Chapter 28 A Week

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I stomp over to Jack. "¡Jaja! ¡Toma eso! ¡Se un poco de español! ¡¿Me entiendes ahora?!" (Haha! Take that! I know some Spanish! Can you understand me now?!) He doesn't know how long it took me to memorize that. I swear to the Moon Goddess, if he knows Spanish, too, I'm gonna kill myself. I don't promise myself that, though, because there's a 60% chance he does.

"Sé muchos idiomas, y el español es uno de ellos. Buen intento, sin embargo. ¿Cuánto tiempo te llevó aprenderlo?" he grins. (I know many languages, and Spanish is one of them. Good try, though. How long did it take you to learn it?)

There's all the sudden a sinking feeling in my stomach. No way.

"Oh, ya veo, ahora. En realidad no sabes español, ¿verdad?" (Oh, I see, now. You don't actually know Spanish, do you?)

"Okay, seriously. What's a language you don't know?"

"Guess you'll have to find out."



"Ok, que dites-vous du français?" (Okay, how about French?)

"Tout le monde connaît le français, Ellana." (Everybody knows French, Ellana.)



"Могу поспорить, вы не можете говорить по-русски." (I bet you can't speak Russian.)

"Хорошая попытка, моя роза. Но я могу. Вам нужно попробовать что-то сложное."(Good try, my rose. But, I can. You need to try something challenging.)



"Parli questa lingua?" (Do you speak this language?)

"Sì bellissimo. Lo voglio." (Yes, beautiful. I do.)



"Quid de latine?" (What about Latin?)

"Scilicet ego ago, Filia Reginae. Latinam in schola exigentiam est."(Of course I do, Princess. Latin is a requirement in school.)



"Nilipata hii. Hauongei hii." (I got this one. You don't speak this.)

"Kiswahili? Naona haujakata tamaa, bado."(Swahili? I see you haven't given up, yet.)



"Et gëtt kee Wee Dir dëst wësst." (There's no way you know this.)

"Dës Sprooch ass wéi Däitsch a Franséisch. E bësse Hollänner, vläicht. Jo, ech weess et." (This language is like German and French. A little Dutch, maybe. Yes, I do know it.)



"He's impossible." I flop down on the couch.

Shane raises his right eyebrow.

"Jack, I mean. He speaks so many languages. It's not fair. I've been trying for a week!"

Shane smirks. "A week, huh? I haven't really seen him for a couple weeks, really. I mean, I did. But, not often."

"I just want to find a language he doesn't speak. He won't tell me."

"Well, he does know quite a few. Didn't find his weakness, I'm taking it?"

I groan and close my eyes. "I just want to prove to him that I can speak a language he can't."

"I know a man."

I shoot up. "Really?!"

"Well, you do, too," he chuckles. "Do you want to know who he is?"

"Well, yeah, I do!"

"Okay, then. Come over here. Come sit, again."

I quickly recover.

"Good. He goes by Fred."

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