Chapter 19 At Least Shane Knows ASL

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Tyler and Shane open up the infirmary door, sending a cool draft on it's way to freezing me.

Jack rubs my arm soothingly. "Hey."

They both slightly turn their heads to show their necks. 

"Oh, she's still alive." This is Shane.

Tyler snorts. "Don't say that, she might think you don't want to see her." He smiles at Shane. 

Jack growls. "Don't disrespect your Luna."

Tyler butts in, "How is she?" He nods in my direction.

"She's fine. But she can barely speak." Jack smiles down at me.

I sign water.

Jack raises an eyebrow, but Shane says, "Oh, I learned ASL. She would like some water."

Jack frowns. "You can't have water, Meine Liebe." (My love.)

I sign for chap stick, which actually turns out to be lip stick.

"Lip stick?"

I nod at Shane.

Tyler rummages through his backpack. pulling out a tube of chap stick.

I sign a thank you.

"That means thanks."

Tyler nods when I hand him back the tube.

"So you can't speak at all?" he asks.

I shake my head and try to swallow some spit. My voice comes out hoarse and is very painful. "A... Little."

Jack strokes my hair. "Don't try to speak, sehr geehrter. Your throat will heal faster if you stay quiet." (dear)

The next person to walk in is a random stranger in black. He stops in his tracks. "Hold on, you're supposed to be dead."

"Yeah, well, it didn't stick," Jack says. "Goodbye, Brent."

I look up at Jack when the guy leaves. 

He mumbles under his breath, "My stupid omega." Then he raises his voice. "Which one of you told him?"

They both shrug and avoid any eye contact. 

"What one of you told him she died?"

They start slowly backing away towards the door.

"What the fuck?! Come back here!"

Then they charge for the door, and are gone.

Jack sighs and rubs his hand over his face.

I snuggle into his side deeper, and I just want to sleep.

It doesn't even click until now that I'm no longer at my old pack's hospital.

As if reading my thoughts, Jack adds, "We moved you here when you fell asleep. This way I can keep an eye on you and take care of my pack at the same time. And that doctor," he says under his breath. If it weren't for my powerful senses, I wouldn't have heard him.

I double tap him and knit my eyebrows in confusion.

"I took care of Doctor Douche. He gave you a needle to kill Aubrey. Dammit, I should've asked what it was for."

I motion to my throat.

"I can't give you water, Ellana. You know that."

I shake my head. This is taking too much energy. I sit up and make an effort to make it look like I'm writing something down.

"Colouring? Uh... what? Scratching? I don't even wanna guess what that means. Oh!" He grabs a pen from the desk and next is the clipboard at the end of the bed. He hands them to me, all the while grinning. He bites his tongue in anticipation whilst watching me write down the words.

Where is the doctor?

"Doctor Douche is in the chambers. Where he belongs."

Did anyone else know what he was doing?

"The nurses all said nobody knew. But, guess what? I'm getting a new doctor, soon."

I don't feel safe.

He sighs. "I know. I'm sorry. I should've known what he was up to... But, it doesn't matter. You're with me. You're safe. Now, you need to get some sleep!"

He pries the board from my hands along with the pen. 

I somehow manage to growl and try to grab it.

He growls right back at me. "No. You need rest. Your body is healing."

I roll my eyes, but lay back down, anyway. It's not like I can run away.

"Good night, Prinzessin," he mumbles. He rubs my back again. (Princess)

Before I know it, the world of dreams has taken over.

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