Chapter 14 Chained

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I have asked and asked repeatedly to go home. But the answer is always no. It's been two days since the case: Seduce Jack. It was actually really easy. After I left, Jack dragged me to his room. But, I made an escape. I jumped out his window. Yes, I did. Please be proud of me. I used all my might to lift the window and jump. And I started to run. But, of course, Aubrey blocked me out. So, I ran, like, normal speed. Well, actually, I crawled because I hurt my leg. So, whoo hoo! Jack soon followed, really pissed. And I got dragged back into his bedroom.

He said you can run, but can't hide. When are you going to learn?

Never. I will never learn. I will always try to escape. He can be a dumbass for all I care. But, one day, before I'm forced to mate with him, I'll make an escape.

Sure... you will...

That's my master plan. My scheme. And I, Ellana Pines...

It's Vines, Douchebag. Your last name is Vines.

Right. I'm a little drugged right now. I, Ellana Vines, won't stop until I get my way. Not even for a single second. No, I will fight to the end. Then breathe. I'll need to breathe. But then, I will stand on Jack's carcass with my sword high in the air-

Girl. There's no way you're killing him in human form. He's an alpha. He's born with power.

Fine then. I will slaughter him in my wolf form!

That, you will.

And before I kill him, he will beg for me to spare his life. But, no, I will not-

The white door opens and my knight-in-shining-armour appears before me. Note the sarcasm.

And I smile for one reason. He's a dead man walking.

He nods at me before sitting down beside the hospital bed. "How's the broken leg?"

He thinks he's funny.

"Great. Aubrey is really workin' hard to fix it!" Whoa... sudden mood swing. Wait, aren't they all sudden?


Anyway. Mood swings show I'm lying. But... he doesn't know that...

He nods and looks everywhere except me.

"Why can't I contact my old pack?"

He inhales sharply. "B-Because... you're in my pack land. You have no access to other packs while here. Only if you're on the other side of the border."

"Shit!" I clear my throat when I startle him. "I mean, oh, okay."

Jack just glares at me. "Tell your mutt to finish healing your leg. Training starts tomorrow at 6."

I gawk at him from the bed and he walks out, passing the doctor.

I'm not a fucking mutt! Tell him to take that back! Shift! Shift! That dumbass shithead will regret what he just said! How dare he have the audacity to say that?!

I slow my breathing with the intentions of cooling Aubrey down. He's a jerk, yes. But that doesn't mean we can just prance up to him and murder him.

You were just saying that a minute ago!

I look up at the doctor. Seeing that Aubrey has sped up the process, I stand from the hospital bed.

"Luna, I would prefer-"

I growl at him. One, for calling me Luna. Two, for telling me what to do.

He shows me his neck.

"Take it off." I motion to the cast.

"Luna, I'm afraid-"

I growl at him once more.

His next words are rushed. "Yes, of course. I just need my saw. Please sit."

Doctor Oh Boy grabs his things, and starts taking my cast off.

My skin I still tender and has a tint of pink, but other then that, it's pretty good.

"Thank you. Do not tell Alpha Jack I left. If he knows, he'll come after me. Just wait for him to come here."

And with that, I barge out the door, leaving it to slam. People of all ages watch me walk down the hallway.

I flip the bird at some guys who decide it's okay to check me out.

And then when I'm about to walk out, he walks in.

We stare at each other for a little, before he realizes what's happening, and frowns. 

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing." I cross my arms.

"It's obviously not nothing." He takes my arm and leads me through the doors, closing them behind him, even though they're automatic. "I'll ask again. What are you doing?"

"Well, I'm breathing, thinking, speaking, blinking-"

"Ellana! I'm serious. Don't make me repeat myself."

"Do it. I dare you."

He rolls his head back to crack his neck, then faces me again. "Go to my place."

I scoff. "No."

"Oh? Or would you rather me drag you?"

"I would rather go home, then come back and burn your house down, then murder you."

"I guess we don't always get what we want, then."

"No, we don't."

"That doesn't mean you can't listen to me. Go to my house."

"No." I cross my arms. "Make me."

So, now I'm tied to the bed post with a chain that only let's me venture three feet. 

This is it. I'm done for. I'm doomed...

You are not doomed. I'm here, remember?

I suddenly find the strength surging through my veins. I yank my arm, but instead of breaking the chain, I bend the post.


The bed groans every time I attempt my escape.

"Fred!" I yell at the top of my lungs. I'm not a part of the pack, so I don't have the mind links. "Frederick! Get up here!"

I hear somebody thumping up the staircase, but I don't know who.

But, of course it just ends up being Fred, the one whom I screamed for.

"Yes, Lu- Ellana?"

"It took you forever!

"I apologize."

"It's fine. Just... Help me, please."

"Yes, of course." Fred rushes to my side and unlocks the chains.

"You had a key all along?!"

"Yes, well..."


"Master Jack told me not to use the key unless one of higher authority told me to."

I growl. "Thanks, Fred. You can go do whatever you want now." He leaves, and I rub my wrist. I then grit my teeth. "And, thank you, Master Jack."

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