Chapter 52 Where's My Pack?

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Happy Valentine's Day!


I watch as her figure disappears around the corner. Good luck to you, Alisha. The woods aren't a place for young girls like you.

I sigh, turning around, and walk down the street. Apparently I'm twenty minutes away from my pack. I could easily make it there... if I could shift...


My pack was left there, by themselves...

I slap my forehead. I'm so fucking stupid. It didn't even cross my mind. Me being an alpha, I should've thought of that, but my stupid ass was only thinking of my mate's safety.

I don't know if I can shift, but I will take the chance.

I run behind a building, then take off my pants, before shifting right there, on the outskirts of a city, where any onlooker can see me.

I pick up my pants in my mouth, then run off towards the tree line, heading straight for my pack that I definitely did not abandon. Hopefully my betas are there.

When I reach my house, everything looks abandoned and empty. It sends chills down my spine. Nobody is here. They're all gone. I left them, and they deserted me.

Panic rises within me. Either my senses are gone, or they are.

I spin in a couple circles, before accepting deafest and heading into my house.

I don't blame them, really. I left them. They had the right to leave. I was being selfish and not putting my pack first along with my family. I check around a couple corners in my house before entering the kitchen. I am starved.

My heart drops into my stomach when I open the fridge, then shoots up too fast. I double over, and retch on the floor beside my foot. The food is spoiled. Great.

"Well, now I have nothing the fucking live for," I tell myself. Wait. I attempt to open the bond between me and Ellana. I want to see her again. God knows I've seen a fake Ellana for too long.

I leave my house, meandering over to the first training area.

My breath hitches in my throat when I see a figure back by the third pack house.

The overwhelming feeling that somebody could be scouting to take over my land places a finger on the trigger I'm hoping not to pull.

Either be the hunter, or the hunted, Accalia whispers in my mind, as if he's right beside me.

I shudder randomly, causing my right arm to spaz. I glance at it. then bring my hand up to my face.

The place where my ring finger used to be is now black and clotted with blood. 

I sniff the air. No scent. The wind is moving away from me. I growl in frustration, then rip the scab off my hand, holding my hand above my head.

It takes a few seconds before the figure turns my way.

He either turned at the right moment, or he's a werewolf. I can't smell him, let alone see him clearly.

The person runs off beyond the tree line, and I sink to my knees, water leaving my eyes.

I choke on a sob, embarrassed at myself for crying like a baby, even though nobody is here. My mate is still out there, and I don't know where. I know she is not dead, because I haven't felt any pain besides the silver, wolfsbane, and foxglove. If she is dead, I'm sure I would've woken up from the pain.

I let my eyes wander over the long grass. 

When I see something from my peripheral vision, my first instinct is to act upon it, but I decide to just sit here like a two year old having a fit. I don't care, anymore. I don't know where anybody is. They're better off without me, anyway. I caused them pain in the past, and I know I will now.

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