I whine. "Are you for real? Duuuude. Get oooffff."

Bitch, that ain't Annabeth.

My eyes open immediately and are met with the gaze of none other than Kace.

"Get off!"

"I'm good."

Wait... "Why couldn't I smell you? You smell... different."

He shrugs.

"Tell me why-"

Ain't nothin' but a heart ache...

"Tell me why-"

Ain't nothing but a mistake.

Kace grins when he realizes that my wolf keeps interrupting me.

"Tell me why... Good. Tell me why you smell like Ann, then."

He jumps up and scratches the back of his neck. "I don't." Then he curses under his breath.

I sit up from my comfortable position from the floor, I guess, and cross my arms. "Oh, really?"

"Why the fuck would I smell like her? I already found my mate."

"Or did you? Did you just want to tell us that? Because, I believe, now, you found your mate."

"She's not my mate."

"Well, then, I'll go find her." She abandoned me last night. She ended up sleeping in her room.

"No, wait." He grabs my arm. I hear hesitation in his voice. "It was a prank."

"A prank?"

"Yeah, we were gonna prank you. It obviously worked. Ta-da!"

"Oh... Well, now, I just feel dumb."

He laughs, nervously.

He sucks at lying.

Tell me about it.

"Welp, I'm gonna go now..." he says, and spins around.

I moan when I get up, brushing myself off. Then I begin my trek upstairs. No way was that convincing. I think he slept with Annie. No, he definitely slept with her. Unless he just profusely rubbed himself against her in her sleep. But, that's just weird. I wouldn't put it past him. He's the type of guy to do that. I'm kidding. But you never know.

I bump into a wall. "Ow!" I rub my head.

"Am I really that hard?" 


"Move. I need to find Annabeth."

"Why?" He blocks me.

"Because I need to talk to her."

He moves again when I try to pass.

"Dude! Move! Honestly! I need to talk to my best friend. So, shut the fuck up and leave me alone! Just move!"

He throws his hands up in surrender, before leaving. But of course he has to mess up my hair and shove me.

"Damon! I will be the death of you some day!"

"That you will."

I grit my teeth, but continue down the hallway.

When I reach her door, I knock and walk in.

She sits up from her position, and I sit down on the edge of her bed. Her hair is disheveled, and she has clothes scattered on the floor. And you can't forget that she's covering herself up with the sheets.

I cross my arms. "Are you hooking up with my cousin's best friend?"

"Wh-what? N-no, no," she stutters.

I raise an eyebrow. I'm just about to say something about how he is clothed in her scent and her whole room smells like him, but I remember she doesn't know about all the werewolf drama. "Oh, really?"

"Please don't kill me?" She winces.

I pick up a pillow and smack her across the face.

Whoa, there, girl.

She deserved it.

"Are you dumb?!"

"What? We got carried away."

"That is just gross!"

I can smell Damon and Kace heading up the staircase. "You are disgusting." I pinch my nose and shake my head. "But, I do have a question."

She nods. "If it makes you happy."

"How was it?"

There you go, ma' dudes. Sorry it's short!

I'm kidding. I just needed an excuse to build up a little tension... 




"You're my best friend. He's my cousin's best friend. At least tell me it was good."

She mouths, "He's huge."

I snort. Perks of being a werewolf. But then it hits me. "Did you, um, like, when..."

Annie looks at me expectantly.

"Did you feel, like, tingles... when he touched you?"

She frowns. "That's an oddly specific question... Why?"

"I don't want to be the only one who's had that experience."

"With who, excuse me?"

"When I used to date Mike. I used to feel tingles on my skin. I dunno. Just wondering."

I fucking dumped that bastard's ass. I rejected him.

Thanks for the input, Aubrey. But, I was there.

Out of nowhere, she gets all giddy. "Yeah..."

Well, somebody's got a mate. "Okay. I'm not the only one."

I'm trying to make it look like I'm relieved, but I'm not. Kace is her mate. She was never supposed to find out about these things.

And as if on cue, Kace walks in. 

Stop talking about me, he says through the pack link.

Well, I found out what I wanted to, didn't I?

He tries to hide the blush that creeps up his neck when Annie and his eyes meet.

"Okay, love birds. I got my information," I say. Just as I'm walking past Kace, I whisper, "Don't you dare fucking hurt her. Because I know that she wouldn't be the first girl you hurt."

He gulps, but then says through the link, Well, you can't kill me for last night, then.

Aubrey chips in, I'm surprised we didn't wake up from her screaming.

I ignore her and glare at Kace. He swallows nervously. He can say that again to the dirt.

After that fiasco, I make my way to my bedroom, and open my door, to be overwhelmed by my mate's scent.

I gulp at the open window.

He's here.

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